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The Top 5 Greatest Cartoon Shows for Kids?

The Shows That Redefines Television and Entertainment

By Bass Man EddiePublished 4 years ago 5 min read

In the 19th century, beginning in Punch magazine in 1843, cartoon came to refer – ironically at first – to humorous illustrations in magazines and newspapers. As time moves into the 20th century, it began to refer to animated films that resembled print cartoons. They were only seen as children entertainment, with more evidence of Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs being the first animated film in the 1930s. Also, anime became popular in the west in the 1990s which brought a foreign animation style for kids, teenagers, and adults to enjoy over time. Now, the only question to this article is not how long cartoons have existed or which animation style is better. No, the question presented in this article is which is the greatest cartoons of all time. This will focus on cartoon shows that made a great impact and influence in the media, and how it holds up to modern standards. Keep in mind that this is very objective and there will be explanations for the following five shows to be included.

Starting with the list, we must look in cartoons that are comedic and hilarious. Over the years there had been many, many cartoons that provided great comedy. You have cartoons series like Angry Beavers and Dexter’s Laboratory that subtly pulls off comedy. You also have shows like Tom & Jerry, and Looney Tunes that use slapstick to entertain the youth for decades. But the show that should be praised for comedy either subtle or stands out is Spongebob Squarepants. The series started in 1999 and it has a large success that no other show could duplicate. That success has been accomplished with not only a simple concept children can enjoy, but the humor and writing within the show were also so great that even older audiences can enjoy. To add on, the show has been given so many references and memes, and fans continue to enjoy the classic gags and joke from the show. The recommend reasons to see the evidence are the first and eighth season of the series, while the recent seasons have some comedic that are the same as the previous seasons.

In the second position, some shows want to show actions. The genre itself was heavily popular in the 1980s and cartoons used the genre to get kids' attention to purchases toy lines from the shows. This was the case with G.I. Joe and Transformers. And then some shows have the action that is amazing from the animation like Teen Titans and Motorcity. But the one show that not only can demonstrate action in a visually pleasing matter, but has ways to have fun with it and showcase different ways to display the actions. This show referred here is Samurai Jack. Seasons one to four are shown with the best action pieces to have ever been drawn for children. It has a fast pace that gets your attention while also having slowly built to draw audiences in, and the presentation of the split-screen and black bars set the mood and tone of the action in a unique way no other cartoon series for children has shown. It’s not flashy nor is it boring, as the show is much rich and cinematic than it should be. The fifth season is a much mature and dark take, but it pulls off well for older audiences to enjoy.

In third place, some cartoons show a reflection of real life. The genre I want to showcase is slice-of-life; a genre that lets the audience how the charterers life and get by in a period that showcases how life is living in reality. So, with cartoons pulling the slice-of-life, it allows the young audience to connect with the show even more. There's shows life Regular Show and The Proud Family where there is some reflection towards how the creators of the show live their lives in where the creators were born and raised. The one show that reflects how life works in the eyes of young kids and preteens is Hey Arnold. Seeing this cartoon allow you to not only the feel the nostalgia of being a child, but also see how life as a child is. It's sweet and doesn't make you feel like the show is childish. It has an incredible understanding of how the children and adults in the series are not just stereotypes but have some development. Because of it, this gives this cartoon shows a closer experience and reflection on how kids have emotions whether it's from having a fun day or being mad from arguing with a friend for a little thing. This show gives a better view of how children live their lives.

In fourth place, there's a genre that isn't has shown or pull off more than it is. I'm talking fantasy. It makes sense as children have great imagination and seeing something within the media that's in a way abnormal will get there attention. There are shows like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe that has great world-building and allow characters to react to how they handle what seems to be strange but friendly. Yet, the one show that has amazing world-building, great set pieces, and a character that's used as a representation of how we view their world with amazed and wonder. This show is Adventure Time. Like Gravity Falls, Adventure Time shows so much within their world that might be bizarre but also appealing and interesting, and like Steven Universe, it displays how the world works and how characters in ways it makes sense to the rules of their world. Adventure Time is a funny cartoon show that has amazing world-building with amazing characters you can be invested within their world. All in all, it's a show to explore something that's outside the realm of how standard cartoon who used a similar world that's close to ours.

Lastly, the fifth cartoon show that's added in this objective list is a show that's not only great but also pulls off so much. With a great cast of characters to the amazing world-building, to its amazing comedic timing and action pieces, the cartoon show that is considered the best cartoon to be ever created. Well, dear reader, the show I'm going to reveal now is Avatar: The Last Airbender. It may be seen as a personal bias on my part, but re-watching the show and seeing how much they manage to pull off the setting and experience it offers, it's so rich and endearing. I can't think of any single bad or bland moment within the show. Even the cartoon shows here in this list have some criticism, but with the Last Airbending, it's such fantasy.


About the Creator

Bass Man Eddie

This is Bass Man Eddie here. This is where you read interesting stories and articles from me. These ranges from life lessons to importance of a certain film. I’m very talkative and I would like to talk about many interesting things to you.

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