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Cruella 2021 Review

By: Karly Krull

By Karly KrullPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Cruella the 2021 film based off the main protagonist from the popular Disney 101 Dalmatian franchise was released last Friday May 28 in theaters or for premier access on Disney+. This movie tells the backstory of Cruella, where she came from and how things led to become what they did. I am a huge fan of Cruella De Vil and I actually dressed up as her for Halloween in 2020. So of course I bought the film on Disney+ with the premier access. I had been waiting forever to see it and it was well worth the wait! This article will include spoilers so if you have not seen the film yet please do not read further.

The story begins with Cruella being born and growing into a young child. Cruella's real name in the back story version is actually Estella. Estella had a wild side as a young child and her Mother had difficulty finding a good home for them or school for her because of this. Estella's Mother would frequently and kindly ask her to keep her Cruella side away and to be nice to the other children. For how free-spirited Estella was this did not do much. Her "Cruella side" still came to the surface usually. Estella got into fights with other children often and had lots of trouble fitting in.

Estella's Mother saved up money so they could both get a fresh start in London. Her Mother was a single Mom so, she went to ask an old friend for some extra help financially. The Baroness is who she went to request money from because, she used to work for her and it is found to be they were not really "friends". Estella was very into fashion and wanted to be a designer just like the Baroness and after her Mother requested she stay in the car, her curious side got the best of her and she did not listen. This led to Estella going into the party the Baroness was having and causing a huge scene. The Baroness had her three dalmatians chase Estella. The dogs and Baroness began to go after her Mother and her Mother was then pushed off of a cliff by the Baroness. Estella is left orphaned.

Estella then meets her two new friends Jasper and Horace. Jasper and Horace are also orphaned children and teach Estella the way of the streets and how to survive without parents. This meant stealing and lots of it! They trained Estella to become a thief like the two of them and this continues into Estella, Jasper and Horace's adult lives. Estella eventually begins working a job at a local fashion outlet as a maid for the business. She has lots of trouble fitting in here as well because her wild and free-spirited personality. To put it straight forward her boss hated her! Estella hated him too and one night after staying late to clean his office stole his whiskey and got drunk. She got so drunk she redesigned the window display and fell asleep inside. This sounds like it would have been a bad thing but, it was actually a wonderful thing for her. The Baroness (owner of the fashion outlet) comes to the store, sees the display and loves it! She offers Estella a job as a designer in her warehouse and Estella is of course thrilled and accepts the job!

Estella then begins to work for the Baroness and she soon realizes the Baroness is who killed her Mother. She keeps it together, acts calm and then gets on the Baroness's good side. Then to make matters worse, she discovers the Baroness is her real Mother! Estella becomes one of the Baroness's most favorite employees because she loves her designs. Estella had a plan ready to go and that was releasing her Cruella side once more. She does this by taking attention away from the Baroness and becoming London's next top fashion designer as Cruella. The Baroness then discovers Cruella is actually Estella! The Baroness once again tries to get to the top and this is by pushing Estella off a cliff. Estella was very smart and knew this may happen since it had happened to her Mother prior. So, she had a parachute with her and used it after she was pushed. This led to the death of Estella but not, Cruella. Estella continued her life as Cruella and the Baroness was arrested. Before Estella died she left her fortune to her dear "friend" Cruella De Vil and takes control of the Baroness's mansion and her fortune since the Baroness was indeed Estella's biological Mother.

My opinion of this film is that it was great! It was amazing to see Cruella's backstory and understand why the protagonist of 101 Dalmatians was the way she was. It lets the viewer sympathize and understand Cruella and her actions. It was a creative and fresh take on the 101 Dalmatians franchise and I would recommend watching it if you have not yet. If you have I am sure you enjoyed it as well.


About the Creator

Karly Krull

I am open-minded, a free spirit and mother of Viktor Karl 10/9/17‍ 👶💕 Oats Mr. Sprinkles🐈🐈Always good vibes ✌️☮️ Writing is my passion! ♥️#heartlikeahandgrenade

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