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Những câu chuyện giúp bạn khôn ngoan.


By Hoa NguyenPublished 5 days ago 16 min read
Những câu chuyện giúp bạn khôn ngoan.
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Niềm vui Khi một nhóm bạn trẻ luôn cảm thấy cuộc sống thật nhàm chán nên đã đi khắp nơi tìm kiếm niềm vui. Trên con đường tìm kiếm niềm vui, họ gặp rất nhiều rắc rối, buồn bã và đau khổ nên họ đã đến hỏi. SR Niềm vui cuối cùng ở đâu, thưa thầy? Tại sao chúng ta lại đi tìm niềm vui? Nhưng chúng ta chỉ nhìn thấy những điều không vui và chúng cứ thế tăng lên. s nói trước, hãy giúp tôi đóng một chiếc thuyền nhóm thanh thiếu niên tạm thời. Làm lại việc tìm kiếm niềm vui, tìm kiếm các công cụ đóng thuyền, dành 49 ngày làm việc chăm chỉ, họ đã hoàn thành việc đóng chiếc thuyền độc mộc. Khi hạ thủy, họ đã mời CR lên thuyền và cùng nhau leo trèo và hát. s hỏi mọi chuyện thế nào. Bạn có vui không? Nhóm bạn trẻ đồng thanh trả lời rất vui. S nói niềm vui là như vậy. Đó là sự bận rộn có mục đích rõ ràng và nó cũng rất bất ngờ. Hãy tin vào chính mình. CR đã chết rồi, hãy học đi . Có một câu nói ở Hy Lạp cổ đại rất nổi tiếng rằng mọi người, già trẻ đều biết tin vào chính mình, nhưng câu nói này bắt nguồn từ đâu? Câu chuyện như thế này: Vào những năm cuối đời, người ta biết mình còn bao nhiêu thời gian. Tôi không có nhiều thời gian, nên tôi nghĩ cách thử nghiệm chất lượng học tập của mình mỗi ngày. Một ngày nọ, anh gọi học trò đến bên giường và nói: "Nên của tôi sắp cháy rồi. Hãy lấy một cây nến khác và cắm vào đó. Em có hiểu ý tôi không?" Rõ ràng là trí tuệ sâu sắc của trò chơi học thuật sẽ được truyền lại sau này. Nhưng với con người chậm chạp nói chung, tôi muốn tìm người kế nhiệm thông minh nhất, người đó không chỉ có trí thông minh vượt trội mà còn tràn đầy đức tin và lòng dũng cảm. Phi Phạm, nhưng đến giờ tôi vẫn chưa tìm thấy người này, anh có thể giúp tôi tìm được người như vậy không? Vâng, thầy ơi, học trò nói rằng tôi nhất định sẽ dùng hết sức mạnh của mình để tìm anh ấy, không phụ lòng tin và lời dạy của thầy Sóc. Mỉm cười không nói gì, người học trò chân thành và cần cùng đó không sợ khó khăn và gian khổ, đi khắp nơi để tìm kiếm, nhưng tất cả những người anh thấy đều bị sóc CR khéo léo từ chối một lần. Khi học sinh vừa trở về từ một Sau một chặng đường dài, thầy Tiến đã đến trước giường bệnh của SR SOCR đang trong giai đoạn nguyên kịch. Ngay khi nhìn thấy bài học sinh của mình bước vào, thầy đã nắm tay cậu và bảo cậu ngồi xuống, rồi vỗ nhẹ vào vai cậu. Vàingày qua đã rấtdifficult for him. But the people I find are not as good as me. I will definitely work harder than the student who earnestly said that I will search from all cities to the countryside. Even if I have to travel all over the world, I will still find excellent people. Best brought here Recommended for teacher SR smiled without saying anything half a year later SR was exhausted and needed to tell death but the best person still hadn't seen the student who was extremely embarrassed with tears falling from his eyes sitting next to the bed The disease of self-blame is really not for the teacher. You have disappointed him. I am the one disappointed. But you should apologize to yourself, squirrel gr. Having said this, he was disappointed and closed his eyes. He paused for a long time before mercifully speaking. The most outstanding person is you. It's just because you don't have self-confidence that you don't dare to let yourself be nominated, causing yourself to miss the opportunity to say a sentence without finishing a sentence. The great morologist has left the world forever. In fact, Everyone is a Yu, the most important thing is that you have to have confidence in yourself, always let yourself be respected and use yourself three great donkeys, g care gr Greeks, leisurely going out for a day with a long-time friend. walking happily and chatting, suddenly an angry-looking young man appeared, took a stick and hit him in the leg, then ran away. Seeing that, his friend immediately turned back and wanted to find the other young man to talk to, but the philosopher stopped him. But you don't let him take revenge? Are you afraid of him? The friend was surprised and asked the philosopher, "You think I'm afraid of him? Why not? There's no such thing. Why should I be afraid of him?" The friend doubted him. I hit you, why don't you dare to hit Tra? At this time, squirrel gr smiled and replied, my friend, you are so confused. If a donkey kicks you once, you would also want to kick it back. Why did four choose you one day? Three of his disciples came together to ask how to find his friend. Ly Tuong did not answer but told them to go to the field to choose. Pick the biggest rice flower. The first disciple just took a few steps and saw a medium-sized rice flower. As soon as it was beautiful, he immediately picked it, but as he continued walking up, he saw many flowers that were bigger than the ones he had just picked. He regretfully walked all the way. The second person learned from experience. Every time he