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Bad Idea Wednesday

Tankers No. 2!!

By Katie L. Oswald (BookDragon)Published 3 years ago 3 min read

Katie here, and I am going to talk about the Bad Idea comics that recently dropped. June 2nd was supposed to be the release of two Bad Idea titles: Tankers and Eniac 4 (the final title in a 4-book series). Sadly, we only got one, Eniac 4 won't be coming out until June 30th. This is a huge bummer, because I am excited to see how the story ends but the anticipation will make it all that more satisfying to see what happens in the final issue. However, we did get our Bad Idea fix with Tankers #2 which came out on June 2nd on schedule.

First, I would like to talk about the glorious cover. How cool is it? It makes me want to live in that world, bullet proof dinos and all.

Bad Ass!

(Yea that's right... you heard me: bullet proof)... That's all you get though. You gotta read the issue if you wanna know what that's all about and if you already have read the issue then you already know. (And knowing is half the battle and all that.) I mean look at that cover- man vs. T-rex which is freaking awesome. And the look on that guys face. That cover made me move Tankers to the top of my read list. (Meaning that it was one I read right there in my lcs sitting at one of the tables shooting the shit with my buds.)

Now for the elephant in the room. Seriously, I hear all these comments about how this one isn't as good as Eniac... it's a completely different kettle of fish... (where did that saying even come from?) A whole different bag of chips- Eniac is this mind-fuck computer that knows everything adventure. Tankers is a punch in the face mechs, dinos, and time travel kind of adventure… why can’t we just like both? To be fair, we all have different tastes and I suppose I give you permission to like one better. Ha ha. For me I enjoy both.

Tankers 2 is an adrenaline filled fun time and I am loving every minute of it. I mean come on, we are going to go back into time and keep the dinos alive... but only for a little while. Yea how did that work out for you? Spoiler alert- not so well.

I find myself interested in what will happen next. Our intrepid time traveling mech riding heroes (never thought I’d get to write that- thanks Bad Idea) return to a very different future indeed. As if no one saw that coming… well to be fair the nefarious oil company dudes clearly did not see that coming. I am interested in where they will be going with this in the final installment. Will time travel win the day, or will it all end in disaster? We will all have to pick up that third issue to find out.

So, I am truly enjoying Tankers but if I had to give you one thing that I am not as thrilled about it would have to be the colors. The cover is this vibrant wonderful thing, but on the inside the colors are softer. Not terrible or anything, but I like those deep colors of the color and I don’t know that first page:

That first page is a little muddled… I mean are the dinosaurs camouflaging or what? Cause for me at least it’s hard to tell. It gets better though from there on. While occasionally there are soft colors and the pages seem a bit muddled to me- I still dig the art. There are some really awesome art moments, the people are well defined and well-drawn. Dude, the expressions on some of their faces is awesome. There is a moment when this lady is calling someone shit for brains and the expression on her face is so life like it made me grin like an idiot.

So, all and all, I am looking forward to the next Tankers and I am going to be sad when it’s over. Isn’t that always the way? The best comics and the best books leave us with that dual feeling of joy and sadness- happy to have read the story, and sad to see it go.

Twitter: @Bookdragonklo


About the Creator

Katie L. Oswald (BookDragon)

I am not a book worm, I am a book dragon. I love comics, books, photography and all things creative. I have always been drawn to the stories of life and have been writing for as long as I can remember. Twitter: @BookDragonklo

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