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"The Witcher: Blood Origin" Is a Chaotic and Highly Profane Fantasy Series That Is Sure to Be a Wild Ride

The Witcher: Blood Origin: Review

By Zohaib SunesaraPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by The Witcher Tv Series

Welcome to the resistance! It may not be ideal to seek guidance on fighting authoritarianism from fantasy shows on streaming platforms, but we can still learn valuable lessons from them. One such show is "Andor," which can be found on Disney+. This show provides a detailed guide on how to organize a grassroots rebellion within the Star Wars universe. Another show that can provide insight on resistance is "The Witcher: Blood Origin," which can be found on Netflix. This show delves into the idea of resisting those in power, even when they have pointy ears.

This show is a prequel to The Witcher, set 1,200 years before the character Geralt of Rivia. Even if you are not familiar with this character, it is not necessary to understand the story. The show takes place on a continent that is home to elves, dwarves, and other often-conflicting peoples who are already living in an uneasy coexistence. However, the arrival of a tyrannical dictatorship only serves to increase tension among the groups.

Sophia Brown portrays Éile, a character who is a former soldier turned traveling bard. Through her folk songs performed in pubs, Éile aims to inspire and unite people in order to incite a revolution. In the beginning of the story, Éile shows her strength and bravery by defending a waitress from unruly patrons, even resorting to violence if necessary. The audience is immediately drawn to Éile's fierce passion and determination, making her a highly likable character.

Soon, Éile is bringing together a group of misfits, including isolated individuals and skilled mercenaries wielding cleavers, who were previously enemies but are now united against a greater enemy. Their plan is to attack the palace. Inside the capital's walls, Princess Merwyn (Mirren Mack) is struggling with the challenges of growing up. She believes she is destined for greatness, but to achieve her potential she must navigate a court full of men who are determined to gain absolute power and use it for evil purposes. What must she do to survive and will she be able to bring about any positive change if she succeeds?

In Blood Origin, Lenny Henry portrays Balor, a manipulative druid who advocates for an austerity government that lets people starve, despite his own personal insecurities. The show offers a critical view of the idea of a benevolent dictatorship, as even those who seem less evil are shown to be supporting the same harmful policies. While one of the proto-fascist characters is briefly revealed to be secretly gay in 2022, this subplot is thankfully short-lived. The series focuses heavily on the personal dynamics of autocracy and presents a compelling portrayal of a villain with inner turmoil.

We spend more time with the group of rebels in this story and they consistently provide entertainment. Michelle Yeoh, who consistently performs impressive and badass fight scenes, does a great job as the skilled swordsman Scian. Laurence O'Fuarain is sarcastic and muscular as the compassionate Fjall. Francesca Mills stands out as the cool, lesbian dwarf warrior Meldof, who introduces herself to the others with a hint of irony by saying "Come with me if you want to live." She wields a weapon called Gwen, a hammer-mace, with which she can apparently hold conversations. Her battle cry of "Strap your tits!" adds to the playful, light-hearted tone of the show where swearing is used in a humorous manner.

Blood Origin is a thought-provoking series that explores the emotional toll that violent conflicts can have on survivors. It follows the character of Meldof and her weapon, Gwen, as they navigate the aftermath of their experiences with oppression. The series delves into the significance of the naming and personification of Gwen, providing insight into the struggles of those who have faced adversity. Meldof comments on the impact of these experiences, stating "Your world is built on our bones" to one of her unexpected allies.

In addition to these poignant moments, the series boasts imaginative set pieces that add depth to the world-building without becoming tedious. For example, characters walk through a psychoactive mist that causes them to relive vivid memories, and there is a thrilling escape from a giant woodlouse. Despite being a Netflix series, Blood Origin's action-packed plot is efficiently told in just four episodes, making it a captivating and engaging watch.


About the Creator

Zohaib Sunesara

I dive into the depths of parenting with compassion, humor, and practical advice. With a passion for nurturing both children and parents, join me on our journey through the joys and challenges of parenthood.

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