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How the dinosaurs became extinct

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By Anton Published 12 months ago 4 min read
Asteroid impact

The extinction of the dinosaurs, also known as the K-T event, occurred about 65.5 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period. This event led to the mass extinction of not only the dinosaurs, but also many other life forms on Earth.

There are several theories about the cause of the dinosaur extinction, but the most widely accepted is the so-called Chicxulub impact theory. This theory states that a huge asteroid or comet about 10 kilometers in diameter struck Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. The impact had catastrophic consequences for the Earth.

The impact of the asteroid released enormous amounts of energy and caused a gigantic explosion. Huge fireballs were formed, which immediately set the surrounding vegetation on fire. At the same time, a huge amount of rock material was ejected into the atmosphere, causing severe forest fires all over the world.

In addition, a large amount of dust and ash was ejected into the atmosphere. These particles blocked sunlight and caused a drastic drop in the average global temperature. This climate change had devastating effects on Earth's ecosystems.

The lack of sunshine led to a dramatic decrease in photosynthesis in plants, causing food chains to collapse. Herbivorous dinosaurs did not have enough food to survive, and as a result, carnivorous dinosaurs also became extinct as they were deprived of food.

In addition, the asteroid impact had other devastating effects. The explosion ejected huge amounts of rock material from the crust of the Earth and catapulted it into the atmosphere. These rock particles fell back to the Earth's surface as glowing projectiles, causing massive fires and earthquakes worldwide.

It is estimated that the impact released the energy of several billion atomic bombs. The earthquake was so powerful that it caused huge tsunamis that flooded coastal regions and caused further damage. The atmosphere was filled with toxic gases that affected air quality and made it difficult for many organisms to survive.

However, the K-T event also had positive effects on the evolution of life. The mass extinction allowed other life forms, such as mammals and birds, to evolve and eventually become the dominant species on Earth. This evolutionary change laid the foundation for the formation of today's ecosystems.

Over the past few decades, scientists around the world have been gathering evidence for the Chicxulub impact theory. Crater structures consistent with an event of this magnitude have been discovered on the coast of Mexico. In addition, traces of elements such as iridium have been found in the rocks, indicating an extraterrestrial origin.

Overall, the extinction of the dinosaurs remains a fascinating chapter in Earth's history. Although the exact details of the K-T event are still being researched, evidence has shown that the asteroid impact played a key role in the extinction of the dinosaurs and caused massive changes on Earth that significantly affected the evolution of life. The K-T event also had an impact on the oceans. The asteroid impact resulted in the release of large amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide, which led to ocean acidification. This had negative consequences for marine organisms such as corals and shellfish, which are sensitive to changes in pH.

The mass extinction of dinosaurs allowed other animal groups, such as mammals, to diversify and occupy new ecological niches. Small mammals that had previously lived in the shadow of the dinosaurs were now able to reproduce and develop new habitats. Over time, these small mammals evolved into various forms and species that eventually led to the mammalian species we know today, including humans.

The extinction of the dinosaurs also had an impact on the plant kingdom. With the decline of plant-eating dinosaurs, plants had the opportunity to develop freely without being decimated by the large herbivores. This change led to the emergence of new plant groups and a diversification of the flora.

Another theory on the extinction of the dinosaurs deals with volcanic activity as a possible cause. It is thought that massive volcanic eruptions in what is now the Deccan Trapps of India may have played a role in the extinction of the dinosaurs. These volcanic eruptions resulted in a massive release of gases and ash into the atmosphere, leading to effects similar to the Chicxulub impact - global cooling and blocking of sunlight.

However, it is important to note that volcanic activity likely played a secondary role and the K-T event was ultimately triggered by the asteroid impact. Scientists continue to work to understand the precise relationships between these two events.

In recent years, advances in the fields of geology, astronomy, and paleontology have helped deepen our understanding of the extinction of the dinosaurs. New discoveries, such as evidence of microorganisms that may have survived the asteroid impact, provide further insight.

Overall, the extinction of the dinosaurs ushered in a new chapter in Earth's history. It was a drastic event that dramatically changed life on our planet. The mass extinction gave other animal groups the opportunity to evolve and take over the role of the dinosaurs as the dominant land animals. This laid the foundation for the emergence and evolution of today's biodiversity, including humans.

Accurately reconstructing what happened 65.5 million years ago remains an exciting task for science, but the findings so far have helped us better understand the puzzle of the dinosaur extinction and appreciate our own position in the history of life on Earth.


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