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Boba Fett

his Mandalorian experience?

By Fulcrum TransmissionsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Jango surely had ties with the Mandalorians whether he considered himself one or not. This trait will surely be fleshed out by his son, Boba Fett in the coming episodes of the Mandalorian.

Here's the tale of nice tie in points:

Jango surely put his son in danger, in Canon I'm hoping with a Krayt Dragon instead

Jango takes his son Boba on a training mission on Tatooine, this one was quite unique.

This would make Boba skiled at a young way and ahead of Dinn Djarin as a child

He would task his son Boba to take a claw from a Krayt Dragon in Gardulla’s abandoned palace.

The Krayt Dragon in Gardulla's palace from the Bounty Hunter Game with Jango Fett would therefore be added back into Canon

This legends comic is a great story to incorporate Boba's familarity with Krayt Dragons in canon and how he survived in Tatooines harsh deserts

-Boba Fett would complete his fathers task, taking the claw of a Krayt Dragon.

The mission with his later father Jango would be a great backstory to the canon name of Boba's Bounty Hunter Syndicate, the Krayt's Claw.

-after Jango’s death, Boba would name his group of hunters that rallied for him the Krayt’s Claw, that would grow in numbers over the years.

-When attempting revenge on Mace Windu, the young Boba Fett had gotten detained by the Republic, a prison he'd soon escape.

Dooku was more familiar with Boba Fett, and would provide all schematics for successful infiltration

-Starting off from rock bottom, Boba's efforts against Mace Windu were noticed by Dooku, who contacted Boba Fett via hologram.

Jango Fett's gemome was heavily protected on Kamino

-Tyrannus offered another striking blow to the Jedi, stealing his fathers genome on Kamino, interrupting the cloning process making the jedi more vulnerable in the war.

Boba Fett is the perfect person to infiltrate Kamino

-This mission would require stealth, and a clone of Jango is the easiest access to Kamino. This is a type of mission Boba has previously done, impersonation.

-when tasked by Tyrannus to take Jango’s genome from Kamino, which is now controlled by the republic, Boba did was ordered to complete the mission alone to prove his skills to Count Dooku.

-Dooku's schematics were updated from the assault of Kamino, when he found out that the Kaminoans replaced samples with decoys of Clone Templates to prevent another theft. Dooku believes the template was in fact on Timira City instead.

-This was secretly a trap by Dooku to capture Boba and provide samples for another clone genome for Kaminoan cloning as they were running low on Jango's DNA sample resulting in less skilled clones according to the Kaminoans.

-Boba would seek his fathers genome for his own vendetta against the jedi and believing he was the owner of his fathers legacy, not the Republic and the Jedi who slaughtered him.

Boba will infiltrate Timira City, as seen in the EU

-While on Timira City, he was unable to locate the original genome of Jango Fett

Jango tasked skilled warriors, many Mandalorian, to train his Clone Army.

-He was stopped by the Cuy’val Dar, former allies of his father, who spared him as a “clone minor” that straddled off from his post.

-they agreed to train him for one rotation to prepare for a special mission only Boba could his father hadn’t even mentioned to Boba.

The Death Watch took his sister, Arla Fett in Legends

-Jango Fett had a sister who was long thought dead after being taken by Death Watch. Jango avenged them when he killed death watches leader, Tor Vizsla.

In Legends Boba Fett takes this mandalorian armor from Timira City

-After the training, the Cuy'val Dar gave Boba new (or ancient) Mandalorian Armor. Boba would take on this armor on the mission.

-they simply put that this mission would earn Boba not only more respect by other Mandalorians, but also earn him family again.

-Boba Fett would “rescue” Arla Fett from a Death Watch encampment. Arla now possessed a new name.

This a great combo between Jango's armor and Death Watch armor, fitting for Jango's Death Watch loyal sister

-Arla was not a prisoner, but a member of Death Watch, and was close to killing Boba until he removed his helmet, revealing to be Jango’s son.

-Members of Death Watch would capture Boba Fett and present him to Pre Vizsla who would realize Boba Fett's importance to both the republic and the seperatists alike, and contacted Darth Tyrannus.

-Darth Tyrannus preferred Boba Fett dead after he failed the important task of confiscating Jango Fett's DNA, explaining that the clones were more useful than the doners. Pre Vizsla responded that the clones and the doners are pale imitations of true mandalorians, and he'd gladly behead Jango Fett's son and deliver many genetic samples to Dooku.

Dred Priest and Isabet Reau were members of Cuy'val Dar and Death Watch in legends

-Fortunately there were spies of the Cuy'val Dar present among the crowd of Death Watch members. Dred Priest and Isabet Reau would rescue Boba by intervening the execution with bombs.

-Arla Fett would thank Boba Fett for freeing her from Death Watch's creed, vowing to see him again soon, before flying off.

-Boba would escape the Death Watch encampment with the assitance of Cuy'val Dar. They would invite Boba to join them back on Kamino, but Boba would reply, "I am nothing like you, and neither was my father Jango."

-Some time later on, Boba would be contacted by Arla Fett, but this time she offered him Mandalorian Beskar in exchange for his services.

Concord Dawn System

-Protector of Concord Dawn members Arla Fett and Fenn Rau sought Boba Fett to assist them defending Concord Dawn from Death Watch, now being led by none other than Maul.

-upon successfully assisting the Protectors of Concord Dawn, Fett was presented a very special gift.

Jango and Jaster in EU

-He was gifted armor of Jaster Mereel, armor his father, Jango Fett once wore. Jaster Mereel had been one of Concord Dawn's greatest protectors.

an iconic moment

-Boba Fett would return to Tatooine with this new armor, joining Cad Bane on a bounty of Jabba's that was captured by Tusken Raiders. In order to get to Jabba's bounty, Cad Bane had Boba get himself captured by the Tusken Raiders

-Boba would learn from the Tuskens, and grow to respect them.

- Upon completing the bounty, Cad Bane received most of the bounty, and Boba challenged Bane to a shoot out, claiming he deserves more credit and is a more skilled hunter than Bane.

-Boba would survive the shootout due to the notorious Beskar armor while Cad Bane wouldn't. Boba would become notorious and feared; granting favor from Jabba the Hutt.

Years Later:

through skill Boba escaped the Sarlaac although the acid damaged his armor

Boba would escape the Sarlaac pit through skill and perhaps the presence of a krayt dragon?

likely scarred from the incident

-He seperated himself from the acid covered armor, seemingly letting go of his largest failure.

These Tusken Raiders, desert life, failure, and perhaps the B'omarr Monks likely influenced Boba's change?

-While roaming in the dessert he was approached by the same Tusken Raiders he met during the Clone Wars.

Boba even adopted a Gaderffi Stick and a rifle similar to the Tusken's

-He learned more from these Tusken Raiders and came to adopt aspects of their way of life.

-When meeting Dinn Djarin I believe he will reveal both him and his fathers true connections to Mandalorians and Kamino and how he can be a pivotal tool to end Mandalorian genocide from continuing.

-Boba can also be a resource in finding other Mandalorians and even Jedi..


About the Creator

Fulcrum Transmissions

write mostly predictions

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