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Ranking Gilmore Girls Characters

Stars Hollow

By Alexandrea CallaghanPublished 9 days ago 3 min read

Stars Hollow is a comfortable and nutty place. The town is entirely populated with vivid and crazy characters that simply don’t get talked about enough. So here we go, we are talking about all the Gilmore Girls side characters. Who's annoying? Who’s amazing? And who is the best supporting character in Stars Hollow?

I am so sorry for those who are going to disagree with me but I am going to place Kirk at the bottom. I think that though he is occasionally funny he is also very annoying. I find his quirkiness creepy and off putting and honestly I think he adds some color to Stars Hollow but still I could do with a little less of him.

Next up is Mrs. Kim, she is a questionable parent. She does really love Lane and she is a decent mom but she is so strict to the point where it is damaging to Lane and their relationship. And then when Lane tries to be honest with her she kicks her daughter out. It’s just not good parenting and honestly all we really see from her are questionable parenting decisions. She really isn’t on screen other than to make Lane’s life miserable. So towards the bottom of the list she goes.

A little higher on the list we’ve got Babette. She’s hilarious and she’s a great neighbor. She really loves the girls and she is always looking out for them. That said, I just think we really didn’t get enough of her. I feel like she was really present in the first season and then that got backed way off as the show went on.

Towards the top of the list here we have, Mrs. Patty. She was probably the funniest character. She was very over the top in the best way possible. She was fiercely loyal to Rory and Lorelei and she was a hilarious addition to the world of Stars Hollow.

In the top two here is Michel. Someone who could have easily just been a coworker of Lorelei's but ended up being a very interesting and compelling character all on his own. He and Lorelei played off of each other quite well and having a Frenchman in this small town was just the right amount of random.

And last but not least we have Lane. This is a character that I think pretty much the entire fandom can agree deserved better. Lane was an incredible friend to Rory and was really one of the best characters in the series. Lane was really the core of Stars Hollow, a small town girl with big dreams (I suppose this was supposed to be Rory), and the actually drive and follow through to make them happen. And then they completely destroyed her character by marrying her off to an idiot, knocking her up and trapping her in Stars Hollow forever.

Stars Hollow was full of vibrant and colorful characters, some of whom really added to the full picture of the town, and some were just a great support system for the main characters. Like all television shows some of the characters are simply written better then others and some serve the story better than others. In Stars Hollow Kirk serves no real narrative purpose and is really just there to show how strange and weird this town is. That said, he is just a bit too annoying for me. On the other hand Lane is there as a contrast to Rory. To show the other outcomes for girls that grow up in small towns with limited options. Lane deserved better.

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About the Creator

Alexandrea Callaghan

Certified nerd, super geek and very proud fangirl.

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