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B+ films

Films that were almost there but just missed the mark on "perfection"

By Dyllon RodillonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

There are plenty of films in my opinion that were right there, they could've been absolute classics but they missed the mark for one reason or another. These "flaws" or "miscues" or what ever you want to call it could be thanks to poor directing, major plot-holes, subpar acting, subpar script writing. It really doesn't matter exactly what the flaw(s) are/is.

Terminator 3: Rise of the machines

Although I didn't mind Terminator: Dark Fate, I still think this film is better. I loved the Rev-9 and I absolutely loved having Linda Hamilton back. However this film is just better. Before we get any further let me start off by saying I'll be abbreviating the names of the corresponding films accordingly; ROTM for Rise of The Machines and DF for Dark Fate. Primarily it comes down to the story telling. Since this film was supposed to neatly wrap up the Terminator trilogy. It actually does a decent job. I appreciated the introduction of Katherine Brewster and Robert Brewster having possibly been the guy to kill Skynet before it ever got off the ground. The earlier models of the Terminator were fun to see and having the T-X concept was actually very interesting to see for the very first time. Well all know the horrible attempts at humor but that's fine, I'll let it slide. And the acting is very, bleh at best. But the acting is still passable. Lastly I did actually appreciate the ending. Terminator 2 is my favorite film of all time and I'm okay with the fact that ROFM went back on that ending.

10 Cloverfield Lane

First off I definitely enjoy that this film isn't a direct sequel to Cloverfield especially since I hated that movie but appreciated the Cloverfield world. The acting of this film is spectacular. There were a couple filler scenes and some really unnecessary dialog/exposition but they're by no means egregious so I let that slide. My biggest problem stems from the linear story. Because this story was too linear it made it very predictable that John Goodman would be the antagonist of the film. I would've much appreciated if the film started off in the middle where everyone is already adjusted to the shelter. Then as things become a little more sinister, we're given more information as to who these people are and where they came from. Also I would've appreciated if John Goodman's character wasn't actually a bad guy just misunderstood. Now if that meant say introducing a fourth character or switching the rolls, I would've been fine either way. But I feel like that would've been a great plot twist. And then instead of Mary Elizabeth Winsted taking down that monster, thing, after she escapes we'll cut that part out. The final scene will basically be the exact same in the film where she's literally at the fork in the road deciding if she can go back and help other survivors or keep running, and then we just end it there. This movie would've done so well with an open ending.

Wonder Woman

Yes, this is going exactly where you're thinking. That really generic and boring ending. I absolutely loved Wonder Woman and with Wonder Woman 1984 right around the corner I'm incredibly excited. Acting, the color contrast of Wonder Woman to the rest of the environment, the chemistry between Pine and Gadot, the fight choreography . This movie is spectacular, honestly. However that ending; I wish that the big reveal and unveiling of Ares is that he really wasn't doing anything the entire time. If Ares truly wasn't to blame then that would crush Diana. Because it makes her believe that humans really are just evil messes and nearly breaks her. Then when Ares has Diana at her emotional weakest, he'd try to convince her that humans are irredeemable scum in comparison to gods and demi gods like her; and that she should just go home and never come back. That is until Steve Trevor saves the day, but not by a big heroic knight in shining armor final boss fight scene. Steve reminds her of all the good they've done for people they don't know. He also explains that yes, humans are complicated and the world is a very messy place, not always so black and white but very grey. However Diana can give the world the hope it needs by stepping up and being a hero not just through her fists, but through kindness and compassion. Of course this would enrage Ares and instead of fighting Diana, he would literally just walk away telling her that if she stays someday the humans will come to fear her and hunt her down, and on that day she'll be sorry she never listened to him.

Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed what you read today. I have plenty of different articles on many different topics. Feel free to give those other articles a read or two. Also if you'd be so kind, I'd greatly appreciate a heart and if you really feel so inclined tips are always appreciated but by no means required.


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Dyllon Rodillon

Jack of all trades, master of none.

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