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Social Distancing While Moving

Adapting to New Norms During a Move

By Lorraine Young Published about a year ago β€’ 3 min read

Moving can be a stressful experience under normal circumstances, but adding the need to maintain social distancing during a pandemic can make it even more challenging. I found myself in this exact situation in the year of the Pandemic (May 2nd, 2020) when I moved to a new apartment complex in the midst of Covid-19.

I had been looking forward to this move for months, but as the date approached, I began to feel more anxious about it. I was worried about how to keep myself and others safe while still being able to move all of my belongings. I spent weeks planning and preparing, making sure that I had everything I needed to maintain social distancing throughout the process.

On the day of the move, I woke up early and began packing up my belongings. I made sure to wear a mask and gloves at all times and to keep my distance from anyone else who was helping me move. I also had hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes on hand, which I used frequently to keep everything clean and hygienic.

When it came time to load up the moving car (my mothers friend car), I asked them and my sister who were helping me to wear masks and to stay at least six feet away from me at all times. We also made sure to take frequent breaks to wash our hands and to disinfect any surfaces we had come into contact with.

As we drove to the new apartment complex, I continued to wear my mask and gloves and to avoid any unnecessary contact with others. When we arrived, I was relieved to find that the apartment management had put in place several safety measures, such as limiting the number of people allowed in the elevators at one time and requiring masks to be worn in all common areas.

Over the course of the day, I slowly unpacked and settled into my new apartment. It wasn't the most exciting or enjoyable moving experience, but it was necessary to maintain social distancing and to keep myself and others safe during the pandemic.

Looking back on the experience, I realized that it had taught me a lot about the importance of adapting to new norms and finding ways to make the best of challenging situations. While moving during a pandemic wasn't ideal, it was still possible with the right precautions and mindset. It also reminded me of the importance of taking care of ourselves and each other during times of crisis.

In conclusion, my experience of moving while maintaining social distancing during the pandemic was a challenging but necessary one. It required careful planning, constant vigilance, and a willingness to adapt to new norms. However, it also taught me the importance of finding ways to make the best of challenging situations and of taking care of ourselves and others during times of crisis.

Despite the challenges of social distancing while moving, there were also some unexpected positives. For example, the slower pace of the move gave me more time to reflect on my life and my priorities. I also appreciated the opportunity to connect with my friends who were helping me move in a more intentional way, since we had to communicate more clearly and rely on each other more than usual.

In addition, the experience of moving during a pandemic made me more grateful for the small things in life. I felt grateful for the ability to have a safe and comfortable home, for the support of my friends, and for the knowledge that I was doing my part to keep myself and others safe during a difficult time.

β€œOverall, the experience of social distancing while moving was challenging, but it also taught me some valuable lessons and reminded me of the importance of staying positive and grateful in difficult times.”

πŸ˜‰ Lorraine Young


About the Creator

Lorraine Young

Hi πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ. My name is Lorraine Young and I am going to be posting articles about my life experiences with; nature 🏞️, seafood 🐟, animals 🐾, etc. πŸ˜‰

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