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Reviewing The Princess Bride, the Book

3/5 stars

By Cezanne LibellenPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Reviewing The Princess Bride, the Book
Photo by Fang-Wei Lin on Unsplash

Warning to all feminists:

Do not read this book. You will literally throw a fit over it.

Heck, I threw a fit over it and I don't consider myself a full-blown feminist.

Be warned.


So, I loved the movie. That was why I read the book.

But little did I know that Westley was toxic.

He calls Buttercup "his property" and bosses her around. He treats her like she's brainless (although she could act smarter).

So, what warranted this behavior?

Buttercup did verbally abuse him for several years until she found out she was in love with him, which is also not okay. What is up with toxic lovers?

It is not romantic!!

But anyway, he turned the tables, but neither of them are in the right!!

Ugh. They drove me nuts.

You know what? Definitely go and read it. Men and women alike. You will learn so much about finding the right partner. Find someone nice and respectful, that doesn't treat you like Westley and Buttercup treat each other.

You will also learn how to treat a partner.


Buttercup was pretty dumb. She stayed with Westley even though he treated her like crap, just because he was hot or whatever.

Seriously? Talk about shallow.

All she has going for her is looks.

I guess we just have to keep in mind that these sort of ideologies were acceptable back in the day. We can read from it now and learn from it in the future.


Anti-feminism aside, this book was entertaining.

Not a ton of purple prose (that I noticed), so it doesn't deter younger people from reading it. However, keep in mind that William Goldman's version cuts out about seven hundred pages of useless information. Well, not entirely useless, but definitely info dumping (tip for writers- don't infodump).

So, if you are going to read The Princess Bride, read the cut version.

The plot was good (like the movie). There was a bit of swearing (like the movie). I have to say, they did an excellent movie adaptation. They stuck to the facts pretty darn well.

The flashbacks were a bit info-dumpy (I said it before, I'll say it again- Do not infodump), but I didn't mind that much.

I can't speak for other readers though. They might hate the info dumping.

There was never a dull moment in this book. It was a thrilling tale.

But it is not my first pick.

Because of Buttercup and Westley.

Again, it is not okay to say you "own someone," nor is it okay to verbally abuse them. They are the worst ship ever.

Like, c'mon, this is just slavery vibes.

Absolutely not okay.

Most of the main characters are male, and the female main character is pretty dumb.

It was a good book, but the message was terrible, and if you expect a happy ending, you'll be disappointed, unless you get to read Buttercup's Baby.

And even that one ends on a sad cliffhanger.

So I'm going to give this one a 3/5. Losing two stars for the bad message and cliffhanger.

Keep in mind, I did read the cut version by William Goldman. If anything really deserves to be cut, it was the fact that Westley claimed Buttercup was his property.

That message would not stand today.


Thank you for reading!! Please like and comment down below if you have read The Princess Bride and what your biggest concern was.

I am going to post more reviews, so subscribe if you want to see more books you should read this summer!!

I have already posted some, check them out below:

Also, please check out my fiction series, From Feet to Fins down here:

Thanks again!!


About the Creator

Cezanne Libellen

I am an ailurophile, xocolatophile, linguaphile, lexophile, and a bibliophile. Writing is my passion. I am currently working on a novel. Subscribe and share my stories if you want to see more of my work!

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a year ago

    Lol, Buttercup and Westley were definitely super toxic! I loved your review!

Cezanne LibellenWritten by Cezanne Libellen

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