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King Solomon's LOST Treasures of Gold & Copper

Unexplained Treasure

By Nashawn ManzanoPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

In the deserts of Southern Israel lies a rugged district

that is known as the Timna Valley.

Today, this region is known for its remarkably molded sandstone glyphs.

Yet, over a long time back, the Timna Valley was the site of a tremendous organization of copper mines.

In the Timna Valley, mining action had occurred

for a significant length of time.

Also, the greater part of the mining activities occurred underground.

The most profound is around 115 feet.

They would cut in the ground roundabout shafts,

furthermore, going down that shaft... they would cut advances

into the side of the shaft.

What's more, they would burrow long, on a level plane,

where they would separate the copper

furthermore, take it back up to the surface.

Lately, the Timna mines certainly stand out

since there are the people who accept

that covered underground in one of these profound passages,

is the unbelievable buried treasure

of the scriptural Lord Solomon

In the Hebrew Scriptures of the Holy book,

It is portrayed as an honorable to Lord Solomon

what's more, shrewd leader of Israel.

History specialists accept that Solomon was a genuine individual,

who lived in the tenth century B.C.

Ruler Solomon is a captivating figure,

since the Good book makes such countless cases about him,

controlling tremendous measures of an area.

As per the Good book, Solomon extended antiquated Israel extensively.

From the Euphrates Stream in the north,

the whole way to the Waterway of Egypt.

Thus, significantly more extensive, uh, domain.

The Book of scriptures likewise depicts Solomon

controlling immense measures of abundance.

Solomon chooses to construct a sanctuary in Jerusalem.

The sanctuary turns into the home of God. Also, he was so dedicated

to having the best sanctuary in the district...

that he really imports the best materials

to construct this sanctuary.

As per the Holy book, Solomon's sanctuary was fabricated

from the best limestone and cedar wood.

Inside, the walls were overlaid with unadulterated gold.

What's more, Solomon decorated the sanctuary

with objects made from copper,

which was likewise a valuable metal at that point.

Lord Solomon managed Israel for quite some time

prior to passing on in 931 B.C.

Upon his demise, Solomon allegedly abandoned

a tremendous measure of gold

furthermore, other wealth in his sublime sanctuary.

However at that point, in 586 B.C.,

the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem...

furthermore, terminated Solomon's sanctuary.

At the point when the sanctuary of Solomon

was annihilated in 586 B.C.,

all the sanctuary treasures

were lost to history.

And the antiquated legend says

that Solomon's fortunes were removed from Jerusalem...

also, covered.

There are the individuals who trust that

the fortunes, are right up to the present day, actually covered up.

For quite a long time, the legend of Lord Solomon's buried fortune

has been a wellspring of interest and secret.

In 1885, the story was presented to a more extensive crowd

at the point when creator H.R. Rough

composed his well known novel, Ruler Solomon's Mines,

which conjectured that Solomon's fortunes

were concealed somewhere down in an underground mining tunnel.

Be that as it may, assuming that there is a reality to this legend...

then, at that point, where is Top dog Solomon's fortune covered?

For some's purposes, the most probable area

is the Timna mines. The Timna Valley is found

not in excess of 150 miles from Jerusalem.

In this way, we're discussing closeness.

At Timna, there are 10,000 mining tunnels,

perhaps more.

As, it's simple for individuals to sort of say,

"There should be an association."

Over the most recent quite a few years,

various specialists have attempted to demonstrate

that the Timna mines are as a matter of fact, the concealing spot

of Ruler Solomon's buried fortunes.

A portion of the principal proof on the side of this hypothesis

was found by a classicist named Nelson Glueck,

who directed a progression of unearthings at Timna during the 1930s.

Nelson Glueck made a tremendous report of the copper mines,

the refining works, and furthermore the camps of those that were there.

And what he tracked down under the ground

was earthenware dating from the ninth to tenth century B.C.

Also, this was the specific time span of the rule of Lord Solomon.

Thus, for Nelson Glueck, he felt that he had found proof

of Solomon's Mines.


About the Creator

Nashawn Manzano

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  • Test7 months ago

    Very creative and powerful Nahshon. Well done!

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