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History of computer

Computer PC

By Sivaraman MPublished 3 months ago 2 min read
History of computer
Photo by bert b on Unsplash

A fascinating journey spanning centuries, the history of computers is replete with innumerable inventions, developments, and breakthroughs.

Early Calculating Instruments: Antikythera Mechanism and Abacus The abacus is among the oldest known calculators, having been created in 2400 BC.
A Greek analog computer known as the Antikythera Mechanism dates to approximately 100 BC. It was designed to forecast eclipses and astronomical locations.

Calculators that are mechanical:
Blaise Pascal created the Pascaline, a mechanical calculator with addition and subtraction functions, in the 17th century.
The stepped reckoner, invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, was capable of executing all four arithmetic operations.

Charles Babbage and the Analytical Engine:Charles Babbage developed the Analytical Engine in the 1800s, which is regarded as the forerunner of contemporary computers. Its purpose was to be programmable.

Computerized Tabulators and Herman Hollerith:Herman Hollerith created tabulating machines in the late 19th century, primarily for the US Census, that processed data using punched cards.
Later on, Hollerith's business changed to become IBM.
Computers with electromechanical components:

Electromechanical computers, such as the Harvard Mark I and Colossus, were created for computation and codebreaking during World War II.
One of the earliest electronic general-purpose computers was the 1945 completion of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, or ENIAC.

Circuits Integrated Using Transistors:John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley revolutionized computing in 1947 when they invented the transistor, which allowed for the development of smaller, quicker, and more dependable computers in place of cumbersome vacuum tubes.
The current computer era was made possible by integrated circuits, which were invented in the late 1950s and further shrunk electrical components.
Personal computers and microprocessors:The 1971 development of the microprocessor by Intel paved the way for the production of small, reasonably priced computers.
The personal computer revolution started in 1976 with the release of the Apple I and the Altair 8800 in 1975 and 1976, respectively.

Developments in Networking and Software:
Computers became more user-friendly with the introduction of operating systems like UNIX, MS-DOS, and finally Windows.
The internet was made possible with the development of ARPANET in the late 1960s, and it has since revolutionized communication and information sharing on a global scale.

IBM PC: When IBM introduces the IBM Personal Computer (IBM PC), it sets the standard for personal computing, resulting in a broad user base and the dominance of Microsoft's MS-DOS operating system.

IBM Watson: In a game of Jeopardy!, IBM's supercomputer Watson outwits human champions, demonstrating the promise of cognitive computing and artificial intelligence.

Linux: The open-source operating system kernel developed by Linus Torvalds serves as the basis for a large number of contemporary servers, embedded systems, and operating systems.

ARPANET: The US Department of Defense creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), which serves as the backbone of the contemporary internet.

The Internet of Things with Mobile Computing:
The way individuals interact with computers and obtain information has changed in the twenty-first century due to the widespread availability of internet connectivity and the rise of smartphones and tablets.

Internet Age and Mobile Computing: The late 20th century saw the development of the internet and mobile devices, which revolutionized accessibility to computing, communication, and information.

Quantum computing with artificial intelligence:Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computing have all advanced quickly in recent decades, opening up new possibilities for computing power and use cases.This summary focuses on significant turning points in the development of computers, from the earliest calculators to the most advanced models available today.


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