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By Katie HammerbeckPublished 2 years ago 5 min read


As calmly and carefully as he could, Jacob explained what had happened after his death. How Tamara had explained his destiny, that he was in search of his other half. He had to die, to be able to be with her at the right time.

“How can you possibly know I’m your other half?” Rebecca whispered. He took her hand in both of his and the feeling shot between them again.

“This is how I know.” He replied. “For the past 200 years, I have never felt anything like that.” Seeing she was still uncertain, he put his hand behind her head and lifted her toward him and kissed her and she knew that they were for sure meant for each other. The kiss was so different then what she had experienced before. It was breathtaking and warm and she felt connected to him in a way that she never wanted to end.

But when he pulled away she was back in the hospital with all her aches and pains. Her wide brown eyes stared into his, both of them unable to speak for a long while and the room was silent apart from the machines. Rebecca shifted and winced at the pain her movements caused her, looking down to actually take in her injuries. Jacob looked at her with great regret and he gently smoothed some of her matted hair away from her face.

“I’m sorry Rebecca.” He whispered achingly, shaking his head. “I should have stopped him…” Rebecca shook her head and gave him a look saying she didn’t blame him one bit. He kissed her forehead, making her smile. Rebecca studied this man, thinking that even though he didn’t look much older than her, he acted as if he were a grown, mature man.

“Could you do something for me?” she asked.


“Could you read something to me?” He chuckled in surprise. “It helps me relax when I’m reading or listening to an audiobook.” Jacob kissed her cheek then picked up a copy of the newspaper. He picked the most boring story he could find then read it in amusing voices. Rebecca couldn’t stop laughing and eventually had to beg him to stop, her stomach hurt so bad.

“You don’t know how happy it makes me to see you smile again.” Jacob whispered as they snuggled on the narrow bed, her head on his chest. Rebecca’s pale cheeks blushed slightly at the tenderness but she didn’t pull away.

“My mother used to do the same thing with the newspaper. I would curl up next to her and just listen to her soothing voice as she read…” She broke off, tears pooling into her eyes.

“Rebecca, what’s wrong?” Jacob asked, pulling her into a hug. But she didn’t respond, she just wanted to let out all the pain and hurt that she had locked away for years. As her tears soaked his shirt, he rubbed her back and said soothing words to her, and that’s how Penny found them when she came in.

“Jacob, you should run on home dear. You both need your rest. It's been a long few days for all of us.” She whispered. When he didn’t respond, she added, “Go Jacob, I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.” Reluctantly, he tucked the now sleeping Rebecca under the sheets and kissed her forehead.

“If it’s alright, I’d like to visit her tomorrow.” Penny walked up to him then drew him into a fierce embrace.

“You have more than earned the right to visit her, Jacob. Because of you, she’s alive.” Jacob hugged her back and thanked her then slipped out the door quietly as she took his spot beside Rebecca.


Jacob sat down at his computer as soon as he got back to his apartment and went to work. He had to find out more about Rebecca and her past. Searching the internet, he followed multiple stories of serial killers in the area but didn’t find any with children matching Rebecca’s description. Widening the search, he discovered an article for a man who killed over a dozen people. A single photo of the man and his family was included with the article, showing a seemingly normal looking husband and wife and two daughters. His attention was drawn to the younger one and he instantly knew it was Rebecca. Even in a black and white photo, her eyes were unmistakable.

Reading through the article, Jacob felt his energy twist heavily inside. The man had not only killed several women and children, but his own wife and eldest daughter. The article described that Rebecca had managed to escape, but so did her father.

“Tamara, what do I do now?” he asked. His spirit guide appeared beside him as he rested his head in his hands. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Now you need to help her heal.”

“The doctors are doing that…”

The spirit sighed and shook her head.

“Jacob, she needs more than just physical healing. She needs emotional healing. Everything she’s been through, it’s hurt her deep inside and has caused her to doubt and feel unsure about anything or anyone. Her heart is good and one of the purest I’ve seen, but it needs fixing. For you both to be happy, you need to accomplish these things.” Tamara began to leave but Jacob asked,

“But why is there so much hatred towards her when she has such a good heart?” Tamara didn’t turn around but said over her shoulder slowly,

“They hate her because she’s the daughter of a serial killer Jacob.”

“That has nothing to do with her though!” Jacob protested. Tamara looked at him with pity.

“You should know better than anyone that people are quick to judge.” Jacob flinched slightly. “They blame her for not calling the police to stop him sooner, saying that she was old enough to have made the choice.”

Jacob’s fists clenched. “She was just a child…!” Sighing, he shook his head. “I don’t know what to do.”

Tamara smiled gently and touched his shoulder, “You’ll find a way Jacob, you’ve gotten this far, don’t turn back now.” She backed away as a shimmering golden light surrounded her and she faded away.

Jacob thought about what she’d said. He thought of all the possible ways of finding help for Rebecca. He wanted nothing more than to see her shine as bright as the sun as he knew she could. He wanted her brown eyes void of sadness and filled with the confidence and strength he could sense deep within her. Jacob prayed for guidance and strength as he laid down on his bed.


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