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why are we obsessed with red roses?

By FatePublished 9 months ago 7 min read

THE HAUNTING MELONCHOLY OF RED ROSES; why are we obsessed with them?

Whenever our eyes land on a red rose, we are in an instant, grasped by an irresistible compulsion to pluck it. We cut it off from the bush it spent its whole life growing in and bring it right up to our nose, inhaling its sweet fragrance. All at the cost of getting pricked by its thorns, but somehow it doesn’t bother us.

The history of the red rose is a tale woven through the annals of human emotions and symbolism. Across cultures and centuries, this crimson blossom has held significance beyond its mere physical form. It is said that the red rose's association with love and passion dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times, where it was linked to Aphrodite and Venus, goddesses of love.

Throughout history, poets and writers have employed the red rose as a metaphor for love, desire, and even sorrow. Its velvety petals have been a muse for verses that both celebrate and mourn the complexities of human emotions. From Shakespeare's sonnets to modern literature, the red rose has remained a steadfast emblem of the heart's deepest passions.

So, within the petals of the red rose lies a rich tapestry of cultural, emotional, and historical threads, each one contributing to the flower's enduring legacy as a symbol of love, longing, and the bittersweet dance of life itself.


Red roses also hold significant cultural value, and several stories and legends are associated with them. One such story revolves around Saint Valentine, who is believed to have used the red rose as a symbol of love and devotion. It is also believed that red roses became a part of Valentine's Day celebration, as Saint Valentine used to send a bouquet of red roses to his beloved before he was martyred.

It is said that in the second-century AD Greece, the rose was associated with the story of Adonis. It was believed that the rose is red because Aphrodite wounded herself on one of its thorns and stained the flower red with her blood.

In Christian symbolism, the red rose came to represent the blood of martyrs, a testament to sacrifice and devotion. The 15th-century War of the Roses in England saw the red rose become a symbol of the House of Lancaster, while the white rose represented the House of York. This duality of the red and white rose, intertwined in conflict, birthed a legacy of rivalry and unity.


Amidst the tapestry of life's fading hues, stands the red rose, a solitary sentinel of melancholy. Its petals, like drops of blood, whisper tales of love's fragile dance, echoing in the chambers of forgotten hearts. We are drawn towards red rose in love and we are drawn even closer when facing a heart break.

Each scarlet fold cradles a secret, a lament that speaks of longing and loss, as the winds of time carry away the fragrance of once-shared dreams. In the twilight's embrace, the red rose weeps for moments that slipped through trembling fingers, and for a love that became a haunting melody, forever echoing in the hollows of the soul.


The hidden meanings and symbolism behind red roses are fascinating. A single red rose signifies love and romance, while a bouquet of red roses signifies deep and abiding love. Crimson roses are also a symbol of courage, respect, and congratulations. Red rose signifies several meanings:

  • Love and passion
  • Sacrifice and Martyrdom
  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Beauty and Perfection
  • Unconscious beauty
  • Desire of Secrecy
  • Immortality
  • Hope
  • Passing of time


We see red rose being used for its magnificent symbolism in multiple stories, games and movies. Such is an example of the famous childhood fairytale “Beauty and the Beast.” It holds profound symbolic significance within the narrative. It serves as a central motif that encapsulates both the enchanting and melancholic elements of the story. The crimson rose is tied to the narrative of curse and time limits. The trapped rose further reminds us of the importance of inner beauty. We also see the reflection of love and redemption in it. Belle's willingness to see beyond the Beast's exterior and her growing affection for him are represented by the slowly falling petals. Likewise, the withering red rose parallels the Beast's internal struggle. It serves as a visual metaphor for his own journey of self-discovery, redemption, and personal growth.


My obsession with the red rose began in my childhood when I played a video game of the legend of “The Phantom of the Opera.” The Phantom who also goes by the name OG (Opera Ghost) leaves behind a beautiful red rose with a black silk ribbon tied to it for his love Christine.

In the shadowy labyrinth of the Paris Opera House, the elusive phantom inhabits the depths of the opera's catacombs, bestows this scarlet blossom as a token of his dark affections. The red rose becomes a poignant emblem of the Phantom's consuming desire for Christine, the opera's ingénue. Its petals, delicate yet vibrant, mirror the complexities of his heart, where love and torment are intertwined like the thorns that guard its stem. With each velvet fold, the Phantom offers a piece of his own tortured soul, a melody of passion that echoes through the opera's hallowed halls.

As Christine holds the crimson rose, she is enveloped in a mixture of fear and fascination, drawn to the enigma that is the Phantom. The flower becomes a bridge between their worlds, a fragile link between the realms of light and darkness, desire and danger. It speaks of a love that knows no bounds, a love that is as haunting as the music that captivates Christine's heart.

In "The Phantom of the Opera," the crimson rose transcends being a mere gift; it becomes a vessel for unspoken emotions, a reflection of hidden desires, and a silent witness to a story that unfolds in the dimly lit corridors of the opera house. Just as the opera itself carries themes of beauty, passion, and tragedy, so too does the red rose stand as a symbol of these same elements, forever entwined within the phantom's haunting melody.


The readers who love diving into the haunted universe of video games might be aware of one of the most terrifying games ever made; Amnesia The Dark Decent. Every time the player enters a different section of the castle they see some fragments of a story on a loading screen with a recruiting image of a rose lying on the ground. These fragments are in fact flashes of memories that the protagonist; “Daniel” is retrieving. The presence of the rose on the loading screen contributes to the overall sense of unease and mystery that the game is known for.

In the context of the game, the rose symbolizes the paradox of beauty and pain; this duality can mirror the juxtaposition of beauty and horror in the genre. Roses have a limited lifespan, which can symbolize the fleeting nature of life. In horror, this can amplify themes of mortality and the unknown. The presence of something beautiful like a rose catches us audiences off guard when it's presented against terrifying elements, creating a sense of unease and surprise. Because we see roses being commonly associated with emotions, particularly love. Introducing roses in a horror context can evoke complex emotions, adding depth to the narrative.

Over all, the atmosphere a simple red rose in a horror game creates is that of familiarity and unrest.


We saw how the red rose is bound to our soul and heart in numerous ways. It evokes deep emotion from the strange depths of our heart. A red rose against green captivates us, much like the haunting pull of love. It unsettles us, it lures us towards it, and this is the same fate we meet when we helplessly fall in love. Thus, gifting a red rose is the best way to communicate the complex feelings we get caught up in when in love.

Send a rose to a loved one and let them know about your true feelings. Click here.


About the Creator


just sharing my random thoughts and obsession with the symbolism of flowers.

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