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What are 10 popular traditional Mexican games and what are their rules?

Mexican culture is rich in tradition, and this includes their popular games.

By Yogesh KumarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Mexican culture is rich in tradition, and this includes their popular games. These games are an essential part of Mexican culture and have been enjoyed for generations. In this article, we will discuss ten of the most popular traditional Mexican games and their rules.


Loteria is a game similar to bingo, and it is played with a deck of cards that feature images of various objects or characters. The caller picks a card from the deck and announces the name of the object or character on the card. Players then mark their cards if they have a matching image. The first player to fill their card calls out "Loteria!" and wins the game.

Toma Todo

Toma Todo means "take everything," and this game is similar to the game of spoons. Players sit in a circle and pass cards around until someone has four of a kind. That player then grabs a small object in the middle of the circle, and the other players must try to grab another object before it's taken.

La Pirinola

La Pirinola is a spinning top game that is played with a small wooden top that has six sides. Each side is marked with a different action, such as "take one," "take two," "put one in," "take everything," "put half in," or "do nothing." Players take turns spinning the top and performing the action that is indicated on the side that lands facing up.


Rayuela, also known as Hopscotch, is a game that is played on a grid drawn on the ground. Players take turns tossing a small rock or other object into one of the numbered squares on the grid and then hopping through the squares to retrieve the object. The game ends when a player successfully completes the course without stepping on the lines or losing their balance.


Piñata is a game that is played during celebrations, such as birthdays and Christmas. A piñata is a colorful paper-mache object filled with candy and toys. Players take turns being blindfolded and trying to hit the piñata with a stick to break it open and release the treats inside.

Serpientes y Escaleras

Serpientes y Escaleras, or Snakes and Ladders, is a board game that is similar to Chutes and Ladders. Players roll a die and move their game piece along the board, trying to reach the top before their opponents. The game features ladders that help players advance quickly and snakes that send players back down the board.

La Carrera de Sacos

La Carrera de Sacos, or Sack Race, is a game that is played during festivals and fairs. Players hop through a course while holding onto a sack that covers their legs. The first player to cross the finish line wins the race.

El Juego de la Oca

El Juego de la Oca, or Game of the Goose, is a board game that is played with a die and game pieces. Players move their game pieces around the board, following the instructions on the spaces they land on. The game features obstacles that players must overcome, such as bridges and wells.


Cascarones are decorated eggshells that are filled with confetti or small toys. During celebrations, such as Easter and Carnival, players crack the eggs over each other's heads, covering them in confetti and creating a colorful mess.


Trompo is a spinning top game that is played with a wooden top and a string. Players spin the top and try to keep it spinning as long as possible by pulling the string. The player whose top spins the longest wins the game.


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