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What Is Careprost Eye Drop, Uses, Benefits, and Aftereffects

Careprost eye drops are an ophthalmic medication prescribed by dermatologists for treating open-angle glaucoma and enhancing eyelash growth.

By Bruce WillPublished about a year ago 4 min read

You have arrived at the right page if your dermatologist recommended Careprost eyelash serum to you. Careprost eye drops are an established ophthalmic medication used for both glaucoma and eyelash development.

In addition to successfully treating open-angle glaucoma, the medicine also makes your eyes seem better by making them longer and fuller.

The primary ingredient in the eye drop is bimatoprost, which reduces intraocular pressure in the eyes and lengthens the growth phase of the hair follicle cycle to promote the growth of eyelash hair.

Table of Content

What is Careprost Eye Drop?

What is contained in Careprost?

Increase eyelash growth with Careprost

What adverse effects can Careprost cause?

How exactly should Careprost be applied to increase eyelashes?


What is Careprost Eye Drop?

Adults with glaucoma and excessive intraocular pressure can use Careprost Eye Drop to lower the pressure within the eyes. Too much eye pressure could harm your vision and even cause blindness. It works by facilitating fluid flow from the inside of the eye into the blood.

It is safe for both adults and children to use Careprost Eye Drops alone or in conjunction with other eye therapies to reduce pressure. To reap the greatest benefits, consistently take this medication as prescribed by your doctor. If you stop using it, your vision could be harmed by an increase in intraocular pressure. When using a bottle for the first time, never use one whose seal has been broken. If you wear contacts, remember to remove them and wait at least 15 minutes before putting them back in.

What is contained in Careprost?

The active ingredient in Careprost eye drops is bimatoprost (0.03%), a synthetic prostamide analogue that is used for treating glaucoma and lower intraocular pressure (IOP).

The container does not include an applicator, but a very fine eyeliner brush works just as well.

Additionally, they include purified water, sodium benzalkonium chloride, sodium phosphate dibasic, sodium chloride, citric acid monohydrate, and sodium chloride as a preservative. Hydrochloric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may also be added to modify the PH.

Increase eyelash growth with Careprost

Hypotrichosis, a condition in which eyelash growth is aberrant or insufficient to provide you with appropriate or enough eyelashes, is treated with Careprost eye drops (also marketed under the brand names Latisse and Lumigen). Bimatoprost, an artificial analogue (mimetic) of the naturally occurring prostaglandin chemical that is known to be involved in hair development and lengthens the active hair growth phase, is an ingredient in Careprost eye drops.

You can grow eyelashes that are longer, fuller, and darker than they were by using Careprost eye drops.

Now, buy Careprost online from one of the trusted online pharmacies i.e. HighStreetPharma for your eyelash growth solutions.

What adverse effects can Careprost cause?

The most commonly reported side effects are-

Red congested eyes (conjunctival hyperaemia)

Growth of eyelashes

Itching/ Irritation/ inflammation of the eye (conjunctivitis) and eyelid (blepharitis)

Sensitivity to light

Spike in coloring or pigment of the area around the eye

Visual changes

Eyelash darkening

Darkening of the iris

How exactly should Careprost be applied to increase eyelashes?

Use your Careprost eye drops (also known as Latisse and Lumigan) once every night by dabbing some on the base of each eye's top lashes. (A very fine eyeliner brush will do in place of the applicator that is not included.) Never use it on the lower lid. As touching other locations with Careprost eye drops may cause undesired hair growth, do not do so as well.

Make sure your face is clean, your makeup is off, and your contact lenses are taken out before administering your Careprost eye drops.

Make sure the eyeliner brush is clean before each application if you're using one as an applicator.

From the inner edge of your lash line to the outer part of your lash, draw the brush across the top eyelid border where the eyelashes meet the skin, after placing one drop of Careprost on the brush's tip

Use a tissue to blot any excess solution. There is no need to rinse your eye if any Careprost solution gets in it. The eye won't be harmed by this. After using the Careprost, wait five minutes before re-inserting your contact lenses. Make sure the bottle or brush tip doesn't come in contact with anything or your fingers in order to prevent the spread of bacteria that might cause diseases.

Within 8 weeks, you should start to see effects, and by 12–16 weeks, eyelash development should be at its greatest. Your eyelashes will regrow to their former state if you stop taking your Careprost eye drops within a few weeks or months. You shouldn't use Careprost eye drops for eyelash development if you use Careprost to lower your intraocular pressure or if you have glaucoma.


Anyone suffering from glaucoma and excessive intraocular pressure can use or buy Careprost online. Or if you are looking to grow your lashes this is a perfect solution for you as it will lengthen and thicken your lashes.


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