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5 Successful Traits Of The Winning Gambler. It's The Lure Of Easy Money And Its' Very Strong Appeal. How To Win On Casino Slots.

By A Real Slot Player

By Jason Ray Morton Published 3 years ago 4 min read

Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas, Viva, Viva Everywhere

Las Vegas has always been the American epicenter of bright lights, big cities, extravagant shows, and games of chance. People from all walks of life travel to the famed "Sin City" to explore, get away from it all, and chase the chance to strike it rich. In 2019 Las Vegas, Nevada opened its' doors and its' arms to nearly 43 million visitors and their wallets according to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. In 2018, according to Statista, there were nearly 165 thousand active gaming machines in Nevada. People flock to escape from their day-to-day for an exciting time in a city filled with bright lights, magical sounds, and easy money. But, what makes those that win successful?

America is in the middle of a "gold rush" when it comes to gaming and the gambling industries. While the casino growth has slowed, the growth of gambling cafes and rooms has propelled people to new wealth. Owners are seeing as much as two and three million a year in cafes and the machines are popping up everywhere, from truck stops to gas stations, and from corner bars to bars and grills. That feel of the bright lights, loud sounds, and "Ka-Ching" money is now available a lot closer to home for the majority of America.


Knowledge of games is an essential skill for anyone that gambles to win. Sure, at the end of the day, it is mostly luck. But, for those that play regularly and know the games they prefer like the back of their hand, a certain amount of knowledge begins to develop. Much the way people that play the game of Black Jack tend to want to sit at a certain spot on a full table, know the odds based on the cards they see and focus more on the dealer's hand than any other on the table, people familiar with a machine and the odds of pay off win more consistently. Like anything we do in life, repetition and memory come into play.


The games themselves can teach trends to the players if the players don't get lost in the euphoria of the whimsical sounds and neon lights that are the atmosphere of a gaming area. The house sets up games to be profitable to them and them alone. The programmers make these games to take your money. So how then do you use that against them? By paying close attention. Standing in a gaming room, watching someone play a slot, a guy that used to work for a gaming company described several aspects of electronic gambling machines. As he described the tips he uses, I listened and made mental notes. For anyone that has ever been on a slot and it played hot for a while, only to turn cold and get your money back, it's not bad luck. It's the programming. If you're playing slots, make frequent cashouts until you've hit a good jackpot. Running up a four or five-hundred-dollar winning streak only to have it taken back by the machine is certainly going to ruin that good time you are having if you don't.


Lurking can be described as that creepy person watching, barely playing, but keeping close proximity to the gambler pushing more and more money into the bill acceptor. I see these types on a regular basis, or should I say, whenever I play somewhere. They're also smart enough to get out, enjoy a beer or whatever liquid beverage they choose and see how the games look before shoving a week's pay down the throats of the hungry one-armed monsters. They're the consummate gambler, the ones looking for a win, supplementing their incomes when they can, and trying to stay ahead of their investment.


Timing goes along with everything. Timing, much like any avenue in life, is key to success. Writing the perfect article on this platform and is published at the exact right time can mean you're getting a lot of exposure. If it's timed wrong or published at the wrong time, it's no longer of any interest to prospective readers. Being at the right place, at the exact right moment, can put the winning Powerball ticket in your hands. The same goes for gambling. When a fresh deck has just come out on a table, when there's been a steady string of players on a machine and no jackpots won, late into a long weekend of people out enjoying themselves, are the best times to play casino games. Even the smaller gambling businesses have great times to play and times of the month that are not so great. In the summer, during the warmer months, the last ten days of the month are ideal for slot players in small areas. So, if you're a gambler, or going to go gambling, pay attention to how things look. Following the trends and make sure if you're going to bet big, you're timing is perfect.

The Mystery Component

Belief and luck. You have to believe it is possible to win if you want to win. To haphazard throw money into a machine just because you want to win is not going to do it, it just doesn't work that way. The human instinct is as good a tool as any. At any time in my life, and I have heard this from others, if you put negative energies into the world, then negative energies are what comes back to you. The most positive people I know are also the luckiest people I've ever seen. If you pay attention to your friends who live happy lives versus the ones that seem miserable, which ones find those strokes of luck more often.

At the day, luck is a fancy way of saying you believed it was possible, went out to "do your thing", and put the skills and knowledge you have to work for you and it all paid off. You basically make your own luck in the world that's all there is to it.


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Copyright: Jason Morton 2021


About the Creator

Jason Ray Morton

I have always enjoyed writing and exploring new ideas, new beliefs, and the dreams that rattle around inside my head. I have enjoyed the current state of science, human progress, fantasy and existence and write about them when I can.

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