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19 Simple Psychological Tricks That Actually Work

How to Use 19 Psychological Tricks to Improve Your Life and Interactions

By Daniel EllisonPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

This article provides 19 psychological tricks that can be used to influence people's behavior. Although there are various books on neuro-linguistic programming and psychology, which are useful for professionals, there are also simpler yet effective methods that anyone can use in daily life. By using these tips, people can get what they want from others. Below are the 19 tricks:

Don't start your request with "could you." This can cause the other person to subconsciously assume that it's a theoretical question. Instead, rephrase your request with "please" to ensure it's fulfilled.

If you want to make someone feel uncomfortable, look at the middle of their forehead during the conversation. It makes them feel under scrutiny, which doesn't relax a person.

If someone tries to avoid answering a question, make a pause in the conversation while still keeping eye contact. They'll feel uncomfortable, and chances are they'll give you more details about the issue.

To make someone like you, ask them to explain something to you. This will improve the other person's attitude towards you.

When asking a question that requires an affirmative answer, try to nod subtly as you make your request. It's often used by restaurant employees to make guests buy more food.

If a person is concentrated on a task, extend your hand to them and get anything they're holding at the moment. They might not even remember later on. The trick works the other way around too.

If you want somebody to do something for you, casually say how they probably wouldn't be able to do it. Most people will try hard to prove someone wrong when it comes to doubting their capabilities.

To get an affirmative answer, start nodding a little bit during a conversation. It'll make the person you're talking to more attentive to your words.

If you want better conditions, prepare to be a little bit disappointed. This method can work like magic with a high price or a low salary.

As soon as your alarm clock goes off, sit up and make two fists, as if you're a soccer player who's just scored a goal. It helps you easily get out of bed feeling refreshed.

If you're always worried whether or not you lock the door or turn off your iron, say some absurd phrase when you're doing these things. The phrase could be different every day, and it'll calm you down.

If a person tries to pull you into an argument or some kind of drama, say something nice to them, or keep your calm and remain silent. It'll stop them in their tracks.

If you have a lazy person on your team, don't give them tasks by saying "do this." Instead, say "start with this." It'll seem like there's less work because they should start with something small.

If you have to speak in public, take a bottle of water with you.

If you want someone to agree with you, speak faster. If you want someone to disagree with you, speak slower.

If you want to know if someone is paying attention to you, fold your arms. If they mimic you, they're listening.

If you're in a group of people and you want to know who likes you, try cracking a joke. People who like you will laugh.

To get someone to like you, get them to talk about themselves.

If you want someone to do something, make it seem like they have a choice in the matter. For example, say "would you prefer to do this or that?"

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About the Creator

Daniel Ellison

Whether you’re into recent discoveries, space exploration, true stories, fitness, fun tests, and riddles, or useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, gadgets, or just your day-to-day routine, I write something for everyone!

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