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The skills that the third-level civilization of the universe should have to crack the secret of wormhole folding and crossing

Cracking the Secret of Wormhole Folding and Traversal

By dardani lennonPublished 2 years ago β€’ 6 min read

A sci-fi movie "Superspace Rescue Plan" launched by NETFLIX in 2022, although the Douban score is not high, but today we are not talking about movies, but the high-tech inside

The story takes place in 2050. For some reason, Adam needs to go back to 2018 to rescue his wife on a mission, but accidentally returns to 2022, where he and a teenager Adam embark on a journey that changes the future, and then what? Let's not talk about it, let's just talk about the wormhole crossing in this movie.

Question: There are currently two mainstream explanations for how UFOs in the universe span time distances.

One is that the aircraft has its own power, such as the use of superconducting electromagnetic power, light sail power, or plasma thrusters. According to scientists, these methods are all short-distance travel tools that can be achieved by human efforts. Some people say, These are too childish for higher civilizations.

The second category refers to the warped space-time category, which is also called passive flight mode, such as the warp engine theory (compressing the space in front of the aircraft to achieve the purpose of moving forward), which is somewhat similar to the Taoist shrinkage method, as people often see The arriving UFOs fly in violation of the laws of physics, which also refers to this.

The wormholes to be discussed in this article belong to the second category, and some people name this method "wormhole engines".

Before we start sharing, let's first understand what a wormhole is. Friends who are concerned about science know that the first person who proposed the concept of wormhole was Einstein, the first genius in physics who lived in the 20th century. According to Einstein's We can understand that there is a space-time network near each star. As the mass of the star increases, the distortion of the space-time network will become more and more serious, and those very massive stars die in the process of death. It will slowly collapse, then become a white dwarf, then a neutron star, and finally a black hole.

Friends probably know that as long as it is close to the black hole, it will be "eaten" by it. This kind of eating action will only make it heavier and heavier, and it will turn everything into its own mass. , when the weight is too heavy, the time-space network will be torn apart. What happens after it is torn?

According to Einstein and Rosen, the space-time that collapsed after being torn apart will connect with other space-times to form a wormhole (the academic name is Einstein Rosen Bridge), and enter the wormhole The object can travel through time and space. If this hypothesis is true, would you dare to try it?

Looking back at the historical process, before the 1960s, the mainstream black hole theory stated that a black hole is a collapsed singularity, a place where gravity is extremely strong. Once something is pulled in, it will eventually become a thin piece of paper. In 1963, physicist Kerr discovered a different type of black hole, which will always be in a state of high-speed rotation, so it will form a ring, if the object happens to be If it can pass through its center point, the object will fall out of the white hole on the other side, but where the white hole is, this is not accurate.

Time came to 1980, Thorne, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, in his hypothesis, he believed that wormholes could be created, but two conditions were required at the same time, first of all, there must be one Very huge positive energy is used to create the wormhole, and then after the wormhole is formed, it is necessary to find enough negative energy (matter) to support the wormhole, so as to ensure the absolute stability of the rapidly rotating ring in the middle.

It seems easy to say, but it can't be achieved in reality. After all, with the current strength of human beings, it is impossible to find a large amount of negative energy. So what kind of standard is it possible to create a wormhole?

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku once mentioned the term "Kardashov index 3", which is what we often call the third-level civilization of the universe (level 3 is a trillion times that of level 1). After reaching this index , the Planck-level energy can be easily grasped.

In our universe, there are currently four known forces, namely, gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force, and weak force, and beyond the scope of these four forces, it has reached the Planck level. Planck's energy level belongs to the big bang. Due to its outrageous size, it can only be a concept in the eyes of human beings on Earth.

There was once a science fiction novel, which was published in 1930. The book was called "The Star Maker". The author was Stapleton. Asimov, who proposed the three laws of robotics mentioned in our previous article, was a reference at that time. Stapleden's concept, according to the description of "The Star Maker", the protagonist in the book swims the universe in a dream. In the universe he swims, the more advanced the civilization, the more low-key it is. When I was a star, I suddenly realized that there are countless multiverses in the universe. The physical laws of these universes are not the same. Some civilizations can even "package" stars like the sun, and then do not waste a single bit of energy. Use solar energy.

Inspired by this novel, there is also a physicist named Dyson. Dyson believes that if human civilization can reach the Kardashov index level 2, the total output of solar energy will be very important for human beings. To that At that time, humans should be able to create a large cover to cover the sun to directly collect energy. The academic name of this spherical cover is called Dyson sphere.

If humans have the opportunity to reach this level, does that mean that there are already civilizations of this level in the universe?

Time came to 2015. In this year, scientists discovered a star (Tabby's star) 1,400 light-years away from the earth. Tabby's star was 1.43 times the size of the sun. That's why scientists noticed it Woolen cloth?

It's brightness. Scientists found that Tabby's star in 2015 was 22% dimmer than it was in 2013. You know, even if Jupiter passes the sun, it will only reduce the sunlight by 1%. In fact, Tabby's star has been dimmed by 1%. Not the first time scientists have discovered it, in 2011 it dimmed by 15%, and in 2017, Tabby's star dimmed again by 3%.

The first thing scientists thought of was, is there a planet 22 times larger than Jupiter in that solar system? Whenever I observe, the sun just happens to be blocked? But from the data, the height difference of 3%~22% of Tabby star can only show that this super planet will grow and shrink on its own, which is too unreasonable.

Other guesses include the initial stellar disk conjecture and the comet collision conjecture, but after scrutiny, experts found that it seems to be inconsistent with the actual situation, but what if Tabby was surrounded by a huge facility? As conjectured by Dyson Sphere, when the advanced civilization there uses this part of energy, it will cause the effect of periodic dimming of Tabby's star, but these are still speculations in the scientific community.

Since 1960, scientists at Fermilab in Chicago have also been scanning the sun. At present, they have scanned as many as 250,000 stars, but they have only found 4 suspected objects. James, who was launched into space in 2018. The Webb Space Telescope, one of its main tasks is to do infrared scanning (because the stars wrapped in Dyson spheres generate strong infrared waves), and they hope that they can make a breakthrough in the future.

What else do you know about the Dyson Sphere? You can comment and leave a message, I will organize and share it in future articles, see you in the next issue!


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dardani lennon

The question mark is the key to any science

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    dardani lennonWritten by dardani lennon

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