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Traveling Through Time and Space to Find the Best TV Show For You

If you like Star Wars and Star Trek, then watch Doctor Who!

By Allison Schafer Published 3 years ago 14 min read
Traveling Through Time and Space to Find the Best TV Show For You
Photo by Dante Candal on Unsplash

As someone who loves to relax by watching TV, finding a show among all the current platforms isn’t that difficult. But, finding a show that piques my interest while also meeting all of my qualifications…let’s just say that’s more like trying to find an impossible answer in all of time and space. As a glorified “nerd” or “geek”—happily choose whichever you like—I love finding a TV show that has a little bit of everything, usually within the genre of fantasy and sci-fi.

When I think of one of my favorite shows of all time that encompasses everything I desire in a TV show, I think of Doctor Who.

If you’re anything like me and are a fan of classic Sci-fi films like Star Wars, Star Trek, the hit TV show Firefly, or just love British teli, Doctor Who might be the perfect show for you.

While I love sci-fi, I tend to feel a lack of emotion within those kinds of films. They are great fun, but they lack a deeper message, an underlying premise that hits my soul in a deep, resonate way. This is where Doctor Who does not fail. It holds the fun of watching a Star Wars or Star Trek film but gives the audience a wide range of emotions while focusing on important themes such as found families, the bond of friendship, and the power of an ordinary person.

Since this show spans out decades beginning in 1963 with 38 seasons under its belt, I am going to focus on the revamped version, which began in 2005-currently standing at 12 seasons.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the premise, let me explain.

Doctor who is a British sci-fi show about a Time Lord called “ The Doctor”, an extraterrestrial traveling across time and space in a spaceship called the TARDIS (stands for time and relative dimension in space) solving problems and battling injustice.

Doctor Who takes sci-fi concepts like Star Wars and Star Trek (time travel, different planets, and aliens) then warps it into something special and unique. Along with the obvious British humor apparent in every episode, this show is fun, different, and will make you laugh and cry.

In the show, The Doctor regenerates, which is just a fancy word for saying he can change his appearance and become someone new if he dies. This way, the creators of the show can bring new life to the character and a new set of cast every few seasons. So if you don’t like one Doctor, you might fall in love with the next.

I am going to do a deep dive in the past five Doctors, relating them to characters similar to those seen in Star Wars or Star Trek. Since there are so many seasons to riffle through, you have the opportunity to pick and choose depending on which characters from these films you prefer. If you love (Star Wars and said character) you might like this Doctor and his accompanying seasons. Or if you can’t stand (Star Trek and those characters) this Doctor and his seasons might not be your cup of tea.

Let’s begin with the man who started it all fifteen years ago…

Ninth Doctor: Played by Christopher Eccleston

Arguably, Eccleston is one of the fans least favorite Doctors. The show, at the time, was just starting out and getting its footings and unfortunately for Eccleston they just didn’t find it with him. It’s not that he’s a bad doctor, but he’s not great either.

For fans of the new Star Wars trilogy and moody/masked characters:

The ninth Doctor— having some of the usual humor we see when we meet The Doctor—uses his humor as a mask to cover up the sorrow and loneliness he feels. Occasionally allowing this mask to slip, we as an audience can see the mood changes, read the expressions clearly written on his face. This is where his joviality can become construed, giving us the hard man burdened by grief underneath.

Because of this I can only relate the ninth Doctor to Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. In the Star Wars films, Ben struggles with who he is, wearing a mask to conceal the face of a younger, confused man. Even though the ninth Doctor doesn’t wear a “mask” in the sense of putting something on his face, he works on keeping his features from giving any of his real feelings away. He keeps the pain from his past hidden from everyone around him, trying to move forward and be the person he wants to be instead of the person who is responsible for his pain and sorrow. Throughout the Star Wars trilogy we see Ben Solo struggle with these same feelings, wanting to run from the mistakes of his past, but ultimately having to face them in the end.

Not only that but, much like every Doctor, he has his own sense of style, which is an all black attire. The two couldn’t equate more to one another.

So if you’re someone who is a fan of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo’s journey and the new Star Wars trilogy, you might find you like the ninth Doctor. He’s only with the show for one season so his season is not as big of a commitment as the others.

Best Quotes by Ninth Doctor:

“ Rose, there's a man alive in the world who wasn't alive before. An ordinary man! That's the most important thing in creation! The whole world's different because he's alive!”

Best Episodes: Bad Wolf, Episode 12. The Dalek, Season 1 episode 6.

