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Tag your it!

Playing laser tag, paintball, and airsoft fun group activities or danger zone?

By Liona GravesPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Tag your it!
Photo by Pengyi zhang on Unsplash

Recently I have been introduced to the world of airsoft, after a fashion, thanks to a family member interested in some aspects of the game/hobby. This has led me to begin doing my own research on it and on similar types of games such as laser tag and paintball. I personally have my reservations regarding all three games, but I will present the pros and cons of both here and let you make up your own mind.

Airsoft, pro's:

1. A fun way to get out with a group of friends and enjoy the same activity.

2. Keep your shooting skills sharp.

3. Great way to find a use for old military clothing.

4. Utilizing the rules of conduct and contact it is a good way to set up an military reenactment without worrying as much about hurting all the participants.

5. Fun way to travel for competitions with a established group.

Airsoft, con's:

1. Can be expensive.

2. Pellets can cause bruising or other injuries dependent upon how well participants adhere to clothing and protective gear regulations of the field they are playing in. Including eye injury.

3. Hard to find a place to play.

Paintball Pro's:

1. Competitive.

2. Fun indoor/outdoor group activity.

3. Used in some training exercises with law enforcement and military.

4. Another outlet for fine tuning your shooting skills away from hunting season and the range.

5. Some forms do not require a paintball gun and instead rely upon grenades, or paint filled balloons, which are thrown by hand and can leave far less bruising than paint pellets.

Paintball Con's

1. Bruising caused by either close range pellet hits or high pressure shots.

2. Cost. This can vary depending on the level of player you are and on where you go to play.

3. Damage done to clothing, skin, and hair.

4. Difficulty in finding a venue to play in.

Laser Tag Pro's:

1. Doesn't leave any permanent damage to the player.

2. Most cost effective form of the game of tag.

3. Like the other two forms of the game, there are lots of different types of competitions and events for groups and clubs.

4. Least amount of protective gear needed.

5. Played in either darkened inside venues and/or outdoors in the evening.

6. Group activity full of fun and exercise and strategy.

Laser Tag Con's:

1. Risk to individuals that might be at risk for seizures depending upon the set up at the venue.

Again, this is a general list that I have compiled. The more I look into these the more I find myself leaning towards laser tag the most as one to try for something new.

With all this being said, in closing I add that during my research in these games/hobbies I noticed a interesting thing, specifically regarding airsoft and milsim there was little to no mention regarding female players. Even the language used to describe the game, gear, and guidelines was either gender neutral or masculine in nature.

Why did this spark my interest?

Primarily because my family member is a transgender female. So for her to have an interest in such a masculine game/hobby I think is a step in a positive direction. I think that in regards to activities where gender should not present itself as a factor on who can play, the language should be changed to be more inclusive rather than exclusive. No matter what you identify as, if you have a genuine and honest passion for an activity you should be permitted to at least try without fear of judgement.

Who knows, given the opportunity we as individuals may surprise not only those observing us but we may just end up surprising ourselves.


About the Creator

Liona Graves

I am 41, and am currently starting out with a lot of different things. I am new to selling insurance, new to trying to be a earning published writer, new to being a mom again. And essentially just trying to start my life.

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