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'General Hospital' has a new love triangle heating up

Brando, Sasha, and Cyrus will be in turmoils and heaviloy influenced by Carly and Gladys.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

GENERAL HOSPITAL has a new love triangle brewing between Brando, Sash, and Cyrus. On the part of Mr. Renault, it is purely one-sided as Sasha cannot stand him. This will only deepen the drug lord's obsession with the woman he cannot have. Brando and Ms. Gilmore will find Cyrus waiting behind every corner where they turn. They will also be heavily influenced by the decisions that are made by Carly and Gladys.

On Thursday, Sonny's cousin was quite humorous as she exclaimed that 'Brando's a goner." She cannot accept that her son slept with "that Sasha person." On Thursday Cyrus was intrigued by Sasha's situation and he seemed about to make her an offer. Everyone knows that Renault is enamored by Ms. Gilmore and wants to use her as eye candy. Had she not been so angry with him he probably would have offered to make an honest woman of her.

Sasha told Cyrus in no uncertain terms that he is not her father and this is not the 1950s. She added that she was the only one who is responsible for her child and Cyrus left. He mentioned their meeting again so he may return with an offer to marry Sasha and pass her child off as his. Cyrus is dangerous and will not hesitate to take matters into his own hands. Viewers will recall that he put a knife in the stomach of one of his minions and did not even blink.

Cyrus does not like being turned down and his obsession with Sasha will get the better of him. Sasha and Brando make a cute couple and GENERAL HOSPITAL pairing them together was something the viewers did not see coming. Many fans of the show assumed that Chase and Sasha might get together and there were also rumors that Brando would fall for Maxie. The writers, however, put Sando/Brasha together and now they are involved in an intriguing storyline.

Carly has already informed Brando and Gladys that Cyrus will eventually find out the truth which will put a target on Brando's back. The new queen advised Gladys to come clean about not really seeing Jason dispose of the gun that shot Franco.l Brando says he trusts Carly but Gladys is not yet on board. She having a hard time wrapping her head around all of this and is not sure what direction she should take. Carly believes that if Brando's mom recants her story that Cyrus will be placed behind bars and no longer be a threat.

Carly is not thinking about the fact that even while incarcerated, Renault can still run things on the outside and might put out a hit on Gladys and her son. Meanwhile, Sasha told her unborn child that she would keep one step ahead of Cyrus although it's not clear what she meant. Brando and Ms. Gilmore have only spent one night together and have not even really got to know one another. They will now have to keep this secret from everyone all the while wondering if Gladys might slip up and tell the truth.

Spoilers indicate that next week on GENERAL HOSPITAL Cyrus will force Peter August to keep tabs on Sasha but she will realize that Peter is spying on her. Brando and his baby mama will meet again to hash out their plan for trying to keep Renault at bay. It's not clear what choice Gladys will make but she will do anything to keep her boy Brando safe.

Cyrus will be on the warpath and trying to make things go his way, but they might not. Will Gladys break down and snitch and send Cyrus to jail? Can Sasha and Brando really make a go of it under these circumstances and will Carly's offer be too good for Gladys to refuse? Be sure to tune in next week and find out what these characters are up to. Things will be pretty tense and with Sasha having had a heart attack she would be careful not to also have a miscarriage.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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