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Kamino during the Mandalorian Season 2??

will we be swimming in this water this season?

By Fulcrum TransmissionsPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

With the return of Kaminoan engineered Clone Boba Fett, and mysterious circumstances of a Kaminoan trained scientist Dr. Pershing with "The Child" (Baby Yoda), it seems as though experiencing the rough waved Kamino is not too far in the future for us fans

I will start with a Tale:

There were a number of Kaminoans Jango Fett was familiar with and the one Boba Fett was most fond of was Kina Ha.

Kina Ha was a force sensitive Kaminoan in Legends that had ties to Mandalorians

Kina Ha gave Jango the idea of referencing the design of the clone armor from a Mandalorian design as well as being trained by Mandalorians Jango trusted.

In Legends Boba takes this Mandalorian armor from Timira City..

After Jango's death, Boba paid a visit to Kina Ha on Timira City, and was gifted interim armor from the Cuy'val Dar, allies of his father. They claimed his father would want him to earn Jaster Mereel's armor when he was ready to earn it.

After the end of the Clone Wars, The Cloning Labs were shut down and the Clone Army was decommissioned by the Empire.

The Emperor likely attempted to replicate force sensitives like in Legends

The Emperor still overseen his dark experiments on Kamino, and would implant top scientists across the galaxy to work with the Kaminoans for his various cloning plans. The strongest of these schematics would be stored in his observatory locations, including on Exogol.

In legends the Emperor had a thing for cloning dangerous beings

Some of his dark experiments included: Cloning himself, cloning decoys of important figures, cloning Zillo Beasts and other dangerous Fauna, bio-engineering virus', and lastly cloning force sensitives for numerous operations.

Timira City from Legends

Only certain individuals with proper clearance can enter Kamino as it was heavily protected by the Empire. The Empire located their top facility in Timira City. Nala Se operated Timira City haven proven herself to Palpatine while Commander Cody operated the Imperial Forces guarding Kamino.

Kina Ha sympathized with one of the experiments

It wasn't until one of their own, scientist Kina Ha, had sympathized with one of the force sensitive subjects, a Child of an unknown species. This child was going to be going through an extraction process where one's midi-chlorians will be repurposed and possibly cloned.

Kina herself was a bioengineered Kaminoan, and had an extended aging characteristic in her DNA. However, she did possess disdain with her own as they considered midi-chlorians as a subject disposition and would need to be "reeducated and processed." Kina had doubt with the historical intentions the Kaminoans had with cloning armies and being used by the Sith. She also grew suspicious after the disapearance of several Kaminoans and numerous defective clones.

When the Kaminoan overseer, Nala Se, noticed that Kina Ha was force sensitive, she assumed that Kina was an unfit practitioner and may possess unecessary bias with the force sensitive subjects.

Kina was to be terminated immediately, but instead Kina freed many of the facilties Clones, causing a riot.

In legends there was an epic face off with a Clone Army and Stormtrooper Army

Kina even triggered the last Clone Army of Jango Fett, which outnumbered the Imperial Forces 10 to one. Unfortunately, Kina Ha also freed the Zillo Beasts in the process, which caused chaos and inadvertently made way for Kina's escape.

Two of the subjects freed from Kaminoan captivity from the uprising were jedi master Luminara Unduli and former jedi knight Bariss Offee. Luminara sacrificed her freedom for the freedom of the other Kamino. Bariss however, escaped separately from Kina Ha and accidentally took the child with her.

the child may have ties to Kamino..

There was a tracker in the child Kina Ha was able to find, and eventually was able to locate the child. Kina studied the tracker, and learned that if she were to remove or deactivate the tracker it may kill the youngling.

Unfortunately there was a huge bounty on her head by the Empire following her escape..

The Imperial Security Bureau had Kina Ha as a top target.

Kina Ha was sought after by ISB agent Gideon and by Inquisitors alike.

This bounty on her head was claimed by several bounty hunters, although Kina Ha had several hologram decoys of herself throughout the galaxy and evaded capture.

Kina Ha would also be saught after by Saw Guerera who seeked her expertise to strike a blow at the Empire. However, he was unsuccessful in capturing her.

Jango chose mandalorians to train his Clone Army called the "Cuy'val Dar" which included Fenn Rau.

Kina would contact the best protection she knew, the Cuy'val Dar, Mandalorian Warriors that were allies to Jango Fett. She was the only Kaminoan that they felt followed their honor code while they trained Jango's Clones back on Kamino.

Eventually Kina Ha was tracked down by Boba Fett while being protected by members of Cuy'val Dar, Mandalorian warriors once contracted by Boba's father, Jango Fett on Concord Dawn.

Boba hadn't come for the bounty on her head, but instead for his fathers genome, as it was rightfully his property, she gave him the location of the genome, and he taught her how to scatter the signal the tracker left off to better avoid being hunted.

Jango Fett's genome was conserved since they began to run low

However, Boba was unable to locate the genome of Jango Fett, as it was either well hidden after being conserved by the Kaminoans during the Clone Wars. He hoped to earn the Empire's trust in order to get the priceless genome back in his hands.

Upon securely hiding the child, Kina Ha was unfortunately wiped out alongside her Mandalorian Defense by none other than Moff Gideon during the great purge.

The Child was held on Arvala-7

The child would be tucked away on Arvala-7.

a Resurfaced Boba Fett...

When Boba Fett resurfaced he would learn that Din Djarin needed his assistance locating surviving Mandalorians, he would help Dinn track them down as he believed some members of the Cuy'val Dar could have survived the attack and possibly could get clues from Moff Gideon's fortress on Kamino where he planned to capture the child..

Jango Fett's genome had gone lost?

If Jangos genome is dicussed, Boba is likely to be ruthless when getting it back.


About the Creator

Fulcrum Transmissions

write mostly predictions

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