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Loki's 10 Year MCU Journey

The beloved God of Mischief

By AnniePublished 3 years ago 7 min read
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On June 9th, Loki's first solo project, a new TV show called Loki, will have its first episode released onto Disney+. This past May marked Tom Hiddleston's 10 year anniversary playing this character, so before his show gets released, let's take a look at his journey so far.

Thor (2011)

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Loki debuted in the 2011 Thor movie, at the same time Thor debuted. The first significant moment we get of Loki is when Thor begins a battle against the Frost Giants. Loki has an odd interaction with one of the Frost Giants.

Once Thor gets banished to Earth, Thor's friend start to believe that Loki is somewhat responsible for the banishment.

Loki confronts Odin about his interaction with the Frost Giant and Odin admits that Loki is, in act, a Frost Giant and not actually Asgardian. Then, Odin falls into "Odinsleep," which is like a coma and is like a form of hibernation for Odin. Odinsleep is how he recharges his power. Because of this and Thor's banishment, Loki is the only one left to act as king of Asgard.

Loki visits Thor on Earth and tells him Odin is dead and that Thor cannot return to Asgard. Loki uses the Bifrost to meet with Laufey, the Frost Giant who is also revealed to be his true father, and it is revealed that Loki did play a part in the disturbance during Thor's coronation (that sparked the battle at the beginning).

Then, Loki commands the destroyer to attack Thor on Earth. After a battle, The Destroyer is defeated and Thor returns to Asgard. Laufey goes to Odin during the Odinsleep and attempts to kill him, but Loki kills Laufey instead to appear as a hero. Loki then attempts to destroy the Jotunheim planet, where the Frost Giants originate. Thor stops him and they both almost fall into space when Odin catches Thor, while Thor holds onto Loki. Loki lets go of the staff and appears to have died.

The Avengers (2012)

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The next time Loki makes an MCU appearances is in The Avengers, where he is the main villain of the film.

Loki is first seen speaking to The Other, with whom he makes a deal with that determines that Loki will get The Tesseract in exchange for command of the Chitauri army. Once Loki accepts, he uses the scepter (given to him by The Other) and makes his way into the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility where The Tesseract is being kept. He announces his plans to conquer Earth, mind controls Erik Selvig and Clint Barton (Hawkeye).

After he successfully escapes the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, he makes contact once again with The Other, who reminds him of the consequences if he fails.

Loki and his mind controlled acquaintances make their way to Germany, where they attack a man in order to retrieve Iridium, a substance used to stabilize The Tesseract's power. He is then intercepted by Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Natasha Romanoff and takes him onto their jet.

During the flight, Thor arrives on the jet and takes Loki. After a long confrontation, Thor agrees to help The Avengers and they take Loki to the Helicarrier. They imprison Loki in a cell designed to hold back The Hulk.

The mind controlled Clint Barton attacks the Helicarrier, which cripples one of the engines and therefore distracts both Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Romanoff and Barton have a confrontation where she is able to remove the mind control from him. Thor goes to confront Loki and is tricked into entering his cell. Loki then stabs Agent Phil Coulson and kills him. Loki escapes and makes his way to Stark Tower, where he plans to open the portal. After a brief confrontation with Stark, Erik Selvig opens the portal and Loki's army emerges.

Eventually, The Hulk makes his way to Loki in Stark tower and beats him to the point where he can no longer move. The Avengers close the portal.

The next time we see Loki, he is being apprehended by The Avengers and Thor uses the Bifrost to bring both Loki and The Tesseract to Asgard.

Thor: The Dark World (2013)

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The first time we see Loki in this film, he is being given a life sentence in prison by Odin.

The next time we see Loki, his adopted mother Frigga is visiting him trying to convey her disappointment in his actions. However, Loki fights back every time.

A Dark Elf finds its way into the Asgardian prison where it starts a prison riot. It frees every prisoner except for Loki. Frigga dies shortly after.

