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How Prostitutes in the 1800s Prevented Pregnancy?

A Historical Perspective

By Exotic HistoryPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Woman playing musical instrument with two men

In the 1800s, life was markedly different from what we know today. Among the myriad challenges faced by women during that era, one of the most pressing was the need to prevent unwanted pregnancies. For women engaged in the profession of prostitution, this challenge was even more critical, as their livelihoods and well-being often depended on their ability to control their reproductive health. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing methods and practices that prostitutes in the 1800s used to prevent pregnancy.

The World of 19th-Century Prostitution

In the 19th century, prostitution was a prevalent and controversial occupation. Women engaged in this profession faced numerous societal challenges, including the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and the constant struggle to avoid unwanted pregnancies. To understand how these women coped with the latter issue, we must explore the methods they employed.

Barrier Methods: Primitive Yet Effective

The Condoms of the 1800s

During the 1800s, condoms were made of materials such as animal intestine and rubber. While these early condoms were less reliable than modern ones, they offered some degree of protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Herbal Remedies and Folk Wisdom

The Use of Herbal Concoctions

Prostitutes often turned to herbal remedies to prevent pregnancy. Common herbs like pennyroyal and tansy were believed to have contraceptive properties. However, the effectiveness of these remedies varied, and their usage came with risks.

Extreme Measures: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Self-Induced Abortions

In dire circumstances, some prostitutes resorted to self-induced abortions. These risky and often life-threatening procedures involved the use of sharp objects or toxic substances, reflecting the desperate measures taken to avoid pregnancy.

Toxic Solutions

Desperation sometimes led prostitutes to extreme measures, including the use of toxic substances like lead-based spermicides. These dangerous concoctions not only posed a threat to pregnancy but also to the women's health.

The Role of Superstition

Rituals and Superstitions

In an era where scientific knowledge about contraception was limited, superstitions and rituals played a role. Some prostitutes believed that specific rituals or chants could prevent pregnancy, showcasing the extent to which women were willing to go to control their reproductive destinies.

The Broader Social Context

Understanding how prostitutes prevented pregnancy in the 1800s is essential, as it sheds light on the broader context of women's struggles for reproductive autonomy during this period. While these methods may seem primitive by today's standards, they reflect the resourcefulness and determination of women who faced significant societal challenges.


In the 1800s, prostitutes faced numerous hardships, including the need to prevent pregnancy. Their methods, while often rudimentary and risky, highlight the lengths to which women went to exert control over their reproductive lives. As we reflect on this historical perspective, we gain a deeper appreciation for the ongoing struggle for women's reproductive autonomy.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Were all prostitutes in the 1800s engaged in the profession willingly?

No, many women in the 1800s entered prostitution due to economic necessity or coercion, rather than by choice.

2. Did the methods used by prostitutes in the 1800s to prevent pregnancy always work?

No, these methods were often unreliable and carried significant risks, both in terms of pregnancy and health.

3. Were there any organized efforts to provide contraception to prostitutes in the 1800s?

No, organized efforts to provide contraception and sexual health education were limited during this era.

4. How has contraception evolved since the 1800s?

Contraception has come a long way since the 1800s, with the development of modern, safe, and effective methods of birth control.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 7 months ago

    Fascinating! Well written 🤑

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