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Exploring the Intriguing Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Culture


By Jesus International outreach ministry Wisdom CentrePublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Exploring the Intriguing Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Culture
Photo by Tom Podmore on Unsplash

Egypt, a captivating vacation spot, is steeped in the mystique of an ancient world wonder - the Egyptian pyramids of Giza. The realm of ancient Egypt was marked by unconventional and extraordinary beliefs that pervaded all facets of life, including matters of intimacy. In this presentation, we delve into the peculiar sexual customs that characterized this enigmatic civilization. For those interested in further insights into diverse cultures' intimate lives, we encourage you to subscribe to our channel for similar videos.

Similar to other societies, the Egyptians held myths about the world's creation, attributing it to various gods. Among these tales, one stands out - a curious narrative reminiscent of Christian creation beliefs. In the beginning, the universe existed as an absolute void. While Christians believe in one Creator, the Egyptians attributed the world's origin to the sole living god, Atom, who, through a unique act, gave rise to twin deities. This myth laid the foundation for sexual rituals woven into ancient Egyptian culture.

These rituals often centered around masturbation, as the Egyptians viewed this act as a wellspring of creation and life. Their obsession with birth and creation led to various fertility narratives. For instance, Egyptian pharaohs engaged in ceremonial masturbation into the Nile, a symbol of vitality and fertility. The Nile's cyclical inundations mirrored the concept of offspring and seed, evoking notions of fertility and the emergence of new life.

Amidst these myths emerged another story laden with sexual undertones - the tale of Seth and Horus. This mythical duo, representing opposing forces, engaged in perpetual struggles that mirrored life's challenges for the Egyptians. Their contention extended to the throne's inheritance, mirroring the rivalry between Osiris' heirs. Within this narrative, unique power dynamics and themes of submission played out, highlighting the multifaceted nature of ancient Egyptian beliefs.

Contrary to later cultures' emphasis on virginity, the ancient Egyptians attached little significance to this concept. Premarital relationships were openly practiced without societal stigma, as long as they occurred between unmarried individuals. Yet, the sanctity of marriage held great importance, especially for women, who were regarded as sacred once wedded. Consequently, engaging in extramarital affairs carried severe moral and social consequences, including harsh penalties like whipping, mutilation, or even execution.

Marriage was only dissolvable under specific circumstances, such as childlessness or infidelity. The intriguing nature of Egyptian myths also encompassed masturbation. Their cosmology portrayed gods' creation through a unique act of self-pleasure, lending a divine quality to male self-indulgence. Pharaohs even performed ceremonial masturbation into the Nile, further blurring the lines between the sacred and the mundane.

While the Egyptians did not possess an extensive array of erotic imagery akin to later cultures, some did exist. The famous Turin Erotic Papyrus depicted a series of sexual vignettes, often engaging in bold and creative positions. Though possibly intended as satire, it offers insights into the ancient Egyptians' attitudes toward sexuality.

Homosexuality was accepted in ancient Egyptian culture, with dominant individuals holding higher societal positions. The myth of Seth and Horus exemplified this dynamic, reflecting power struggles within their relationship. Even incest, primarily among the royalty, was not uncommon. Marriages and intimate relations between parents and children were prevalent among prominent families, contributing to their consolidation of power.

The theme of necrophilia, though unsettling, played a role in Egyptian culture due to their intense focus on the afterlife. Some practices involved waiting before releasing the deceased to avoid embalmers' alleged sexual interactions with the bodies. This morbid aspect was even reflected in certain myths, adding to the intriguing complexities of ancient Egyptian beliefs.

Ancient Egyptians displayed remarkable ingenuity when it came to contraception. They utilized various methods, including condoms made from animal intestines, acacia gum, and even crocodile dung. These methods showcased their advanced understanding of birth control compared to other contemporaneous cultures.

Intriguingly, gender fluidity existed in ancient Egyptian culture. Gods and goddesses were often depicted with attributes of the opposite gender, reflecting their cyclical nature of existence. In this context, women were empowered to take on roles traditionally associated with men, further challenging societal norms.

While these ancient practices may seem unconventional, they reveal a civilization marked by unique beliefs and attitudes toward sexuality. The rich tapestry of Egyptian culture encompasses a spectrum of intimate customs that add depth to our understanding of this remarkable civilization.


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