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My Review of "Skyfall"

Possibly my favorite Bond film so far. I'm starting to remember why.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Skyfall came out back in 2012. I remember loving this movie back in the day and I'm glad I finally got to it in my Daniel Craig Bond marathon. It reminded me why I liked this movie so much.

This movie actually starts off fresh so you don't really need to watch his previous two movies to understand what's going on. However watching the previous movies will give you a better understanding of Bond's relationship with "M". M is Bond's boss but she's more like a mother to him and this movie has a lot of family themes to it. I guess watching Casino Royale would also tell you a little about his youth as well. This comes into play later on in the movie.

As usual the movie opens up with a very exciting scene. Bond and his colleague are chasing down a spy that holds a hard drive that contains the identities of other super spies around the world. Unfortunately Bond's colleague was forced to make a sniper shot that accidentally hits Bond instead of his target.

The spy gets away and Bond is presumed dead. This means that the bad guy has crucial information to take down MI6. When two super spies in MI6 are assassinated the British government starts an inquiry into MI6 and its relevancy.

Meanwhile bond has been living a semi retirement as he's been presumed dead. When he catches wind of the problems with MI6 he finally decides to come out of the shadows and back into action. The problem is that he hasn't really been keeping up with his skills so he's kind of rusty and has lost a little confidence in himself.

This movie then throws you into a rollercoaster ride trying to find their elusive bad guy. The cinematography of this movie is absolutely breathtaking with tons of dramatic lighting and wondrous backdrops. Gone is the incredibly shaky camera during action scenes. I can finally understand what's happening on the screen again. A steady camera alone gives this movie extra marks.

Also it's a pretty self contained movie. There's bits of things from the other movies that will help you along the way but they aren't necessary to enjoy this movie. At the very end of this movie it actually commemorates the fact that this movie was released during the 50th anniversary of the Bond franchise.

With that in mind, I'm sure that there are a ton of Easter eggs in this movie that Bond afficionados will enjoy. I know for sure the car that they use close to the end was a nod to the past because it was an older car with some pretty antiquated gadgets.

The way they tied the whole movie together at the end was pretty beautiful. I loved the way everything came back to Bond's past. In a way it also felt like a whole slew of movies rolled into one. I felt like there was a bit of Predator, Home Alone, and Mission Impossible influences.

I guess the whole family thing is kind of played out nowadays but back in 2012 it still felt fresh. This movie did it pretty well. It made me understand the close relationship that Bond had with M. Bond is also now a better person and better spy because of her.

True there are some lull moments but I felt that they were to savor some of the drama that was going on in the movie. The big bad guy was a well thought out character and I liked how he was Bond's equal or maybe even superior. There is some tension throughout the movie where this bad guy really outsmarted them and it looks like doom and gloom for our heroes.

Overall, this was still a fun time a decade after its release. It's still just as beautiful as it was back in the day. It was still a thoroughly fun watch. I have to give this movie an 8 out of 10. I can't wait to finish the last two movies to see what happens next. I'm pretty much at the last Bond movie I've ever seen. Let's see what happens next!


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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