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Fictional Leaders You May Or May Not Want in Charge!

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?

By Will MilliganPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
Fictional Leaders You May Or May Not Want in Charge!
Photo by Eury Escudero on Unsplash

Leading is not straightforward. With politics a more estranging and toxic subject than ever, pummelling actual figureheads can become increasingly tedious, even if momentarily satisfying. So, let’s consider which fictional personas we’d like our own commanders to duplicate! After all, some fabricated leaders have to deal with the most atrocious and chilling tribulations imaginable – assassination attempts, impending destruction and political infidelity and deceit. How they deal with these incidents could well show our own people in power a thing or two, or perhaps more plausibly, demonstrate exactly how not to do it!

The Good:

Tony Stark (Iron Man):

While most (all) leaders would flounder to attain Tony Stark’s dynamic blend of charismatic confidence, intellect and cyberespionage, he does impart a notable template of how to function as a professional, while remaining exceedingly personable and also outrageously riveting. One of the fundamental lessons from Tony Stark, is how to adapt, learn and then overcome. This is demonstrated in Iron Man 2 and then in The Avengers. We see Tony’s suit get ravaged when entangled in Whiplash’s electricity, yet when zapped by Thor’s thunder, the suit absorbs, converting it into devastating weaponized energy. He’s not encountering identical troubles twice! Additionally, Stark is a source of inspiration for his invaluable propensity for transforming every minute into a productive and triumphant one, and whilst sleep deprivation is not recommended, it sure did help Tony to construct multiple contemporary suits of armour, all with different capabilities to handle anything from bomb disposal to assistance in natural catastrophes, whilst he wrestled with the emotional trauma of almost perishing on a distant planet. Repeatedly our own leaders are criticised for not having a plan B or C, and in some unfortunate circumstances of haplessness, a plan A! Well, Iron Man always comes with a contingency programme. Whether that is summoning a fleet of iron suits to assist in a skirmish, manufacturing a nimble way to get in and out of his armour or developing profoundly durable Hulk resistant armaments should the notoriously unstable green machine rage violently out of control (which inevitably happened in Avengers: Age of Ultron). There are more than a few ways in which Tony Stark exhibits desirable leadership skills, and it cannot be argued that having him in power would lead to a technologically advanced, perpetually prepared and ultimately, more entertaining society!

Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock):

Would Sherlock Holmes make a competent leader? What with the extreme arrogance, the disparaging of those less intellectually stimulated and the dangerously addictive personality? Well, yes of course he would! Who wouldn’t want the world’s foremost detective in charge? You can’t help but be inspired by his ingenious instinct or observational sharpness, so much so that Arthur Conan Doyle’s infamous investigator is the most heavily portrayed literary human on screen. Well known for his unique powers of deduction, Sherlock is able to connect a multitude of clues to form a conquering conclusion, sometimes in seconds! He’ll swiftly extrapolate your occupation, medical condition and previous locations, which in the slippery sphere of politics, is certainly advantageous! He also appreciates the value of utilizing a dependable and integral partner. For Holmes, that means Watson. They establish a formidable partnership, with a medical, surgical background amalgamating with the ingenuity and spontaneous maverick tendencies, they balance and complement. There are no pugnacious factions destroying the foundations from the inside, or trust breaching infiltrators, just a perfectly synchronised duo, maximising each other’s capabilities. Household name status could have provided Sherlock with a comfortable existence, but similar to his predecessor in this list, he pushes vigorously to achieve more, without monetary incentives or want for compensation. He selects the perplexing mysteries, as a platform to produce insight into his own potential shortcomings. So enduring a calamitously arrogant and unnecessarily rude individual, who also rarely ever makes incorrect decisions, who could root out the dishonest and simultaneously solve the world’s most intriguing conundrums, is a sacrifice worth suffering!

Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games):

Athletic, strong, resourceful and occasionally deadly. Katniss Everdeen would not be a conventional figure of authority, preferring solitude to limelight, the periphery to the centre of attention, and she doesn’t make a particularly charming speech. However, she undoubtedly possesses some consistently undervalued leadership qualities, she is a figurehead of inspiration and would garner genuine popularity. She has a powerful sense of individuality and independence, it would be needless to be surrounded by advisors, as well as fierce loyalty and enduring intelligence, meaning correct decisions would be achieved with regularity. Refreshingly, we can rest assured Katniss’ motivation and responsibility would lie in serving the subjects of her stewardship with the utmost transparency and determination. A reluctant revolutionary, Katniss begins on an unthinkable voyage to reform a barbaric society, tackling unimaginable cruelties and waves of propaganda. Similarly, Katniss understands her competition, meaning she harbours the knowledge to take down her aggressors. By understanding the enemy strategies, she is able to remain prepared. Vitally, Katniss has the ability to empower others, and a quality that a lot of leaders struggle to attain, the devotion of a following. Whilst maintaining her integrity, she remained a beacon for the underdog, becoming a universally popular symbol in the process. So, whilst not possessing the genius intellect of the first two entries, Katniss has a deep strategic understanding, coupled with a mighty feeling for loyalty and accountability. Perhaps it would be compelling, having a leader who is useful with a bow!

The Bad:

Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones):

The obvious choice. Commendation must go to Jack Gleeson for animating an unapologetically repulsive and universally hated antagonist! There is not one redeeming quality attributed to Joffrey Baratheon, who was malicious, melodramatic, incompetent, perverted and sadistic, the list could go on. He is the unfortunate leader that belittles and undermines his subjects with an air of entitlement, inspiring resentment and rebellion. A vicious idiot king? Absolutely! Endeavouring to serve the severed head of a vanquished foe to your bride to be, (her brother) is not a promising sign, but be wary, condemning Joffrey could lead to your selecting of body parts to be abruptly segmented. Hands or tongue? Unsurprisingly, there appeared to be only one individual who was capable of somewhat tempering the boundless petulance and narcissistic tendencies of this incestuously spawned delinquent, the respected and intimidating Tywin Lannister. Otherwise no amounts of manipulative advisors, accomplished tacticians or menacing soldiers could discourage this demented ruler. Inconceivably delusional, Joffrey consistently made dishonourable and rash decisions, often fuelled by a misguided sense of animalistic vulgarity. He legitimately believed to be the greatest king in existence, bragging about how he would depose seasoned warrior Stannis and courageous rebellion promoter Robb Stark. Yet when the moment arrived, Joffrey hid in cowardice, shielded by a fortress of high walls and dutiful guardsmen. A leader who is unwilling to act upon his statements, is a leader who inspires distrust and resentment. Not to mention the humiliation and barbaric cruelty endured by Joffrey’s dwarf uncle, Tyrion Lannister! Undoubtedly, the psychopathic juvenile deserved his gruesomely satisfying and embarrassingly public execution, writhing in pain and conveniently paralysed by fear as those he had tormented had been. Enduring Joffrey Baratheon as commander would be, well, poisonous!

Villanelle (Killing Eve):

Charming and amusing fused with psychopathic and murderous. Villanelle is not a despised character like Joffrey Baratheon, however she does exhibit some similarities, such as an immature petulance, a sadistic tyrannical streak and a deadly inconsistence, who knows what she’ll do next? Yet, unlike Joffrey, she is also calculating, unreservedly humorous in a crazed way and coldly competent. Possessing an inventiveness and a flair for unique killings, a Villanelle inspired government would likely be complicated and contradictory, and the purging of political rivals and potential revolutionaries isn’t strictly fashionable these days. More comfortable as a voguish trendsetter and devourer of eloquent edibles, Villanelle truly represents a free spirit, with no particular emotional affiliations, except one, and no evident loyalties. She’s in it for self-indulgence and the perverted entertainment of contract assassination. Even if opinions were heard, she’d inevitably do what constituted preferable regardless! While Villanelle is unarguably enthusiastic about her occupation, performs with a relentless panache and possesses a manipulative drive for perfection and recognition, an unhinged serial killer with obsessive and psychopathic tendencies shouldn’t be the desirable pick for a leadership role. There have been villainous dictatorial rulers before, but this one could be an altogether different type of maniacal, one that we’re just not ready for!

Enoch Thompson (Boardwalk Empire):