Tenth Doctor: Played by David Tennant

David Tennant’s Doctor is comparable to Han Solo. Why? Because much like Han when asked who fans favorite Doctor is, most will list Tennant at the top of their list (myself included).

For fans of the original Star Wars films and the witty heartthrob:

When we are first introduced to the tenth Doctor, we are immediately shown his humanity, something that drives his character far more than his previous selves. This Doctor is funny, a little quirky, and far more emotional than past Doctors. While these are the qualities most seen on screen by this Doctor, he also has a wrath to him that comes out when he’s backed into a corner or the people he loves are threatened.

In this way, I think he is like Han, both of them being the “ heartthrobs” and fan favorites of their universes. In the Star Wars universe we see Han as the handsome, fun pilot traversing the galaxy. He’s incredibly human in the sense he will put himself in danger in order to save the people he cares about, while also having this angry determination when it counts. The tenth Doctor is similar to this, showing his heart when he comes across someone he can’t save and the following anger that ensues when the cost is a life taken.

“ I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Is a familiar phrase fans are familiar with when thinking of this Doctor. He often apologizes to the people he unfortunately cannot save, showing how deeply he’s affected by their loss from the world. Being in tuned with his emotions allows us to appreciate and love him even more as a character.

Tennant’s Doctor is also known as “ the Doctor who regrets”. He regrets his past decisions—ones if you watch the show you’ll understand—and tries so hard to make up for them. Han is very similar to this because he’s also made a lot of mistakes in his past, but chooses to move forward and attempt at making up for them.

Not only is he the heartthrob of the Doctor Who universe, but Tennant’s seasons of Doctor Who have some of the best writing I’ve ever seen on TV. His seasons are fun, heart wrenching, and unique, expanding the galaxy in ways that feel very similar to a Star Wars film.

Best Quotes by Tenth Doctor:

“ People assume that time is a strict progression of cause and effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey…stuff.”

“ You want weapons? We’re in a library! Best weapons in the world!”

“ Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person.”

Tennant was given 3 unforgettable seasons of Doctor Who, filled with incredible world building and episodes that will make you laugh, cry, and contemplate the words said. Like all things in Doctor Who, everything is bitter sweet and Tennant’s seasons deliver some of the best moments in the Doctor Who universe.

Best Episodes: Doomsday, Season 2 Finale, Silence In The Library, Season 3 episode 4, Blink, season 3 episode 10. And the two part mid-finale The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End.

Eleventh doctor: Played by Matt Smith

When we are first introduced to Smith’s Doctor, we can immediately tell he differs from Tennant’s. After every Doctor regenerates, we get a new personality with them. Smith’s Doctor presents a fun, goofy side we have never seen before. Where Tennant’s Doctor was quirky and filled with rage, Smith’s Doctor has forgotten that anger and regret. The Eleventh Doctor is all about fun, letting go of the troubles of his past and focusing on what’s happening in his time line.

For Fans of the original Star Wars trilogy and the goofy and “uncool”:

I would compare Smith’s Doctor to R2D2 and C3PO. Between these two droids, we have humor, knowledge and bravery. These are the accompanying qualities of the eleventh Doctor. He’s the beloved, goofy doctor, lover of all things weird and making people laugh.

He harbors the humor of C3PO but the courage of R2. While Smith’s Doctor is fun and energetic, he has a serious side, like every Doctor. He’s not afraid of making the hard decisions and doing what’s necessary in order to save the worlds or galaxies.

What I love about Smith’s Doctor is that he’s more understanding than his past selves. More focused on the balance of life, the eleventh Doctor doesn’t act so much out of rage and anger, but wisdom in moving forward and he always does it with a smile on his face. Even though R2 is a droid, I can’t help but picture him saving the galaxy with a smile too.

Best Quotes By Eleventh Doctor:

" The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things, or make them unimportant. And we definitely added to his pile of good things."

“ In 900 yeas of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important.”

“ I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of impossible dreams.”

“ I’ll be a story in your head. That’s okay. We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one eh? ‘Cause it was you know. It was the best.”

Like Tennant, we are given 3 seasons with this Doctor and they are just as heart wrenching and shocking as everything in the Doctor Who universe.

Best Episodes: A Christmas Carol, Season 6 Christmas Special, A Good Man Goes To War, Season 6 episode 7, The Angels Take Manhattan, Season 7 episode 5, The Name of The Doctor, Season 7 episode 13.

Bonus Episode: The Day of The Doctor-50th Anniversary Special.

“ We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives and that’s okay. That’s good. You’ve got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day, I swear. I will always remember when the doctor was me.”

