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Fantastic Four: The Future of the MCU?

They have made three movies already, but are we ready for the First Family to return to the big screen in the MCU?

By Bunny Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

I had to be eight the first time I picked up a comic book. I was a little confused because all I saw were men, and I wanted was to see a girl. Why weren’t there any women? Then my dad got me my first Fantastic Four book. I’m not sure what story was to be honest, but it doesn’t matter. What matters was, it introduced me to a new hero. I got to see a woman as a superhero. I got to meet Sue Storm-Richards, the Invisible Woman. She became the person who I aspired to be when I grew up. A motherly figure, no matter what the situation. No matter what my family went through, I would be their support. I would be their shield and defense against the world. Invisible or otherwise. Nothing would stop me.

When the first movie came out, I was super excited and, of course, I dragged my mother with me. We had a thing where we were going out and see movies when they came out on Saturdays and had lunch afterwards where we talked about them. She knew I was super excited about this movie because it was my hero up there on the big screen. Finally, Sue was going to be seen by the world and the world was going to see what a bad ass woman she was.

Man, was I disappointed.

The movie wasn’t bad. I’ve seen way worse with superhero movies (does anyone remember that one Daredevil movie?). But it was not what I was expecting. Jessica Alba is an amazing actress, and I was expecting so much more. But what I got was a flat, pretty faced woman who needed a man to help her. Needed a man to guide her. What? Where did they get that? Sue Storm was a scientist in her own right. She was a mother of two. She was a fighter. I went in thinking I was going to get the First Family, and what I got was… a cartoon turned into a movie.

They should have just left it to the cartoons.

The Silver Surfer at least looked cool, but that rest? Who was supposed to be the villain in that movie? Oh right, Galactus. You know, the planet eating monster. Who ended up in a cloud, which looked like a drawing my five-year-old niece did in her sleep. Of course, we got some cool mix ups with their powers, and Johnny got to be a huge bad ass. But Sue again got pushed to the side as a love interest. I hate that trope so much, and I want to watch it burn in the fires of hell. Also, why the hell was Doctor Doom even back? I know they wanted to do a third movie but the end of the first made it pretty clear he was out of the picture and then he was back and better and, yeah. Yay, another villain for us to not care about anymore.

So… The least I say about the last movie Fox did the better. I won’t even go into it, because honestly… I watched about five minutes of it total (I tried three times and just couldn’t do it). It wasn’t the casting, before someone says that’s why. It isn’t. I don’t judge a movie (especially a superhero one) on casting until I can see how the actors react to the part. When I see actors dissing their own movie? Yeah… doesn’t really show confidence in a fan. Also another retelling of “how the family got their powers”, yay! :|

Honestly, they could have used a real alien plot line like Annihilus and I would have probably have just sat there wide eyed the whole time. But nope. We got another movie where Doctor Doom was the villain, and the Fantastic Four were just newbies. Nothing really new. It was a letdown from a story standpoint, even if the visuals were all very catching. The new visuals did nothing to keep your attention if the story wasn’t there. And you’ve heard the story.

There’s a reason the MCU didn’t tell you how Peter Parker got his power for the third time, because you already know. You already know he had an Uncle Ben, and he’s dead by the time the movie starts. You don’t need to know how the Hulk became the Hulk all over again (and I’m glad they didn’t redo that movie because the Edward Norton movie was good as reintroducing people to the incredible green guy, and we didn’t need a new retelling of the story). They’ve made it a point that they don’t need to tell us the origin stories for the older heroes because we all know the story. Just like if the time comes where Captain America has to be remade, they won’t have to redo his story either, because we all know it.

The same I hope is going to be true for our first family. We know how they got their powers. We know they’re a family. We know they’re heroes. But where have they been? Why haven’t they been involved in anything if they have been around? Could they have been out in space this whole time, dealing with something? Could have been kidnapped by the Skrulls? (That happened in the comics. It’s how we ended up with the Super Skrull—who is honestly my favorite villain ever.) That could also be tied in to work with the upcoming Secret Invasion, or for the next Captain Marvel movie.

As for actors and the actress? I honestly don’t care who they cast. As long as the story fits the actors abilities, then all will be well with the world.

I’m not asking for a miracle. I’m just asking for the MCU to bring what they’ve brought to the rest of their Cinematic Universe. An excellent group of characters and amazing stories.

Here’s looking at you Marvel, the First Family is in your hands again so… well… don’t screw this up, House of Mouse.

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About the Creator


Hello everyone! My name is Bunny (well nickname is anyways - pay no attention to the name behind the curtain). I go by she/her, and am a panromantic asexual. I have a great love for everything comics, horror, and fantasy.

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