saw a big flower, he wanted to pick it. silently thinking that there are many bigger and more beautiful flowers ahead, but when the distance is almost over, he discovers that the opportunity is gone. The third person learns from the experience of the previous two people. After the first third of the journey, he considers and classifies them. The next 1/3 of the way to check if it is correct or not and for the remaining 1/3 of the way he chooses a large and beautiful flower among the big flowers. Although it is not necessarily the biggest rice flower. The farmer and the gambler went to a restaurant, each chose a place to sit, and the gambler ordered a dish of vegetables, a bottle of wine, and a dumpling. He drank the entire bottle of wine and ate two dumplings and the vegetables only moved a few chopsticks after eating and drinking. He was drunk. He took out a hundred dong and paid it to the waitress. Then he stood up and went. The waitress called. Sir, wait a minute. I'll give you the rest. 10 dong, the gambler said, no need. That's money for the farmer. He ordered a vegetable dish, a soup dish, a bowl of rice, and the vegetable soup. The last thing left was a lump of rice. He put it in the vegetable dish. The oil in the vegetable dish was okay. cleaned up last, that lump of rice was put into the farmer's mouth and he called her, she still hasn't given me two coins back, sate's student. Observing all the students said that this farmer was stingy and that man was really stingy. generous squirrel gr said the farmer's money was exchanged from sweat and tears and what did the other person's money have? The six arts of conversation squirrel has the habit of going to the crowded markets in Athens to talk or argue with everyone Grandpa has very special ways to spark a conversation or debate once squirrel CR still came to the market as usual and he asked a person in the market "Excuse me I have an unclear problem Sir Just to help, everyone says that living in the world requires morality, but I don't know. In the end, what is morality? That person's answer is to always be honest, loyal, and upright. If you cheat and lie, you will be considered a person who doesn't have any. It's like you don't understand and ask again. Why is it that on the battlefield, generals always find thousands of ways to deceive the enemy? Deceiving the enemy is moral. But deceiving one's own people is not moral. SR responded. Suppose our army was surrounded by the enemy. The general saw that the morale of his soldiers was falling and tricked them into coming reinforcements to courageously move forward, thus breaking the siege and winning complete victory. Is that considered ethical and just? That person said that in dangerous situations on the battlefield, it is necessary to do so, but in everyday life, doing so is not ethical. CR continues Question If your child is sick and refuses to take medicine, in this case, parents often tell their children that the medicine is very sweet. That's why they take it and get cured. It's not ethical. Why should that person admit it? Mom did the right thing, it can't be considered unethical. S felt dissatisfied and said just now you said lying is a person without ethics. Now you say lying is also ethical. Saying like that, you can't bring up lying. to determine morality. In the end, what is morality? Please tell me. The other person thought for a moment and then said that a person who does not know what morality is cannot do anything ethical. Morality can only be done when you know it clearly. Only now did SR feel satisfied with that answer. He smiled and pulled his hand. You are such a great philosopher. Thanks to you, I learned. is morality. Finally, I understand the problem that I have been skeptical about for a long time. I sincerely thank you. This is the art of talking through questioning and taking examples in each specific situation to perceive the problem. comprehensively B just bend down Jesus took First Peter while traveling on the road and saw an old and worn iron horseshoe Jesus told Peter to pick it up Unexpectedly Peter hesitated to bend down and pretend not to hear Jesus Without saying anything, he stooped and picked up the horseshoe, exchanged it with the iron worker nearby, got three coins and used that money to buy 18 cherries. The two of them continued to walk across the vast wilderness. God guessed what Peter was doing. He was so thirsty that he quietly dropped a cherry from his sleeve on the street. Peter saw it and quickly picked it up to eat. As he walked, he threw it. Peter bent down to pick it up 18 times, so he smiled and said to Peter. Just now you just had to bend down. If you go down once, you wo n't have to bend over so many times. If you do n't do the small things, you'll have a hard time doing the smaller things. Not knowing how to stoop or stoop at least is a mistake, but stooping down in front of someone who humiliates you is just stupid. We will feel a bit tired when we bend down, but if farmers don't bend over, how can they harvest eight