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Four Easy Steps To Eliminate Stage Fright

How to have total confidence on stage

By Amelia SharpPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

It’s a common concern when you’re in the entertainment industry. What am I going to do to eliminate stage fright before my performance? In this article you’ll find the four steps actors use to eliminate stage fright and have total confidence before walking on to the stage.

Imagine walking into an audition and seeing a line of people who look like you. Or walking into the spotlight, you see a group of producers and directors who seem to barely register your presence. How would you like to find a mental process to eliminate it for good?

What if I told you you could feel totally confident in those moments? Could you imagine owning the stage as you walk on? You can separate yourself from the crowd by learning to access natural resources that the greats seem to do so easily. Use these resources to tap into total confidence at any time.

Here are four steps to help you move from stage fright to total confidence.

Establish A Clear Outcome

What is the main reason a person doesn’t move towards what they want? They lack focus. It really is that simple. They aren’t clear on what their desire is. So, what does it take to be very clear on what you want? Do you have your ultimate vision defined?

When you take time to define your vision by writing it down, then you can plan backwards from there. Create strategies and break it down.

You don’t go to an audition because you want to audition. You go to an audition because you want the part. When your desire is very clear, it is easier to take the steps towards getting the part you’re there to get.

It becomes easy for you to notice the opportunities that lead you to achieving that outcome. And it is easier to take confident action because what you’re there to achieve is a clearly defined outcome. It is so much more important than that old stage fright.

Develop Natural Resources

All the resources you are going to need are already within you. That’s right, you already have what you need, the question is can you access these resources easily enough.

Can you remember a time that you felt super confident? Of course you can. You’ve likely already experienced feeling confident, excited and powerful. All great emotions to have when you’re auditioning for a part.

See if you can find a memory where you could feel one of those emotions easily. Now notice what you saw, what you heard, and what you feel. Do you notice that you are feeling more of the emotion as you bring to mind and notice the details of that memory?

Let’s try something more specific! Can you remember a time when you felt excited? Not just excited but totally excited. Notice the details of that memory and notice how you can feel the emotion even more. Pretty neat trick, am I right?

Positive emotions are motivating. You can leave the old stage fright behind you and access these resourceful emotions easily. So this way you can crush your auditions.

Your physical position also has an effect on your confidence. Notice how you are sitting. Now stand up. Take a wide stance, pull back your shoulders, and put your hands on your hips. Notice how it is different from when you were sitting. It feels different, right?

It may seem silly to do a superman pose before an audition or performance. But imagine how powerful you will feel when you take control of your emotional resources.

Define Your Outlook

Have you ever been in a dream and noticed something happening that you don’t like? So you rewind the dream a bit and decide something different is happening instead. All the while not realizing you’re asleep and dreaming resourcefully.

Think about that old hesitation of auditioning or speaking on stage. You have a clearly defined picture now, right? A movie in your mind of what can go wrong. Like the dream, you change the movie by accessing your resources. You decide what the movie needs and how it will turn out. Allow it to show exactly how you desire the event to go. You can change the details, access the resources and have the movie play out in a way that matches your defined outlook.

Use this visualization technique often. Visualize every step, one by one, going exactly the way you desire it.

This technique is also useful for delivering a believable performance.

Check Feedback

Having a clear outcome will also help you manage rejection. Rejection is the old driving force behind all stage fright.

When you know exactly what you want and you have committed, rejection bounces right off you. Think about it this way, like water off a duck’s back. It is important to note that rejection is not failure, it is feedback.

The difference is developing your inner critic. Put the critic out of a job and use the feedback as evaluating information. Become the performer you dream of being.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to check feedback.

What is working? (Do more of that).

What is not working? (Do less of that).

What can I do different?

Stage Fright Be Gone, Forever!

Follow these four steps and see how much more resourceful you are. I can also help you master these steps to overcome stage fright and develop the emotional flexibility to access your resources and be totally confident.

If that is of interest to you, send me a message directly or go to my business website


About the Creator

Amelia Sharp

I am a performance coach and hypnotherapist. I help performers have successful and balanced careers in the entertainment industry.

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