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Splinterlands: Season 113 Rewards!

Season 113 rewards

By Sam BTCPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Since the last couple of seasons the rewards I was getting in Splinterlands seemed to keep getting worse and worse. There were points I will stop playing completely as I will wonder if the meagre amount of SPS and Soulbound NFTs I was getting was worth it. Last few seasons I did not get any Chaos packs which made the feeling even more painful. On top of it the competition seems to be getting tougher and it is a real challenge to keep my win rate decent.

This season the number of chests I raked up was quite similar to the previous season so I was expecting another disappointing set of rewards this time but I don’t know if Splinterlands has tinkered with their reward algorithm or I just got plain lucky but the overall rewards were much better for me this time.

Why was this season Better for me?

1. Won 1 Chaos Pack

In my view the best rewards you can get currently from the chests is the Chaos packs. This is for several reasons like they are traceable so if you want you can sell them of open the pack and then decide if you want to keep the cards or sell them. Either way you make the choice and there is a clear dollar value to the prize making the play to earn factor worthwhile.

2. Got 6 Gold Foils

The next important parameter in deciding the rewards quality is the number of gold foil cards you get. They are not just shiny but also help you earn more SPS in the fights you win. I know the Soulbound gold foils can’t be sold but at least they have some indirect utility.

3. Got 1 Legendary Card

I know I just got 1 legendary but it is better than 0. Also I did not have the Ferexian Hero in my collection yet so I feel better in adding a new piece to my collection.

What will I change in my Strategy Next Season?

I was analysing what my current gameplay approach is and what I can do better in the next season. Following are new strategies I am planning to try out this time.

Move to Gold League Early - I usually play more during the weekend and the urge to rack up more chests gets high when the season is about to get over. This makes it tougher for me to get a lot of chests as when I am still stuck in silver league then its an uphill task getting points for Gold chests. Plan to hit Gold league within the first few days and collect more chests this time.

Rent Few Legendary summoners- Analysing most of my losses there was one common theme I noticed. Most of the fights I lost were against legendary summoners as they give a huge advantage to their team. I currently don’t have the funds to buy legendary summoners so will try renting a few and see which improve my win rate. If there is a good airdrop coming up then I might even buy one.

After a long time I was pleasantly surprised by the season rewards and really hope this trend keeps up in the coming seasons as well.

I am slowly levelling up my set of summoners that allow use of one Gladiator so that I can have a fighting chance at Gold league but I doubt I will have them at level 4 or 5 anytime soon. I was also able to level up some of my gladiators to level 2 and some are already close to level 3 so I hope this does add up to improve my win rate in next season.

How was your season, do let me know in the comments.



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