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The most mysterious and mysterious places of the planet, about which almost nothing is known, the most forbidden places of the Earth, where no ordinary person can not get: the secret base Kapustin Yar, UFO base, Area 51, snake island, the Vatican vaults

By Vitalii PetrovPublished 5 days ago 7 min read

As strange as it may seem, there are still many places on our planet that can rightfully be called forbidden for ordinary mortals. Many of these places hold secrets that may never be fully revealed. Here are five of the most forbidden places on the planet.

Practically nothing is known about this object, and it is impossible for an ordinary person to get there. Therefore, the Scientology vault is rightfully considered one of the most forbidden objects on the planet. The Church of Scientology is a radical church that literally describes the interaction of the human spirit with the universe. This church built a mysterious structure in New Mexico at a depth of many hundreds of meters, where documents of particular significance to Scientologists are likely stored. According to anonymous witnesses who have been there, the underground structure is guarded by two giant doors weighing several tons each. It is believed that the walls of the structure are 1.5 km thick and can withstand a hydrogen bomb explosion.

Not long ago, photographs of this object were taken, showing two intersecting circles. It is known that each circle with a diamond inside is considered a trademark of the Church of Scientology, and nearby is a building where, judging by appearances, no one lives. It is likely the entrance to the vault. One of the followers of the teachings stated that the vault was built in the 1980s, costing millions of dollars. It has been established that behind the three blocks of the building in the rock, there are tunnels hundreds of meters deep. Underground, in titanium boxes, golden discs inscribed with the words of the founder of the teachings, Ron Hubbard, are stored, which are the main value for Scientologists. It is also believed that only representatives of the church's upper echelon can enter the vault. However, all this information is not officially confirmed, and it is impossible to enter and find out for oneself. Interestingly, the object is also called a temple for aliens, which indirectly indicates some connection with representatives of other worlds. At least, this connection is believed by the Scientologists themselves. What do you think about such teachings?

The next secret object is located in Russia and, according to many independent researchers, hides artifacts that prove we are not alone. This is the Kapustin Yar military range. In 1946, in the northwestern part of the Astrakhan region, the Soviet military was allocated a vast tract of land for missile testing. The developments were the newest, one might say revolutionary, and it is not surprising that from the early years of its existence, the object was surrounded by an aura of secrecy and was guarded at the highest level. But what do we have in fact? The range is completely closed to ordinary people, and even military personnel need a pass to enter. Officially, this is explained by the special significance of the object and the fact that eleven nuclear explosions have been conducted on its territory since the 1950s. Moreover, in 1979, the construction of bunker 754 began, lasting 10 years. Officially, it was built as a site for testing missile warhead models and similar things. However, even according to official data, the scale of the bunker is impressive: it reaches a depth of up to 50 meters, with automobile and railway corridors leading underground. The actual size of the object remains unknown. On the surface, it looks like a low hill with vertical ventilation pipes. Obviously, not only can you not descend, but you can't even approach this object. According to researchers and ufologists, this bunker became the main Soviet repository of secret materials.

The most interesting information was obtained in the early 1990s, in the last months of the USSR's existence, when many secret archives ceased to be secret. The All-Union Ufology Association submitted a request to the Committee for State Security, asking for information on the authenticity of rumors about UFO-related artifacts stored at the range. Astonishingly, the KGB representatives not only responded but sent a so-called "blue packet" containing all the data on the artifacts stored at the range. For example, it was revealed that five trophy UFOs and even an ancient UFO excavated in October 1981 in Kazakhstan were stored in the bunker, among other things. However, visiting the range and the legendary bunker has always been out of the question. Even if we don't consider the ufologists' opinions, Kapustin Yar remains one of the most closed and classified places on the planet.

The Vatican Secret Archives are undoubtedly one of the most mysterious and forbidden places on Earth. The Papal archives represent an endless labyrinth of corridors hidden under the Cortile del Belvedere in the Vatican Museums, accessible only to a select few. Imagine 85 kilometers of shelves from floor to ceiling, literally crammed with historical documents. The archive supposedly contains tens of thousands of church documents dating back to the 7th century, as well as the most unique historical documents, books, and folios. But what is the problem? Limited access to the archives was opened back in 1881, but even here, it is not so simple. Access is granted with the personal permission of the Pope and is usually only given to the most distinguished, typically Catholic, scholars who can confirm their professional degree and the importance of their research. Furthermore, you cannot view just any documents; an approved scholar must specifically request a document by author and title. In other words, if you somehow gain access to the Vatican Archives, you must know exactly what you are looking for to get permission to read that document. Due to the lingering secrecy surrounding the archives, there is no real proof that the Vatican is not concealing unwanted materials from scholars. You cannot just take and study the archive, and there are quite reasonable assumptions that the archives may contain ancient texts and evidence that could refute the official church history.

The next secret object is possibly the most classified real place on Earth. In the middle of the Nevada desert lies a complex of structures belonging to the U.S. Air Force, known worldwide as Area 51. For a long time, officials gave no comments on this famous place, and only in 2013 did they officially acknowledge the existence of a special zone in those places, stating that new weapon systems were being tested there. But it is not so simple. Entering Area 51 unnoticed is nearly impossible. Anyone approaching within 40 km of the zone will be stopped by the military, fined $600, and sent back. If you try to get in bypassing the roads and checkpoints, you will likely fail as there are numerous hidden surveillance cameras, motion detectors, and other advanced monitoring systems.

Area 51 is of particular interest to ufologists due to numerous observations of incredible unidentified flying objects witnessed by hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Starting with the famous Roswell incident, many strange things have happened in Area 51, spawning numerous books and investigations. Summarizing, many ufologists and scientists believe that Area 51 houses the wreckage of alien spacecraft and conducts research and tests on ultra-modern flying machines using alien technology. Officially, the military does not speak of aliens but confirms that super-modern weapons and flying machines are tested in Area 51. The military cannot declassify these technologies for obvious reasons and do not intend to explain every UFO sighting, calling those who claim to have worked in Area 51 and seen alien technology or even aliens, mystifiers and lunatics.

Expeditions to the next island have been prohibited for nearly a century, and if anyone does visit it, it is only illegally. This is the famous Snake Island located off the coast of the Brazilian state of São Paulo, considered the most dangerous island on Earth. The reason is that the island is teeming with poisonous snakes, averaging two to three snakes per square meter, according to conservative estimates. The venom of the local inhabitants is so potent that survival on the island is simply impossible for a human. It is not surprising that only the most venomous snakes have survived on the island. The only source of food for the snakes are migratory birds, and the reptiles have to climb to the tops of trees to catch their prey. If not for the highly potent venom, most birds would simply fly away. The only human presence on the island is the local lighthouse built in the early 20th century. Initially, a keeper lived on the island with his family to maintain the lighthouse, but at some point, the lighthouse stopped sending signals. When a military ship was sent to investigate, the sailors found only the lifeless bodies of the family members near the forest and the lighthouse infested with thousands of snakes. The lighthouse was made automatic, and since then, the island has become completely uninhabited. By banning access to the most dangerous island on the planet, the Brazilian authorities nevertheless profit from it, as the island has become very popular among tourists. While tourists are not allowed on the island itself, guides take them by boat to a safe, close distance from the rocky shore, where they can observe huge clusters of snakes basking in the sun, literally covering the coastal rocks.


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    VPWritten by Vitalii Petrov

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