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When a Girl Met the World

How a silly teenage show holds the secrets of life.

By Addie AveryPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Being a proud child of the 90’s and the glorious array of sitcoms that ensued, I always say with great pride that Boy Meets World is a classic and an all-time favorite. It’s easy to feel guilt free about defending one of the sitcom golden era’s most beloved shows. From the endearing, yet thought provoking episodes of Cory’s youth, to the later years that deal with some of life’s bigger problems with an endlessly hopeful and hilarious insight, the show was a household staple in many living rooms across the country. That pride, however, did not translate to my best kept secret guilty pleasure, of also falling in love with the sequel series; Girl Meets World.

The scene opened in a classroom, bringing back immediate nostalgia for the days of Mr. Feeny with Cory and Shawn running their classroom antics. However, the antics that ensued in Girl Meets World were far from filling that craving for the good old days. The over-the-top actions and dramatics screamed “cheap pre-teen show” and created a reality in which the kids seemingly ruled with no real consequences to their actions from the parents. To say I was disappointed in that first episode would be an understatement. Where was the perfect combination of wit and wiles that the writers had brought to the original series?

Despite my utter shock and feelings of misgivings after the first episode, I decided to continue watching it in a desperate, yet fairly unhopeful desire that somehow the show would magically get better. At the very least, I wanted to see how they would bring back characters from Boy Meets World and tie it into the newest setting about Cory and Topanga’s children and their friends. It was about halfway through the first season that I realized something magical was occurring; episode by episode, another layer of my judgement was peeled away so I could begin to see the show’s true beauty.

The antics were silly, the plotlines sometimes fluffy, but each and every member of the cast helped you explore one of the least frequently discussed topics in our society, understanding our own emotions. In a world where events are discussed, but rarely are we encouraged to follow the learning process through to how they impact us as human beings, Girl Meets World was a light in the darkness. And the best part was how much fun you have with them along the way.

From bullying, to first crushes, to discovering your identity and finding friends who accept you – this show took me on a ride back to all of my own awkward forays into the world during my youth. I found myself laughing at their antics more and more, and the moments of heartbreak were enough to make me shed a tear or two. The true beauty in it was each and every episode came with a takeaway thought that would stay with you throughout the day. The writers were attempting to go above and beyond their original scope; and for those who were able to see the goal for what it was, they succeeded.

Boy Meets World was designed to capture the realities of an average family and the hardships that occur every day that often get overlooked. It was a beautiful series of brushstrokes to compile a masterpiece that fully captured the present. Girl Meets World was their hopeful attempt to paint a picture of what the future could bring. Its brushstrokes consisted of deeper and broader colors that showed us what a healthy functioning exploration of ourselves and humanity could bring to the world; a society that would be filled to the brim with compassion, understanding and love.

So, while I don’t always advertise that one of my greatest guilty pleasures is a cancelled pre-teen Disney show, I will admit to you, dear readers, that whenever I am feeling drained and stumped by everyday events, I don’t hesitate to throw on the show that secretly embodies finding a brighter future.


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