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(LOL) Ultimate guides: How to Yasuo

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By JenniePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Playing Yasuo requires a combination of mechanical skill, game knowledge, and quick decision-making. In this comprehensive guide, I'll provide an in-depth explanation of Yasuo's combos, along with tips, tricks, and strategies to maximize your effectiveness with the champion.

Combo 1: Basic Trading Combo

The basic trading combo is a fundamental technique to poke your opponent and minimize retaliation:

Use E (Sweeping Blade) to dash through a minion towards your target.

Immediately use Q (Steel Tempest) to poke your opponent.

Use E again to dash out of range, avoiding retaliation.

Combo 2: Airblade Combo

The Airblade combo is an advanced technique that extends the range of your ultimate and deals massive damage:

Launch a tornado by hitting Q3 (Steel Tempest) when it's fully stacked.

Use E to dash through your target.

Cast Q (Steel Tempest) while dashing.

Immediately use your ultimate (R - Last Breath) to knock up your target and nearby enemies, consuming the tornado and dealing damage.

Combo 3: Beyblade Combo

The Beyblade combo allows you to quickly close the gap between you and your target, surprising opponents:

Cast Q3 (Steel Tempest) and start the tornado.

Use E to dash through your target.

Flash onto your target while dashing, extending the range of your knock-up and catching opponents off guard.

Immediately cast your ultimate (R - Last Breath) to initiate a combo.

Combo 4: Keyblade Combo

The Keyblade combo combines the Airblade and Beyblade techniques, requiring precise timing and quick reflexes:

Launch a tornado with Q3 (Steel Tempest).

Use E to dash through your target.

While dashing, use Flash and cast Q (Steel Tempest) to extend the range of your tornado and hit the enemy.

Without delay, use your ultimate (R - Last Breath) to initiate a combo.

Combo 5: Advanced Wall Dash Combo

Yasuo's E (Sweeping Blade) allows him to dash through walls, providing increased mobility and outplay potential:

Identify a suitable wall to dash through.

Use E to dash through the wall.

While mid-dash, use Flash to extend the distance and catch opponents off guard.

Follow up with Q (Steel Tempest) to deal damage.

Combo 6: Ultimate Combo

Yasuo's ultimate, Last Breath, is a game-changing ability that can turn team fights in your favor:

Land a knock-up on one or multiple enemies using Q3 (Steel Tempest) or teammates' crowd control abilities.

Quickly activate your ultimate (R - Last Breath) to initiate the combo.

Utilize your basic attacks and Q (Steel Tempest) during the ultimate to maximize damage output.

Coordinate with your team to follow up and secure kills.

Tips and Tricks:

- Stack your Q (Steel Tempest) before engaging in fights to have a tornado ready for combos.

- Utilize Yasuo's E (Sweeping Blade) to dash through minions and champions for increased mobility and positioning.

- Master the art of maneuvering during fights using E (Sweeping Blade) to maximize your damage and survivability.

- Be mindful of your Wind Wall (W) placement, as it can block crucial enemy projectiles, such as Lux's ultimate or Ezreal's Mystic Shot.

- Keep an eye on your flow bar (the shield icon) to ensure you have the necessary flow to cast your ultimate when needed.

- Utilize Yasuo's passive (Way of the Wanderer) shield effectively by avoiding damage and engaging at the right moments.

- Build critical strike chance, attack speed, and lifesteal to maximize Yasuo's damage output and sustain in fights.

- Practice last-hitting minions to maximize gold income and itemization.

- Use your E (Sweeping Blade) to dash through walls for unexpected ganks, escapes, or to reposition during skirmishes.

- Communication and synergy with your team are key. Coordinate with your teammates to set up knock-ups for your ultimate and plan team fights accordingly.

General Strategies:

- Farm consistently to reach your power spikes quickly. Yasuo scales well with items.

- Be mindful of enemy crowd control and burst damage. Position yourself carefully and avoid getting caught out.

- Map awareness is crucial. Keep an eye on the minimap and assist your team with roaming and objective control.

- Split-push when appropriate, utilizing your mobility to apply pressure in side lanes.

- In team fights, look for opportunities to flank the enemy backline and prioritize squishy targets.

- Yasuo excels in extended trades and skirmishes due to his shield and high sustained damage. Capitalize on these situations.

- Adapt your item build to the game's situation. Options include items like Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Sterak's Gage, and Guardian Angel.

Remember, mastering Yasuo takes time and practice. Experiment with different combos, adapt to various matchups, and analyze your gameplay to continually improve. With dedication and experience, you can become a formidable Yasuo player and make your mark on the Rift.

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    JennieWritten by Jennie

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