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'Survivor: Island of the Idols' Episode 2

Episode 2!

By Nathan MillerPublished 5 years ago 4 min read
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Wow! What an amazing episode of Survivor tonight! First off, thank you to Lairo for voting out Ronnie. That was a great move. Sure, it pissed off Aaron, and Vince wasn't happy about getting votes, but hey, it got Ronnie out and I'm happy about that. Plus, it gives this women's alliance a chance to finally take some control, which I'm excited about. Oh, and there wasn't a Previously On... Survivor type moment, wow, alright, very interesting. As for Aaron, he may be all pissy, but he better at least act like he likes his tribe, otherwise they'll see him as just negativity and take him out anyway. Kind of like how Noura is at Vokai, yelling at the tribe how they don't do any work and hating on Molly, calling her, Jamal, and Jack the King, Queen, and Jack(literally) of the tribe that everyone praises, hoping to get a taste of their greatness. And then Molly spoke with Jamal about getting Noura out, soon after the tribe did yoga together, which most of the tribe didn't really enjoy. Meanwhile, Jason, who knows all out being on the outs, felt he owed Noura, so he spoke with her about how she's also on the outs.

As for back at Lairo, Chelsea showed off the power of the women this season by finding the idol, changing the game up even more. Back at Vokai, Kellee ended up getting sent to the Island of the Idols. Going there, she had no idea what to expect. Then, she saw the statues and, there they were, BOSTON ROB AND SANDRA. The King and Queen of Survivor, both there to mentor Kellee on a gameplay skill that is necessary to Survivor. But what Kellee didn't realize was the skill was being taught to her as she arrived. So basically, she had a long listening session where Boston Rob & Sandra spoke with her about their lives, telling her specific details. And meanwhile, Kellee was just thinking "Yeah, ok, but what does the Island of the Idols thing mean?" Well, turns out, they were teaching her how to listen and understand others to gain relationships to get ahead. Boston Rob knew that as a Harvard girl, Kellee is smart. So, he tested that. The test was to quiz Kellee on what he & Sandra told her about their lives. The initial offer was 4/5 correct means idol good for either of her two next tribal councils. But, Kellee was incredibly unsure because she has a bad memory and was barely even listening. So, Rob sweetened the deal a bit to tempt her. Now it's 3/5 correct for three tribals instead of two. Kellee agreed and she got all of the answers right, earning herself that idol. Nice job, Kellee, you've got a smart brain, you will do very well in the game—just gotta work on those listening skills. And she also did good by lying to her tribe about what happened at the Island of the Idols, using the urns excuse that Elizabeth previously did. Oh, and I don't judge you for crying. I'm sure anyone in a tough situation that succeeds would get emotional.

Anyway, at the challenge, the tribes swam, collected a bag, pulled on a ladder and shot balls through a maze. It was back and forth, with Lairo usually leading but sometimes losing that lead. Then, they ended up taking the win. Before Tribal Council, it seemed clear cut. Noura or Jason. Noura fought for her life, Jamal didn't really go for it at all. Seemed to have a split vote plan with Jason and Noura as the two. But, Lauren and Janet, as well as others started noticing how smart Molly was, having a strong control over Jack and Jamal. And they didn't like that. But, Tommy was a bit unsure as to whether to upset his allies, Jack and Jamal or to stick with them and vote the same way as before.

And at Tribal Council, Jason and Noura continued to talk about how they are on the outside while Jamal and Molly showed their overconfidence. Oh, and of course, Boston Rob and Sandra were watching it all from their secret viewing hut. And were surprised when the votes took a huge turn as Molly was blindsided by her tribe while Jason and Noura survived another day. Wow, that was epic. I always love blindsides. Nice work, everyone. Overall, this has been an amazing episode of Survivor tonight and I cannot wait to see what happens next week when Vince and the guys "align", some injuries occur and someone will sneak into another tribe's camp. #Survivor #SurvivorIslandoftheIdols #BostonRobandSandra #ByeMolly #Blindside #LoveThisSeason #EpicMoves #EvenShockedTheRoyaltyOfSurvivor #Survivor39 #IslandoftheIdols #BigMoves #VoteOffTheQueen


About the Creator

Nathan Miller

My name is Nathan Miller and I am a fan of writing in all forms from screenwriting to writing short stories to nonfiction pieces about the things that I love. I hope you enjoy reading my pieces as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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