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A Dune I can get behind

Star Wars analogue that could make better Star Wars and stories for the future

By Jonathan CostaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
"Please, sir! The franchise isn't ready yet!"

At the time of me writing this. Star Wars has survived the first movie that ever left me numb. While the Rise of Skywalker disappointed me (mostly due to the departure of what I loved from The Last Jedi) The Mandalorian has satisfied and elated me twice over with two strong seasons and promising projects on the horizon. However, as much as Star Wars takes a front seat to my loves in fiction. There is something crucial that is as important. Star Wars: I never really have to worry about. They have and always did have all the monies and passionate artists to promote and encourage it. However, aside from that, I look to other stories that hit in that special way that only Star Wars can. I think about DUNE.

"What if it happens again?"

I've got a soft spot for certain flops. The Lone Ranger, John Carter, Treasure Planet are some of my favourites. Barsoom Series and Valérian and Laureline are obvious inspirations for my favourite fictional of all (Star Wars: if that wasn't obvious). Yet what happened to both films haunts me to this day.

Quality of adaptation aside since the song has been sung on that front (see:... looper's analysis for my sweet summer French boy and filmento's breakdown of my spicy Southern Good 'ole). There's a lot to love about the world's portrayed in these films and especially considering their fantastic source material. If you haven't picked up any of that content yet, find a way because it's quality stuff for Sci-fi fiends.

What's this got to do with DUNE!? Well there's plenty to say that Dune will not fall for the traps that ensnared my beloved stories in the past. Considering his resume, Director Denis Villeneuve does not miss, ever. Whereas my beloved Luc Besson may have been a bit out of practice since The Fifth element.

The cast isn't just pretty faces, no disrespect to skinny legend Dane Dehaan and six-string queen Cara Delevigne. I stan Rihanna as much as the next early 2000's kid, but the talent on Dune is on another level of time-tested and proven talent.

I mean:


The cast of Dune (2020) has me melting with each character. The thought of the screen being shared amongst such an A+ cast reminds me of top-shelf outings like Knives Out, what could go wrong?

Only my millennial anxiety could see this going sour. I hope against hope that DUNE (2020) gets the success that the source material so rightfully deserves. Part of the casting, however, gave me pause to the future of what Dune's success could mean not just for its own franchise potential, but also other franchises.

Star Wars alumni Oscar Isaac and Sharon Duncan-Brewster appearing in the roll call of this amazing cast made me think about creative decisions that Star Wars films have made in recent years. More wins than misses in my personal opinion, but that's a good something for another someday.

Anyway, that is to say, Star Wars certainly has enough money and fame to do whatever they want. However, if for whatever reason you might be dissatisfied with a Star Wars project it may be more productive to support something like Dune. Follow quality and with the rules of "game recognise game", there's a way for better Star Wars projects and Sci-fi in the future. Think of it: imagine a John Carter that people actually care about. Valérian and Laureline that leaves you reeling with curiosity instead of confusion.

If you're a Star Wars enthusiast like me, then instead of complaining about how the last Whatever broke your faith in the fandom, try widening your palette with some Star Wars analogues, there's certainly no shortage. Put enough clout on Captain Villeneuve's name and we won't have another failed attempt at amazing Sci-fi cinema and just maybe a worthy contender to push studios to think bigger, badder, bolder.

I'm weeping!! He's so beautiful!!


About the Creator

Jonathan Costa

Artist. Poet. Traveller. Witness. Brazilian-American. Story-teller.

@nomadicartsstudio on Instagram

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