It’s the 1920’s and prohibition is enforced dutifully. Fortunately for some however, there is always one man who can fix you a stiff drink. Enter Enoch Nucky Thompson. Ruling over Atlantic City for decades with a ruthless and uncompromising vigour, he at least already possesses some preconceived flair for leadership, and a comprehension of the undercurrent of the darker, mysterious elements of the political minefield, correct? Well, of course. At least Nucky wouldn’t be entirely delirious in a position of power and authority, in comparison to his previous unbalanced counterparts in the bad list! However, his political point scoring and undeniably effortless operating come at a significant cost. While there is an admittedly misplaced romanticism surrounding those that refuse to abide by conventions, Enoch Thompson is overzealous when it comes to an individual’s expendability. Similarly, he may have an impressive array of suits and a profitable slice of every business located in his dominion, but Nucky mercilessly betrayed those he supposedly cared about to elevate himself to these heights, which is not a particularly admirable or redeeming quality. So, although possessing antihero status, Nucky epitomises what you should strive not to be as a politician or leader. Unscrupulous, pitiless, and stringently egocentric, he lives to serve only his merciless criminal enterprises, and to indulge his own pockets. Appearing as a beacon of light and an endearing symbol of improvement to migrant communities, as well as receiving the adoration of the people of Atlantic City is testament to political experience, but dishonest leaders are always unappealing!

The Outright Ugly:

Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars):

We’ve had the good, the bad, now how about some ugly, and this ungodly character epitomises that. Hideous personified, not only was he a devious psychopath, but also orchestrator of a ferocious conflict designed to consolidate his authority, before overthrowing and decimating the government he was Chancellor of. Not to mention, the reinstitution of slavery under his dominion, persecution of those belonging to the Jedi race and the propagandizing and quietening of the media. This genocidal maniac was undoubtedly an ugly leader, and he didn’t have much in the way of dashing looks either! Perhaps more horrifying, think of who Palpatine would bring with him into a leadership position! Namely an army, and an equally irreparable apprentice! Disturbingly, the Emperor displays techniques and efficiencies that are beneficial to an individual wishing to legitimately climb the ranks of power. He possesses an effortless proficiency in lying convincingly and is superficially charming when necessary. Beneath all that, however, lies a calculating criminal, with a disregard for conscience or remorse. Ultimately, he believed that without its figurehead, his empire would not be worth maintaining, and thus established a secretive contingency plan which detailed the wholesale demolition of his domain should he perish. Boasting crimes such as mass murder, torture, impersonation, unethical experimentation and terrorism to name but a few, there is no doubt this fictional dictator would bring desolation and decay in his compressing consolidation of control.

White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe):

Essentially, the White Witch is your archetypal witch. That is, merciless with a sadistic, tyrannical streak embedded within her. Implementing her powerful sorcery upon the land of Narnia, she has established a recurring winter, and also prevents Christmas from ever arriving, so therein lies an immediate problem! The hobbies of the White Witch include miraculously creating stone sculptures out of a whole manor of creatures, luring in weak-minded individuals with Turkish Delight and utilizing her secret police order of wolves to ruthlessly extinguish any potential murmurs of rebellion or revolution. In a satanic ruling, she has also accumulated the right to execute traitors, which she dutifully demonstrates. Like many unfathomably repulsive and comprehensively unwanted practitioners of power, the White Witch must ruthlessly consolidate and maintain her leadership. When it is prophesized that she will be eventually overthrown, she demonstrated her manipulative, cold nature as well as collecting information from enchanted objects such as the all-encompassing trees. A multitude of privacy laws would be broken with The White Witch as leader, and if you dislike frosty condition’s she’s not desirable either. Coupled with visibly intimidating bouts of anger and frustration, and the ability to wield a stony death sentence at whomever she desires, The White Witch is becoming of a place in the ugly leader section!

Beta (The Walking Dead):

Irrelevant to this article, Ryan Hurst’s Beta (and his mutually destructionist companion Alpha) resurrected ‘The Walking Dead’ series immeasurably. They, walking and whispering in alarmingly uncomfortable proximity to their zombified apprentices, delivered a renewed air of apocalyptic instability to a show potentially suffering from depleted creative inspiration. On topic however, and Beta encompasses a grotesquely intimidating aura. How has he achieved this? Well, by ruthlessly disposing of his loyal disciples without hesitation and fashioning a camouflage facial covering comprising of rotting flesh! Demonstrated to be aggressive, cunning, intelligent and seemingly indestructible, Beta is an incarnation of a physically imposing nightmare, and also an intensely secretive antagonist. He is incredibly protective over the concealment of his identity and has frequently murdered to maintain his privacy. Whilst performing admirably as a second in command, Beta’s own leadership skills are questionable. Suffering from an inferiority complex, he refuses to take the place of Alpha, and is also subjected to demoralizing, detrimental hallucinations, namely conducting insane conversations with his decaying horde of undead companions. Previously a successful country musician, Beta does not allow his personal opinions to override his orders, carrying out executions, mutilations and wholesale destruction remorselessly. Inexplicably, he proceeds to continually accept instruction from his decapitated Alpha long after her assassination by Negan, driving him into a vengeful, cataclysmic vendetta. Intimidating, psychotic and excitedly expending his subjects, we do not want Beta in charge, but he would make for a fascinating entertainer at a Halloween party!

