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Spiritual benefits of cloves

By Marcel lynda Published 12 months ago 3 min read

Cloves are often added to other ingredients when creating spells because of their ability to enhance the magical effects of the other herbs.

As a result of cloves enhancing abilities, you will find it in many spells such as:

Protection spells

Banishing magic

Money spells

Prosperity spells

Luck spells

Healing rituals


Attraction spells

Love spells



Stress relief rituals

Gain truth

Increase courage

Boost confidence

Cloves are one of the most popular spices used in cooking, but they are also highly valued in spiritual practices because of their numerous benefits. Cloves contain powerful antioxidants, are anti-inflammatory and are high in minerals and nutrients. They have a long and rich history of use in spiritual practices as well. Cloves have been used for their healing abilities, fragrance and to represent good fortune and prosperity. In this essay, we will explore the spiritual use of cloves and how they can be incorporated into your spiritual practice.

Cloves are commonly used in aromatherapy and meditation practices, thanks to their fragrant properties. When the oil of a clove is inhaled, it can help to promote relaxation, ease the mind and calm one’s nerves. For this reason, cloves are often recommended for stress relief, depression and anxiety. It is also a common belief that the scent of cloves can assist you in reaching a deeper state of meditation, and in communicating with spiritual guides and the divine.

In traditional Chinese medicine, cloves are believed to promote balance and harmony within the body and enhance the flow of Qi energy. They are particularly helpful in alleviating digestive issues and promoting overall wellness. Incorporating clove tea into your daily routine can help with upset stomachs, bloating and gas, among other digestive problems. Cloves can also help to reduce inflammation and lower stress levels. Simply infuse cloves in boiling water and let steep to enjoy its medicinal benefits.

Cloves are also believed to provide protection against negative energies, evil spirits and hexes. They have an energetically protective nature that can clear away any negative energy that is attached to you. Placing cloves in sachets around the house can help to rid it of negative energies and bring in more positive energy and good luck. Adding them to incense blends can also help to cleanse and purify the environment.

Cloves are also associated with spiritual cleansing and purification. Used in smudging rituals or as incense, cloves can help to clear away any negative energy, cleanse spaces and enhance spiritual practices. Burning clove can help to create a cleansing atmosphere that can break down barriers and empower one’s spirit.

Cloves are also associated with spiritual love and attraction. They are believed to help with attraction, fertility and love, even serving as an aphrodisiac when ingested. A popular ritual for love and attraction is to create a small sachet filled with cloves and rose petals, and carry it with you in a green or pink pouch. This ritual is believed to help attract the love and prosperity that you desire into your life.

In spiritual practice, cloves are considered to represent abundance, prosperity and good fortune. They are believed to attract opportunities and wealth, and are often used in money spells and abundance rituals. Adding cloves to a prosperity spell or carrying them in a green or gold sachet can help manifest wealth, financial abundance and good fortune in all areas of your life.

Furthermore, cloves are associated with power and strength. They have the power to amplify your personal energy, enhance your intuition and connect you with divine guidance. By adding cloves to your spiritual practice, you can increase your inner strength and self-confidence, and empower yourself to achieve success and overcome obstacles.

However,,Cloves are also believed to have healing properties. Using cloves in a spiritual bath can help relieve tension, promote relaxation and soothe aches and pains. The one-two punch of adding cloves and Epsom salts can provide respiratory relief, relieve anxiety and promote rejuvenation.

Finally, cloves have long been used in shamanic circles for their ability to connect the spirit with the physical realm. Their energy is said to be attuned with the life force energy that runs through all of nature. Cloves have been used by shamans, mediums, and psychics for centuries to help facilitate communication with spirits, ancestors, and other higher beings.

In conclusion, cloves are a powerful, versatile and easily accessible tool that can be used to enhance spiritual practices and promote overall well-being. Incorporating cloves into your spiritual practice can serve to enhance meditation and communication with spirits and the divine, provide protection against negative energies, attract good fortune and abundance, and empower you with inner strength and self-confidence. Whether used in aromatherapy, incense, smudging, or sachets, cloves are a valuable addition to any spiritual toolbox.

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