efforts? A couple goes to the theater to watch a famous play that revolves around the time of God. Jesus was in trouble when the play ended. They went backstage to ask about the person playing Jesus. While talking to the main character, they noticed a very large wooden cross kept in a corner of the room, which was a prop during the performance. The main character was hung on the husband and told his wife to take a photo of him carrying the cross. After speaking, he walked to the cross and lifted it up. He was very surprised. The cross was very heavy beyond his imagination. When he lifted it up, he had to use all his strength to move a few steps. After a while, exhausted, he dropped the cross and sat down, panting. He turned his head to ask the actor. I thought it was empty and light. Why? You made the cross so heavy. The actor said, "Sir, if the weight of the cross is too light, I won't be able to play this role well." The last dinner I heard that Leonardo went to Van Xi when he painted the famous painting at dinner. Last night I saw a drunk young man praying in the Cathedral of Milan. He had bright eyes and a gentle and honest face. Leonardo came to Vanh x asked him to be the model for drawing Jesus. Many years after the painting This was not yet completed. One day, he passed by a small pub in a poor neighborhood and met a person with extremely cunning and cunning eyes and a greedy face. His whole body smelled of alcohol. He finally found it. to find someone who is completely compatible with you, that is the copy of the traitor judas who sold out god Leonardo g vsi used a little money to invite that person to the gallery when that person showed the pose Leonardo suddenly appeared x Ask them We met each other after a moment of contemplation and that person was right. A few years ago I was the version of Jesus in your painting 10 Blessings and the painting of an explorer bringing a porter to explore a deserted land. Vu while cutting down trees to wash, because he wasn't careful, he cut off a tip of the finger of the man standing next to him and immediately cried out, God is about to bless him. The explorer heard the man say that and was extremely angry immediately. Pushed Anh Phu into a deep hole and continued alone. On the second day, the explorer was captured by the Aborigines when they were about to behead him as a Sacrifice. Suddenly, someone saw that he was missing a finger and thought it was a Sacrifice. If the gods were not intact, it would bring bad luck, so let him go. The explorer quickly returned to the hole to save the man and apologized to him. There was no need to apologize. It was also God's grace to push me down here. Why did the adventurer say that? The explorer asked in surprise. Because if I had gone with you, I would have probably become a Sacrifice for that tribe. 11 scientists and the Red Lai, one scientist went. Red crossed the river on the boat. He chatted with the red driver. Do you understand what literature is? The scholar asked the red driver. No. The scientist asked again. What about history, zoology, botany, and human? The red driver still shook his head. The scholar sarcastically said that he didn't understand anything. It was true that the price of clothes, bags of rice, and black clouds came from somewhere. The sky suddenly turned dark. The waves and winds roared loudly. The boats changed islands as if the house was about to be overturned. The scholar was scared, his face turned pale. At this time, the boatman asked him if he knew how to swim. The scholar replied no. He knew everything, but he could n't finish swimming. The boat was hit by a wave and capsized. The scholar panicked and shouted loudly. The person who came to save the red driver after saving him came to shore and smiled and said I don't know what you know. You said I was useless but you knew everything but could n't swim. So that's not as good as me. I 'm afraid you've become The 12 hawin rice bag rack and the coachman drove a cart full of goods and went through a muddy road for a while, then the wheels sank deep into the mud and the horses couldn't pull it up. Did the coachman stand there ? If you know what to do, just look around and call out Athlete H Quin's name from time to time, hoping he will come to help. Finally, Hin will come. He told the coachman to put his shoulder to the wheel. Then he used the whip to whip the horse like So the horse will easily pull the wheel out of this mud, but if you just stand there calling my name, you won't be able to get out of here, and you won't expect anyone to come help you. It's better to help yourself. 