Where the Line Gets Blurry!

Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders):

By order of the Peaky Blinders, Tommy Shelby was compelled to appear in some capacity in this list. He’s vulnerable, intimidating, stylish, cunning and criminal all in one. The ambitious war veteran has demonstrated a knack for rising imperiously up the legitimate ladder of power, all the while utilizing and consolidating his influence as a brooding, bruising gang leader. The ultimate man with a plan, Tommy is predominantly seen scheming, and is more often than not a step ahead of his foes - analytically he is studiously controlling, emphasizing the advantage in discovering the techniques and frailties of an enemy before striking. Although, he is still decidedly untrusting of his allies, on occasion leaving them out of the decision-making processes. Whilst events have inevitably rotated in the Birmingham man’s favour, his reluctance to share his expertise, knowledge and plots have resulted regularly in bloodshed, betrayal and unease! Dictating his empire, Tommy sits upon his throne disdainfully, but can be reclusive and mentally unbalanced, successfully alienating and distancing family members. However, he does command a vitally important respect and adoration from the majority of the public, adhering loyally to his working-class roots both as a revered crime executive and a socialist politician. Whilst he has demonstrated an occasional motivation towards leaving his profitable and vehement enterprise of criminality, he has displayed an equally malfunctioning, murderous tendency when the usually infallible plans go awry!

Victor Mackey (The Shield):

Unperturbed by violence, Vic Mackey has assassinated, tortured, intimidated, extorted and betrayed. Did you know he works for the police? If you’ve witnessed the exceptional, vigorous and landmark FX series ‘The Shield’ you will do! Engaging in a plethora of disconcerting transgressions, and belittling laws you never knew existed, Vic’s overriding, misguided justification was that he was ultimately helping more than he was hindering. Burning with aggressive electricity and dripping in testosterone, Mackey’s increasingly swashbuckling Strike Team provide protection for gangsters, disfigure deserving delinquents and aren’t above driving the spine of an oversized book into a perpetrators face. Eventually though, these methods preserve vulnerable lives, soothe simmering gang tensions and assist in preventing the ethnically diverse, poverty ridden underworld of the fictional Farmington from exploding into meltdown. Like Tommy Shelby, Vic Mackey is a master manipulator, and with the lack of any significant conscience has betrayed more individuals than he has wrongdoers incarcerated! Machiavellian Mackey is promised to serve the law, yet repeatedly bends it for his professional and personal productivity. So why is he not an outright leader of degeneracy and vice, in the mould of corresponding antiheroes? Namely, Vic is (as stated by himself) an entirely different kind of cop. His vulgarity and exasperations are predominantly directed at child molesters, murderers and other nefariously inclined criminals, he possesses an intense sense of protection and responsibility towards his family and is ruthlessly despondent in eliminating threats to his beloved team. He is morally ambiguous, and utterly compelling.

Gustavo Fring (Breaking Bad):

It took a maniacal chemistry teacher to take down this heinously intellectual chicken distributor! Considering that teacher was the egotistical, hellbent methamphetamine producer Walter White, you’ve got to cut Gus Fring some slack! He was able to maintain and develop a powerful and prodigious drug empire due to associating himself with a merciless personality and a simultaneously conquering tactical prowess. Pragmatism and patience personified, Gus only ever appeared outwardly agitated when wielding a box cutter, or in the presence of his maligned rival, Hector Salamanca, with whom he shared an inconceivable resentment and lust for revenge. This overall calmness and lack of impulsive manoeuvring allowed Fring to orchestrate his business with crystallized clarity, with an encompassing and enterprising philosophy. Outside of his criminality, Gustavo appears to be a compassionate, unintimidating individual, who also runs a successful restaurant venture within Albuquerque. Even the resourcefully pursuing DEA fail to comprehend how such a popular philanthropist could be responsible for atrocities including decimating a society from within by supplying dangerous narcotics. Here lies the beauty of Gus Fring. Deceitfully motivated by inconsolable resentment, he would undoubtedly do whatever he deemed necessary to persevere.


About the Creator

Will Milligan

Highly caffeinated writer, with stories on mental health, true crime and film!

[email protected]

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    Will MilliganWritten by Will Milligan

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