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The ancient kingdom

By Marcel lynda Published 12 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in the ancient land of Greece, there lived a great and powerful civilization. This was a time when gods and goddesses roamed the earth, and they were worshipped and feared by the people of Greece. The people of Greece were skilled and talented in many trades such as pottery, poetry, and sculpture.

The Greeks were known for their architectural designs and the most famous were the temples to their gods. The Temple of Apollo was one of the most magnificent of all of the temples. It was filled with beautiful sculptures and paintings, and it was said that the god of arts, Apollo, himself had blessed the temple with his presence.

In Athens, the capital city of Greece, there was the magnificent Acropolis, a great citadel that held the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. The Parthenon was filled with breathtaking sculptures and ancient artwork that were admired by visitors from all over the world.

In addition to their art and architecture, the Greeks were also known for their philosophy and literature. The famous philosopher Socrates was known for his wisdom and his method of questioning his followers to make them think and understand the truth about themselves and the world. Plato, another philosopher, was known for his book, “The Republic,” which was considered to be one of the greatest works of political philosophy in history.

Greek literature was also famous for its contributions to the world of poetry and drama. The epic poems “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” by the poet Homer, were classic masterpieces that centered around the Trojan War and the journey of Odysseus, a Greek hero, respectively. Authors like Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides produced masterpieces of Greek tragedies that were performed in front of large audiences.

The Greeks also had a highly organized society, with different classes of people. The upper class was made up of wealthy individuals who were educated and involved in politics. The middle class was made up of small business owners, skilled workers, and merchants, while the lower class was comprised of peasants and slaves.

Despite the class distinctions, the Greeks were united in their love for their gods and their culture. They valued education, intelligence and new ideas and they believed in the power of reason, as opposed to superstition. They also placed great importance on the concept of morality, believing that it was the duty of every individual to be honest and to treat others with respect and dignity.

However, Greece was not always a peaceful place. The city-states, or small independent governments, that made up Greece often engaged in wars with each other. These wars were fought for many different reasons, such as territorial disputes, and political disagreements. The most famous of these wars was the Peloponnesian War, fought between the Athenian Empire and the Spartan Empire for control of Greece.

In spite of their conflicts, however, the Greeks were still able to leave a lasting legacy that has influenced the world even today. Their democracy was one of the first in the world, and it inspired future civilizations to create their own democratic governments. Their contributions to art and architecture have been admired and emulated for centuries, and their literature and philosophy continue to inspire and enlighten new generations.

The great Greece of old time was indeed a powerful and influential civilization. Its history had been passed down from generation to generation, and their great tales of historical battles, heroes, gods and goddesses, had been retold through time, each time adding more depth to the already complex and rich stories.

The people of Greece lived a life that was full of traditions and customs, but they were also people who were skilled and talented in many different areas. It was because of these unique qualities that the world still reveres their culture and praises their contribution in art, architecture, philosophy, literature, and politics, and will continue to do so for generations to come.

As time passed and the people of Greece fell out of the influence of the gods and the goddesses of their culture, some people argued that the Greeks had lost their way. But the legacy they left behind is still an inspiration to many, and their place in the history of the world is assured forever.


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