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Recording ideas for your Sims shows

Brainstorming on the go on paper

By Aisha Charmalique BowensPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Recording ideas for your Sims shows
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

All fictional stories, TV shows and movies start with ideas. You make up your own stories that are unique, that stands out, that make the viewers want to watch your show and share it with others, mostly throughout word of mouth. Nowadays, people also share the videos of your Sims show through social media.

Where do ideas come from? Simple. Everywhere. You can find one everywhere you go. Conversations, conflicts, major events, news stories, family stories, journals, day dreams, sub conscious dreams while sleeping, your fantasies, personal experiences, relationships, your jobs, the vacations you traveled to or wanting to go to, talk shows, songs, certain cultures, your neighborhood or city, childhood memories, etc. You might get inspired from other people's stories, history, struggling issues, how they solve problems, how they and their spouses first get together, the dramas they have been dealing with, etc. Sometimes, you might come up with an idea and twist the plot around to make it more authentic, more your style. I call that the “What if” technique. Some day dream about an experience they want to encounter and write about it, being in a relationship with or marrying the person of their dreams, getting the dream job they always wanted, move to the city or country they longed to live in, or living the millionaire lifestyle after winning lotteries or inheritances for example, those are the “what's it like to have or to be” ideas. You can write about experiences that are emotional, logical, mental, social, etc. Perhaps experiencing romantic love, fear, pain, determination, sorrow, struggle, serenity, anger, envy, worry, care, joy, freedom, hope, etc. You might also get ideas from props like your favorite childhood toy or a game, favorite recipe, a pet, a vehicle like a car, train bus or plane, or anything you who like to write about.

Some of you reading this article may have some ideas of your own for a show with Sims animations and are eager to try them out. Slow down. Let's do one idea at a time. I know what it's like to have lots of thoughts running in your head while you have a busy life And suddenly an idea pops up that would make a great Sims movie or soap opera or such, but unfortunately you let it slip by because your attention is focused other things that are important at this time. So, how can you record story ideas before they leave your head for good? Well, here's a simple exercise you can try. You will need a pocket sized notebook which you can purchase from any convenient stores that sells school and office supplies like Target, Walmart, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, etc. You can also get one from dollar stores like Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Dollar General. This type of notebook should cost at least $1. Take it with you wherever you go. You can carry the notebook in your pocket, purse, brief case or book bag with a set of pens so you'll be prepared.

When an idea does surface on your mind, do the following. In your Ideas notebook, write number one, then go one line down, and write the idea in one sentence only. Yes, you are going to write the whole story plot in one sentence. Short and to the point. Don't worry if you don't have the title for it yet or don't know the characters names yet. They can come up soon enough, but for now leave the top line above the story idea blank to use as a place holder for the show title of your idea. For example, let's say my next Sim show idea would be an adventure in the astral realm by journeyed by a young astral traveler. The layout should look like this.


A young girl adventures into the astral realm

However, if I have an idea of a sitcom regarding beauticians and clients gossiping at their place of business with a catchy show title The Grapevine Club. The format would look like this

2. Grapevine Club

Beauticians and clients gossip on a set of a beauty salon

You see the difference between two ideas, the first example has no title just yet, so we will leave that top line blank for a potential title to come to match that idea. The second example has a title that matches the idea for a show. So whether you have a title for an idea or not, the one sentence summary of the story plot is important. Pretty soon you will have a list of different ideas for your Sims shows, numbered down the page. When you're ready pick one idea you would like to work with and build your story from there with worksheets I will share with you soon. For now, you can make a list of ideas for your sims shows as much as you can. See what you come up with.


About the Creator

Aisha Charmalique Bowens

This native New Yorker, born and raised in Harlem has a passion for arts and crafts, music travel, and writing fiction. I also have interests in holistic health and wellness, metaphysical studies, and the study of the law of attraction.

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