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Splinterlands: Battle Mage Secret- Fog of War!

Splinterlands strategy

By Sam BTCPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

I still remember the good old days of Splinterlands when there were not too many cards, rules and abilities. It was very easy to get familiarised with all the possible combinations and come up with the best strategy to handle it.

Since the Chaos pack unleashed it became very hard for me to keep track of things. So many new legendary summoners, new abilities and traits it was impossible for me to be prepared for everything.

This is why now I regularly keep reading the posts people share about their battle strategies as it gives me new insights.

This weeks theme, Fog of War is an old battle rule which has been there since the olden times. I know well that here if you place a monster with sneak, snipe or opportunity trait then your opponent will laugh at you and wonder what kind of idiots are still playing the game. If he is generous he might give you the benefit of doubt by thinking you were in a hurry and did not realise the ruleset.

Battle Conditions!

The moment I saw that there were 2 battle rules Fog of War and Counterspell it meant I will have to be very selective about the cards to use.

Fog of War eliminates the use of sneaky monsters attacking your flank so this means what is key to the team line up is putting a strong Tank in the front as he will be taking a severe beating from everyone in the opponent team.

Sam’s Secret Sauce Strategy- Now I don’t normally share my top strategies on the net as I write them down in a secret diary which will be handed down to my children to guard as a family heritage. However as you have been reading my posts for such a long time and once in a while tipping my posts as well I am going to share a killer strategy from my secret diary.

This is related to the Counterspell ruleset. The moment people see Counterspell they don’t put any Magic attack monsters in their team but I have found a loophole to this. If you place a Magic monster like Djinn Oshannus who is also gifted with Void then the magic counter attack will be of no effect on him.

Opponent Teams are Lined up!

Once the battle started and I saw my opponent’s team I realised he was not a veteran as his summoner did not give any special attack and his team did not have anyone with magic attack. My job was already half done at the start. He had put the same Tank as me that is Diemonshark so I must admit he had a good pick with that. This Diemon is built to take a heavy beating, but he had a level 1 who was not going to be a match for my level 4 Diemon. Also my Djinns magic attack was going to bypass the heavy armour of Diemon. My opponent also had the good sense to pick Swamp Spitter just like me to reinforce the armour of my tank every round and this time he had the Swamy levelled up as well. He had overall a good team but my advantage was picking a better summoner and having Djinn with magic attack in my team.

Round 1 - Opponent’s Tank takes heavy Beating

As I had expected his Diemon was not levelled up so he nearly dies by the end of round 1. On the other hand my Diemon was levelled up so he was able to evade most of the the attack and the little hits he took to his armour were repaired by Swampy. The first round clearly went in my favour.

Round 2 - Opponent’s Front line gets Massacred

As soon as his Diemon fall his front line starts getting scattered like a pack of cards. By the time second round gets over half his team is already dead. On the other hand my Diemon is still holding the fort.

Round 5 - Game Over

By middle of Round 5 it’s game over for my opponent and the surprising part is that my Diemon is still standing. This game made me realise that Diemon is a great Tank to have in your team and he becomes even deadlier when levelled up.

If you liked my strategies and would like to see the entire game then you can see it here -

If you have still not discovered the magical world of Splinterlands and would like to get started, then feel free to use my referral link-



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My Post will be focused around Spirituality, Mythology and Blockchain proejcts which are the topics that interest me the most.

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