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Make money using this hack

By Marcel lynda Published 12 months ago 3 min read

Alligator pepper, also known as grains of paradise, is a powerful herb that is traditionally used in African and Caribbean magical practices. This herb is believed to have a strong energy that can bring good fortune, money, and success. In this article, we will explore how to use alligator pepper for money spells.

1. Purchase or collect your alligator pepper

The first step in using alligator pepper for money spells is to either purchase it from a herbalist or collect it yourself. Alligator pepper can be found in most herbal stores or online, but if you choose to collect it yourself, you can find it in African or Caribbean markets. Once you have your alligator pepper, it's time to prepare it for your spell.

2. Cleanse and charge your alligator pepper

Before using alligator pepper for spellwork, it's important to cleanse and charge it with your intention. You can do this by holding the alligator pepper in your hands and meditating on your intention, or by smudging it with sage or palo santo. This step is important because it helps to amplify the energy of the alligator pepper, which is necessary for the spell to work effectively.

3. Create a money spell using alligator pepper

Once your alligator pepper is cleansed and charged, it's time to create your money spell. There are many ways to use alligator pepper for money spells, such as placing it in a jar, burning it, or incorporating it into a charm bag. Here are some spell ideas to get you started:

- Alligator Pepper and Green Candle Money Spell: This spell involves lighting a green candle and placing alligator pepper around it. As the candle burns, focus on your intention and visualize money flowing into your life. You can also chant a money spell or affirmation as you perform the ritual.

- Alligator Pepper and Money Jar Spell: This spell involves placing alligator pepper into a jar and filling it with coins, bills, or other symbols of wealth. Keep the jar in a safe place and visualize the money growing over time. You can periodically add more alligator pepper to the jar to keep the energy strong.

- Alligator Pepper and Charm Bag Money Spell: This spell involves creating a small charm bag that contains alligator pepper, a green crystal, and other symbols of wealth. Carry the charm bag with you or place it in your purse/wallet to attract money and abundance.

4. Use alligator pepper in combination with other herbs

Alligator pepper can be even more effective when used in combination with other herbs and spices. Here are some ideas:

- Cinnamon: cinnamon is a powerful spice that is often used in money spells. You can add cinnamon sticks to your money jar or charm bag to boost the energy.

- Bay leaves: bay leaves are known for their ability to attract money. You can write your intention on a bay leaf and burn it with the alligator pepper or add it to your money jar/charm bag.

- Ginger: ginger is a warming herb that can help to attract wealth and success. You can sprinkle ginger powder around a green candle or add it to your charm bag to boost the energy.

5. Use alligator pepper in conjunction with other forms of spellcasting

Alligator pepper can also be used in conjunction with other forms of spellcasting, such as candle magic, sigil work, or ritual. Here are some ideas:

- Candle magic: as mentioned earlier, you can use alligator pepper in combination with a green candle to attract money. You can also carve a money sigil into the candle for added potency.

- Sigil work: create a money sigil using symbols that resonate with you, such as dollar signs, a sun, or a pyramid. Charge the sigil with your intention, and then burn it with the alligator pepper as an offering to the universe.

- Ritual: you can incorporate alligator pepper into a ritual that is focused on attracting money and abundance. This can involve setting up an altar with green candles, crystals, and other symbols of wealth.

In conclusion, alligator pepper is a powerful herb that can assist in money spells and other forms of spellcasting. When used in conjunction with other herbs and ritual practices, it can help to amplify the energy and intention behind your spells. Be sure to cleanse and charge your alligator pepper before using it in a spell, and always remember that magic is most effective when performed with positive intention and a clear focus on your desired outcome.


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