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The Young and the Restless: Fans brace for "Shick and Chey"

A growing number of viewers believe Nick will reunite with Sharon and Rey will turn to Chelsea.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The Young and the Restless: Fans want some action

The Young and the Restless has teased viewers with possible hook-ups for quite a while that have not come to pass. For at least two years Shaddam fans have been waiting for their favorite couple to reunite but each time they grew closer they have been pulled apart. Ever since Noah Newman (Rory Gibson) returned to Genoa City it seems that he and his parents are spending a lot of time going down memory lane and Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasaro)is becoming jealous.

Speaking of Noah spoilers have tried to pair him with his ex Tessa Porter (Caitlin Fairbanks), Elena Dawson (Britny Sarpy) and now there are rumblings that he might hook-up with Chelsea Newman (Meloissa Claire Egan). It's difficut to tel what direction the young man will take but it seems pretty clear where the writers are taking his parents. Viewers awnt to see some defined couples on the show and not a lot of maybe and what if.

Rey Rosales is in a unique situation

Rey is beginning to feel like the odd man out as Noah, Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) and Sharon Newmman (Sharon Case) reminice about a past that Detective Rosales cannot relate to. Right in front of his eyes his wife is bonding with her son and her ex-husband and there is not much that can be done about it. Nick and Eey have always gotten along and Nicholas was the best man when the detective married his ex-wife.

The two men once agreed on their anymosity for Adam but ever since the bad boy Newman saved both Faith and Nick's lives, his sibling has been giving him a free pass. Rey still distrusts Adam and right now he appears to be the only person in Genoa City who still harbors harsh feelings towards him. He might now find himself more focused on Nick than his younger brother.

When Rey accompanied Chelsea to vist her mother Anitia Lawson (Catherine Bach) about 6 months back spoielrs said he would cheat on Sharon with her arch enemy. The rumor mill continues to suggest that there will be a Chey connection but viewers are skepticle. because Chelsea is jealous of Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) and does not want her with Adam Newman (Mark Grossman).

The Young and the Restless: Wiil it be Shick, Shey, Shaddam, Chaddam, Chey, or Chick

A number of those who watch The Young and the Restless desire to see Adam and Sharon reunite because Grossman and Case have been dating off-screen for 3 years. The ware obviousriters do not seem invested in Shaddam and ae obvious in their desire to get Shick back together. Some Y&R viewers want to see Conner Newman's(Judah Mackey) parents get back together and are hoping that Adam chooses Chelsea.

At thsi point Adam and Sally have been toying with each other for so long that probably no one is intersted in them having a romantic encounter. Fans are getting tired of all the miscomuncations so the writers need to make some choices. Will Nick and Sharon fall into each others charms and Adam choose Sally leaving Rey and Chelsea vulnerable to each other or will Chaddam get back together and Sally set her sight on Nick as earlier spoilers had teased?

Perhaps Rey and Sharon will remain strong and Chelsea will reunite with Nick as had been rumored when Ms. Lawson first returned to Genoa City? What would really be entertaining is if Chloe found she was falling for the man who ran down her daughter Deliah and left her on the side of the road to die.

Chloe needs something exciting in her life besides trying to keep Chelsea and Sally from fighting or having a meal with Kevin, Michael, and Lauren.The majoirity of viewers are betting on Shick and Chey and only time will tell. Be on the lookout for updates related to this complicated Y&R situation.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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