13 diamonds A monk came to visit and told An Hord that if he had a diamond as big as his finger, he could buy all the surrounding land if there was a diamond mine with good resources. The donor could even help his son sit on the Emperor's Throne. Thinking about the value of the diamond, he couldn't sleep all night. The next morning, he immediately invited the monk to ask him again. The monk told the donor to find a stream flowing from a very high mountain and the diamond was mixed in the sand at the bottom of the stream, so An Ho Buddha Sell everything. He was determined to find the treasure. He searched and searched but still couldn't find it. Finally, he died in the coastal area of Spain. The person who bought An Ho Phat's house one day went to the small stream behind the garden and discovered it. In the sand at the bottom of the stream there was an object that emitted light. He picked up that glowing stone, took it home, and placed it on the kitchen counter. After a while, the monk came to visit again and saw the glowing stone on the monk's kitchen counter. he said this is a diamond An ha has come back has he not come back yet I discovered this stone in the back garden the homeowner replied 14 presidents and Lieutenant Colonel George Washington was the first President of America Today He is recognized as one of the greatest presidents in American history. He is not only strict with his subordinates but also loves them very much. There was an officer who ordered the soldier following him to leave a wind-damaged tree. The soldier blew down a very large tree that was blocking the road. The soldier tried to pull it and the officer just stood to one side and watched. At that moment, a stranger walked up and asked why he didn't help him. The officer replied. Oh, I'm a Lieutenant Colonel of the Army of General George Washington. The stranger smiled without saying a word and quickly ran over to help the soldier pull the stick. The Army Colonel felt strange and asked why he was helping the servant. Hey, the stranger said everything. Everyone in this world is free and equal. No one has the right to order him to do this. Lieutenant Colonel of the Army. Asked who he was. The Stranger replied to George Washington. At this moment, the Colonel of the Army blushed with shame. shame 15 happiness and two drops of oil A young man who wanted to find the secret of happiness did not hesitate to cross hundreds of mountains and thousands of rivers across the desert and finally reached the magnificent, dangerous city where the young man lived. The young man entered the city and saw many small businesses walking back and forth on the street, everyone happily talking to each other. In the central square, there was a concert team playing the piano and a table full of delicious food. The young man looked at it. When he saw the wise man, he immediately explained his purpose for coming here. The Wise Man gave him a tablespoon and put two drops of oil in it. Then he told him to take this tablespoon and walk around the city and told him not to spill the oil after that. When the young man returned to the wise man and saw two drops of oil in the tablespoon still intact, not a single drop was lost. The wise man asked him if he saw anything special on the road. The young man shook his head and said he was not impressed. Thai told him to go another round and remember to pay attention to every branch and blade of grass in the citadel. This time when the young man returned, he told him in detail everything he had seen but there was not a single drop of oil left in the spoon. Then the wise man said that true happiness is that you can see the whole world but can never forget the two drops of oil you hold in your hand. 16 Rivers can fly A river originates from a far away mountainous region Sticky rice flows through many rural areas and finally flows into the desert, just like the previous obstacles it had overcome. The river also wanted to try its hand at crossing the desert, but when it entered, it discovered that its water had changed. I lost it and tried many ways to find different paths but all were useless. The river was very sad and didn't know what to do because its destiny was to flow across this desert. At that moment, a sound came from the desert. ringing in his ears, the wind can pass through the desert, so can the river, but its water flow opposes that. The water just flows into the sand and disappears without a trace, so the wind can fly. It can cross the desert, you should use the most common way to move forward. If you can't go through it, it can't disappear and become a crash. Let the wind guide you to your goal, but I where to start let the wind absorb you River Don't want to use this method before now it has never been absorbed it doesn't want to lose your personality and change your own principles once you lose your flow The water is not sure if it can gather together to become a river anymore. The sand says the wind can help you do this. It lifts the water and carries it across the desert, then drops it back down. The water will fall in the form of consciousness. rainwater then those raindrops will gather into a river. Are you sure it will gather into a river? will it gather if you don't believe you will be isolated here and will disappear and if you are lucky you will It can only become a swamp. Even if it is a swamp, it will take many years. It absolutely cannot become a rive


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