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'Survivor: Island of the Idols' Episode 3

Episode 3 of an epic season!

By Nathan MillerPublished 5 years ago 4 min read
Survivor: Island of the Idols Logo

Wow! What an amazing episode of Survivor tonight! First, ok, it seems that "previously" isn't what starts the show anymore, now it's just a preview of what's to come at the beginning of each episode. Ok, that's kind of neat. Anyway, nice blindside, Vokai, Molly never saw it coming. And Jack seems ok about it—Jamal though, better watch out for him. He has officially turned into a rogue agent who will do anything now. He went from trusting ally, nothing bad happens to an "I'll slit your throat if it suits me" kind of player. Well, that is gonna be pretty interesting. Back at Lairo, it's men vs women and Vince doesn't trust Aaron, so he's likely with the women, and it's a pretty good strategy. Side with the winning team. And back at Vokai, Dan wants Noura out, thinking it'll be good for him and everyone else, which is something he wants to do. But he didn't realize the wrath of Jamal. And Jamal doesn't like Dan or his wanting to use Jamal for the vote. So, Jamal suggested getting Dan out to Janet, which she was open to. She spoke to Tommy, and now Jamal is a target of Tommy's for his unpredictability. It's dangerous. Back to Lairo, Karishma, who earlier was a bit uncomfortable since, as an Indian woman, she was swimming around with the women in her underwear, become more distressed when she accidentally cut herself and had to wait for the doctors to wrap up the wound, so she sat around and none of her tribe went to support her. So she became convinced that she was a target.

Soon after, Vince was sentenced to the Island of the Idols, and the tribe considered if Vince did get an idol. Then, Dean, who we barely have seen this season, suggested in front of the entire tribe (other than Vince) a split vote in the case that Vince did get the idol. But soon after, he realized that you need TWO targets for a split vote, so he's telling his tribe that one of them would go home if Vince played his idol. Well Dean, that was dumb, no sugarcoating. Dumb move, Dean. And you made Karishma even more paranoid. Meanwhile, Vince met Boston Rob & Sandra at the Island of the Idols and showed them how much they mean to new contestants after crying, showing that those two and how they played means so much to the new players. And after that, he was given an opportunity to steal fire from Vokai's camp and get an idol. Getting caught would mean he'd lose his vote. He took the opportunity. So, Sandra & Rob trained him in the art of sneakiness, even to the point where they crawled in sand for help. And ultimately, Vince made it to the camp, seeing the tribe asleep but occasionally waking up every now and again, adding to the intensity, but he didn't get caught. Though, their fire was out, so he collected the ashes in his water bottle and came back to the Island of the Idols where he was rewarded a hidden immunity idol. At the immunity challenge, Lairo quickly lead with the help of Olympic swimmer Elizabeth. Though, then the puzzle happened. Karishma and Dean fell short and Vokai caught up and eventually won for the tribe, sending Lairo to tribal council.

Before Tribal Council, the tribe was considering putting the majority of votes on Vince, with Karishma as the other votes. But, the women obviously didn't want to do that. So, Missy spoke with Vince, who became the sixth member of their alliance, and they decided on Tom. Karishma was not convinced, since she figured she was probably gonna get booted. Vince worked to convince her, and I mean worked. She was so unconvinced that it took a lot to be somewhat convinced that Tom was gonna go. Yet, Elizabeth didn't want Tom, she liked Tom, and so did Elaine. But it's either take out Tom, the kind older man who, although physically strong, is not strong in terms of endurance, or Vince, the newest ally of the women's alliance who isn't great physically and has a hidden immunity idol. This is gonna be an interesting vote.

And at Tribal Council, it was really clear that Karishma's performance at the puzzle was poorly received by her tribe, and for that, she was targeted. Though, Vince mentioned that the plans that people want should be kept. And out of paranoia, Karishma fought for her life and even went to the women and whispered, which Tom thought was just an act. And after the vote, I figured, Tom's gonna be blindsided. But then, it happened. Karishma had 3 votes, Tom had 1 vote. And then, the real target was revealed, and Vince, who just earlier in the episode had snuck into the other tribe's camp and earned a hidden immunity idol, was blindsided with an idol in his bottle. Oh my gosh! Wow! Well, I guess you can never be too trusting in Survivor. Overall, this has been a surprising but amazing episode of Survivor tonight, and I can't wait to see what happens next week when someone from Vokai is sent to the Island of the Idols, potentially wrecking Kellee's game, a couple emerging and the game proceeding to go haywire.

#Survivor #SurvivorIslandoftheIdols #Blindside #IslandoftheIdols #VokaivsLairo #SneakIntoCamp #UnusedIdol #BlindsideWithAnIdolInTheBottle #DontTrustAnyone #KarishmaParanoia #Slice #JamalLosesTrust #Survivor39 #SurvivorForever


About the Creator

Nathan Miller

My name is Nathan Miller and I am a fan of writing in all forms from screenwriting to writing short stories to nonfiction pieces about the things that I love. I hope you enjoy reading my pieces as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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