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My Review of "Ahsoka: Season One"

You kind of have to have watched the other Star Wars series to fully appreciate this show.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Ahsoka: Season One has been released exclusively on Disney Plus. It's a TV show that's a continuation of another cartoon series that I have never seen. Of course me being naive, I thought that I could simply just get into it since I've seen the other Star Wars movies. This couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, there are some pretty cool moments in this show but I was constantly feeling like I was missing something as I was watching the show.

The show starts off with the introduction of Hera, Sabine and Ahsoka. These are the main characters of the show. All three are friends from the aforementioned cartoon series that I missed out on. I could tell that a lot of it was for fan service but not knowing anything about those shows I was completely lost. Though the three of them have a common past and that is the loss of their friend Ezra.

Apparently this Ezra character was supposed to be a Jedi and he went off to stop an evil empire admiral named Thrawn. They've been lost for many many years. I'm not totally understanding where in the timeline this is actually occurred but it happened before the original Star Wars trilogy.

I also learned that Anakin Skywalker (yes the guy who becomes Darth Vader) was Ahsoka's mentor. He was teaching her to become a jedi before he became Darth Vader. So I'm clueing in it's probably between episode 2 and episode 3.

So now we're in the time of after episode 6 but I'm not sure how long before episode 7. At least I don't think episode 7 started yet. They have some sort of weird magic thing that happened that summons some bad guys to retrieve a miraculous map that can can save Thrawn from a distant galaxy.

Ahsoka and friends find out about this map and retrieve it before the bad guys. Ultimately it gets into the hands of the bad guys because Sabine has a sociopathic drive to find her friend Ezra. This becomes a regular thing that I totally do not get in this show. Her character drove me nuts but I assumed it was part of the old show that I had to understand to get it.

Out of all this craziness, Ahsoka wants Sabine to be her apprentice. Sabine will betray her over and over again for her own selfish needs and it's crazy. Ahsoka just takes it on the chin and smiles claiming that she was bad like that with Anakin. I don't know maybe she thinks she drove Anakin to the dark side and she feels guilt?

They do some sort of redemption story with her and Anakin and it's all lost on me because I never knew of their relationship prior to this show. I'm sure that fans of the old cartoons might have thought it was really well done or something.

I thought this show was kind of bonkers. They threw anything and everything at this to appease as many people as possible. There were cool light saber fights and action sequences. The art was really nice and stuff. They also added zombies to a Star Wars series and witches. I mean they do this all the time. It just reminded me of the Justice League movies or the movie Your Highness. There's no consistency with this show with the lore of Star Wars.

There wasn't any consistency in anything. I mean this Sabine girl has been trained for probably over 20 years and never had force powers but by the end of the season she starts getting force powers? They have Jedi abilities throughout the show but rarely use them when they need them. The whole show is kind of a mess.

Overall, it was only a mediocre experience for me. I think fans of the old series may have a great time with this one. Casual viewers like me are going to get lost and confused at the same time. It's not a very fun time trying to piece together things or having to refer to things during the show to understand what's going on. I have to give this season a 5 out 10.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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