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Review of 'The Obsidian Tower'

An engaging high fantasy epic with great history, interesting magic, tantalizing demons, and a fierce relatable protagonist.

By Cyn's WorkshopPublished 4 years ago 2 min read


One woman will either save an entire continent or completely destroy it in a captivating epic fantasy bursting with intrigue and ambition, questioned loyalties, and broken magic.

"Guard the tower, ward the stone. Find your answers writ in bone. Keep your trust through wits or war--nothing must unseal the door."

Deep within Gloamingard Castle lies a black tower. Sealed by magic, it guards a dangerous secret that has been contained for thousands of years.

As Warden, Ryxander knows the warning passed down through generations: nothing must unreal the Door. But one impetuous decision will leave her with blood on her hands--and unleash a threat that could doom the world to fall to darkness.


The Obsidian Tower by Melissa Caruso is an epic high fantasy that takes place in the same world as her Swords and Fire series. Nevertheless, this is not a series that requires the reader to be familiar with her previous series.

Excellent World-Building

Caruso is excellent with her world-building. There is just enough history and detail to give the reader an idea of this world without distracting from the plot. The reader understands the tenuous relationships between these characters and their kingdoms.

The history of this novel to include the Dark Days and the Nine Demons, was also something interesting. Demons are not unusual to fantasy novels, but the idea that there are precisely 9 is noteworthy. The way they exist; this idea of them being tied to magic is engaging, it offers the reader something interesting and creates a whole lot of interesting tension within the novel, guiding the plot along.

And the hierarchy of Witch Lords, those in possession of magic, in appealing. While the idea of holding those with magic as the aristocracy is not unique, the idea within this novel sets up excellent tension. Ryx has magic but it is broken and keeps her from being accepted among her kind. However, her magic is something else entirely, something powerful, that slowly develops throughout the novel.

A Shining Relatable Protagonist

While her magic is broken, different, it allows Ryx to be vibrant.

Ryx is such a compelling protagonist. Ryx has always felt alone with her power, keeping up this barrier between her and others, keeping her from living. There is so much inner turmoil she has to overcome while she also deals with political and magical upheaval. While that is all great, what makes Ryx shine is her personality. She is a fierce character and Caruso brings her to life so well that the reader can perfectly imagine every sigh, eye-roll, and face-palm event that makes her want to pull her hair out. That kind of writing entrances the reader and makes Ryx believable and relatable.

Final Thoughts

Overall, The Obsidian Tower is a great introduction to a new series. There is a great diverse cat of characters, all of whom are unpredictable that, alongside the plot, keep the reader engaged until the very end.


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About the Author

Cynthia Bujnicki graduated from Emerson College with a BA in Writing, Literature and Publishing. She has always loved to read since she was a child. A contributing writer for YA Fantasy Addicts, she is also the Editor-in-Chief for Cyn's Workshop. She lives in sunny South Florida with her husband and son and their two cats, Mr. J the Kitten and Nyx.


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Cyn's Workshop

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