In order to save Jane Foster from the sickness she is experiencing from having the Aether 9reality stone) injected into her, Thor comes up with a plan that causes him to let Loki out of his cell. The trio makes their way to the wastelands of Svartalfheim, where they begin a manipulation that makes it seem like Loki is once again, betraying Thor by giving Foster to Malekith. The illusion is revealed to be false and Thor gets attacked. Loki comes to his aid, gets stabbed, presses the ignition on a bomb that was on the being attacking Thor, and appears to die in Thor's arms.

The last time we see Loki in this film, it is when Thor is speaking with Odin, Once Thor walks away, he transforms himself from Odin into his true form revealing to the audience that Loki has taken the throne.

Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

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The next time we see Loki is in the third installment of the Thor franchise, which is almost 4 years after the last time Loki made an MCU appearance. The first time we see Loki in this film is when Thor returns to Asgard and finds a lot of Loki memorabilia. Thor finds Odin, threatens him, and that causes Loki to transform himself from Odin into his true form. Loki tells Thor that he is going to take Thor to the spot he left Odin at, a retirement home on Earth. However, the retirement home is no longer there and a portal opens up below him and he disappears.

Next time we see Loki, it is reveled that the portal is from Doctor Strange and he falls from the portal. Doctor Strange teleports them to Norway, where Odin is. Odin tells his sons that he is going to die soon and tells them about their sister Hela. Odin then dies and Hela arrives. After a brief confrontation, Loki summons the Bifrost allowing Hela a faster route to Asgard. Hela pushes Loki out of the Bifrost portal and he falls through space.

The next time we see Loki is when Thor arrives on Sakaar, and he is strapped to a chair speaking with the Grandmaster about an upcoming battle. Later, Loki watches as Thor is planned to battle the Grandmaster's champion, who is revealed to be The Hulk.

After the battle, Thor and The Hulk escape and the Grandmaster orders Loki and Valkyrie to find them. Valkyrie and Loki have a short battle and Loki forces Valkyrie to relive her most traumatic experience: her battle against Hela.

Later, we see Valkyrie had Loki tied up and brings Thor and Banner to him and offers Loki as a peace offering. They plan an escape from Sakaar, where Thor and Loki go steal the Grandmaster's ship. Once they get to the ship, Loki plans to betray Thor, but Thor had attached one of the electrocuting button weapons to temporarily cripple Loki so he can escape.

Korg arrives and helps Loki up, and he becomes their self proclaimed leader as they head to Asgard.

Loki's ship arrives on Asgard far into the battle. After a while of battling and getting the civilian Asgardians onto the ship to escape, Thor tells Loki to start Ragnarok, a prophecy that means the destruction of Asgard. Loki goes to Odin's collection of powerful items, gets Surtur's crown and puts it into the eternal flame, takes The Tesseract, and escapes the area. Asgard gets destroyed by Surtur and Hela is defeated.

On the ship, they set a course for Earth. However, hey are confronted by a huge ship that is later to be revealed as Thanos' ship.

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

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The next time we see Loki is in the first scene of Avengers: Infinity War where it is revealed that Thanos had wiped out many of the Asgardians that were on the ship. Thanos tortures Thor, causing Loki to hand him The Tesseract (the space stone). Loki then attempts to kill Thanos with a dagger, and Thanos kills Loki.

"No resurrections this time." - Thanos

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

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Loki has a brief scene in Avengers: Endgame. When Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Scott Lang, and Steve Rogers time travel to New York in 2012 to get the infinity stones, Tony and Scott find themselves in charge of getting The Tesseract. However, things go awry and 2012 Loki gets his hands on The Tesseract, causing him to escape.

Loki (2021)

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On June 9th, we will get to see more of Loki in his new show on Disney+. However, this show will be an extension of the scene in Avengers: Endgame. This means the show will revolve around the version of Loki from the time period of The Avengers. In the show, we will get to see Loki go through different timelines caused by his escape (and possibly other moments) and attempt to fix them.

Read similar: Thor's 10 Year MCU Journey


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