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The Doctor and Danny

And How They Are Both Major Drama Queens

By Jocelynn L. TaylorPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=4444055">Thomas B</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=4444055">Pixabay</a>

My cousin and I have conversations of the utmost importance. More often than not, these conversations revolve around books, movies, and TV shows. One particular discussion of ours was centered on Doctor Who. Working under the assumption that you, dear reader, are aware of the show given you clicked on this article, it should suffice to say that you understand the subject of regeneration in the context of Doctor Who. My cousin sent me a text one day saying that the Eighth reincarnation (or regeneration) of the Doctor would not be compatible with meeting another character, Danny Pink.

I have a love-hate relationship with Danny. As in, most people really love him and I can’t stand him at all. It is a well-known fact that the Doctor doesn’t like soldiers. This is because he was forced to be one. He made a terrible decision and it led him to hate all things related to war, including the people that carry it out. Danny Pink is a retired soldier who tries to out the Doctor (the Twelfth regeneration) as a hypocrite to Clara, Danny’s girlfriend and the Doctor’s companion and really good friend. He mockingly treats him like a superior officer until the Doctor snaps at him and orders Danny to go away. My cousin and I were discussing how the other regeneration would react based on their individual personality types.

I, personally, think that the Eighth Doctor would have just brushed it off and then never talked to Danny again, in part because he is a drama queen, but also because he hadn’t been drafted into the war yet. He doesn’t like violence or guns and he has plenty of experience with both. But it doesn’t hit as close to home yet. This regeneration is much more okay with firearms and military salutes than any other regeneration after him. Additionally, when Eight was in a tight spot, he didn’t cleverly figure it out at the last minute or fight back. He ran away until he had a solution. (Honestly, some of the other Doctors could have benefited from the notion of 'tactical retreat'.)

The Ninth Doctor had just come out of the war and he was scared and honestly wanted nothing more than peace. The episode 'The Doctor Dances' is an excellent example of this, producing one of the Ninth Doctor's most famous quotes.

"Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!"

He had survivor's guilt but ultimately had the knowledge that he did what needed to be done. A greater good kind of thing. He was remarkably non-confrontational and gave off an overall tired feel. He looked rather intimidating, walking around very tall with a military cut and a leather jacket. But he was so kind in his actions. Out of all the Doctors in the modern era, he is the only one who consistently tries to help the bad guys and the innocents alike. He doesn’t want the fighting and he doesn’t want the pain, he just wants people to be happy. His next 3 successors all have moments where they can choose to make a horrible, painful decision. They can either protect the innocents by choosing a slaughter, or they can let it play out with so many dead on either side and avoid taking the part of God. Nine is the one who takes neither of those options. I think if Danny had snapped at him (“Sir, yes, sir”) Nine probably would have just looked the other way, looking like a kicked puppy while he did so. Though, not without calling Danny all sorts of names under his breath.

The Tenth Doctor probably would have done the exact opposite. One of the nicknames we get for Ten is ‘the Man who Regrets’. His previous incarnation was just trying to heal but Ten’s personality is not like that at all. Instead, he has the worst case of survivor's guilt we see in any of his regenerations. He hates the fact that he was ever a soldier, actively telling people to go away if they even have a gun on them and telling a girl that she would ‘never be anything else’. But he doesn’t let go of this persona. People are dead and he thinks he has no right to act as if he wasn’t a big part of that. This makes him a man that commands respect. When he starts talking, people pay attention. Normally, this happens because he is using words that no one has heard of at a million miles an hour. With Ten though, it is because he holds himself like an officer. He speaks, you listen, and things get done. Sure, he is a kind man, but only to the people he loves. However, he is also extremely fair. He says what he is going to do and if you don’t believe him, that is your fault.

“I’m so old. I used to have so much mercy. You have one warning. That was it.” (School Reunion).

And he followed that warning through with deadly accuracy. So if Danny were to have done that to Ten, saluted him and said ‘sir, yes sir’, I think that Ten would have ordered him away, threatened if he didn’t leave immediately, and then followed through on that threat. You don’t disrespect your superiors unless you are ready for the consequences.

Eleven is not a personal favorite of mine but that actually just proves to make it easier to analyze him. He is labeled ‘the Man who Forgets’. He hides the pain and guilt behind a careful persona. Unlike Nine, who was healing, slowly but surely, or Ten, who was genuinely excited to explore the universe more, Eleven acts like a child so he doesn’t have to remember the responsibilities of an adult. This is entirely an act though. When it comes down to it, Eleven is easily the most violent of the group of Doctors. Without hesitation, he will bring down governments or leave people to die, something none of the other regenerations share except under extremely rare circumstances. But it does take a lot to get him there. I think Eleven would have simply mocked Danny until he left. Then he would have gone and brooded in his spaceship until he was calm enough to come out, smile and cheer in place. But I doubt Danny could have pushed him hard enough to get a big reaction. Eleven is very carefully controlled and Danny, though irritating and stubborn, he never threatened the ones that the Doctor loves. That is really the only thing that truly makes Eleven angry.


About the Creator

Jocelynn L. Taylor

I love writing and was finally convinced to put some of my work out there!

Follow me @chachi_taylor on Instagram! I would always love to hear any reviews, constructive criticism, or to just talk about writing and books!

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