Twelfth Doctor: Played by Peter Capaldi

Capaldi’s Doctor came as a pretty big change. After getting eight years of young Doctors, the fans were given an older version of the Doctor, paying homage to the original series. Don’t let his face dissuade you though; Capaldi played the Twelfth Doctor with a casual coolness many couldn’t pull off.

For fans of Star Trek and the wise and grumpy:

Upon meeting the Twelfth Doctor it’s obvious he’s a new version of what we've come to know of the Doctor’s personalities. Giving off a somewhat grumpy look with "attack eyebrows", the Twelfth Doctor is calculative when staring in the face of danger. Because of this, I compare this Doctor to Spock from Star Trek.

Both characters can be cold and come off as “unfeeling”, especially when presented with a difficult situation. But, underneath all the lack of emotion on the outside, a deeper look will reveal both the Twelfth Doctor and Spock have emotional, empathetic sides to them, having love for the few people who’ve managed to puncture a hole in their otherwise hard heart.

Capaldi’s Doctor also has this vibe of the cool, wise old man. Much like Spock, Capaldi’s Doctor uses wisdom when dealing with a crisis and handling enemies, delivering some incredible lines from the series. One scene in particular showcases this wisdom in ways that cannot be conveyed on a page.

When I first saw this scene, I had to re-watch it because everything The Doctor says here is brilliantly written and articulated. It’s about loss and grief and bringing to light that the world isn’t fair and that’s just how it goes. The Doctor shows his knowledge of the world and along with that, is wise enough to forgive the person who caused so much pain. If that isn’t taking your emotions out of the equation then I don’t know what is.

Best Quote by Twenflth Doctor:

“Pain is a gift. Without the capacity for pain, we can’t feel the hurt we inflict.”

I couldn’t help but imagine Spock saying something similar. Using logic instead of emotions is the core of Capaldi’s Doctor and he shines through in his episodes.

Best Episodes: Dark Water and Death In Heaven, Season 8, both parts of finale. Last Christmas, Christmas Special, The Zygon Invasion Part 1&2, epsidoes 8&9, Face The Raven, Season 9 episode 10.

Thirteenth Doctor: Played by Jodie Whittaker

Back in 2017, the old writers of Doctor Who retired and a slew of new writers took up the mantle and brought a game changer to the show.

They made the Doctor a woman.

As a fan of the show, I was beyond excited. While women are represented in the show through the Doctors fierce, brave companions, it was a nice change to see The Doctor, who saves the world without wielding a weapon, as a woman.

For fans of the new Star Wars trilogy and the strong and confident:

The Thirteenth Doctor has been compared by fans to Tennant’s Doctor, since the two of them have a similar fun, quirky personality. But, where Wittaker’s Doctor differs from that of Tennant's is she has more child-like undertones. The Thirteenth Doctor encompasses this child-like sense of joy and wonder upon her adventures reminding me of another character experiencing the world: Rey.

In the new Star Wars trilogy, we are introduced to Rey as a lead female character, someone who’s experienced little of the world. When given the opportunity, we see Rey embrace the world around her and fight for the injustice in the galaxy.

Both of these characters also value family. We see Rey’s struggle with finding her family and the Thirteenth Doctor mirrors this, searching for her own race. Even though these two characters couldn’t be anymore different in their biology, they encompass the same qualities. Both are smart, confident, and take-charge.

Whittaker is still the current Doctor, but seeing as the show seems to regenerate a new Doctor every 3 seasons, fans speculate we will be getting a new one after this next season passes.

Best Quotes By Thirteenth Doctor:

“ It’s a work in progress, but so is life.”

“ I carry them (the Doctor’s family) with me, what they would have thought and said and done, made them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world, they’re never gone from me.”

Best Episodes: Demons of the Punjab, Season eleven episode 6. Spyfall Part 1&2.

While twelve seasons is a lot to contend with, I hope this article has provided some thought as to which Doctor you might like. Though, if you’re anything like me you’ll start at season 1 and learn to love each one and cry when you have to say goodbye to them.

This show has been my rock for a long time, having everything I love about a series in it. If you’re a sci-fi nerd like I am or love the characters in films like Star Wars and Star Trek, then you might enjoy Doctor Who. If not for the fact that it’s a show about love, family, friendship and an ordinary person being the most extraordinary being in all the universe, then hopefully you find love or comfort in the relation to your favorite sci-fi thrillers.

Me and the TARDIS


About the Creator

Allison Schafer

Harry Potter/Marvel/Disney enthusiest. Cat lover. World traveler. Book lover. Alway baking. Hopeless Romantic.

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