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Tâm bớt suy nghĩ nhiều

Cuộc sống

By Hoa NguyenPublished 3 days ago 15 min read
Tâm bớt suy nghĩ nhiều
Photo by Peter Aroner on Unsplash

Bạn nghĩ có nhiều ích lợi gì? Nghĩ nhiều thì đau đầu. Nghĩ lâu thì mệt. Suy nghĩ vẫn còn trống rỗng, lúc đó mới lo lắng. Sao không tìm được việc gì để làm? Chúng ta chỉ có một cuộc đời. Một khi cuộc đời này kết thúc thì không thể quay lại được nữa. Một khi đã mất thì không thể tìm lại được. Thời gian của mỗi người rất ngắn. Cuộc sống đáng giá hơn tiền bạc, quý hơn vàng. Vậy nên đừng lãng phí, đừng nghĩ nhiều. Hãy trân trọng những gì trước mắt. Chỉ cần sống một ngày để biết thêm một ngày. Ngày qua ngày chúng ta biết cả ngày, chúng ta không thể đoán trước được một phút sau sẽ xảy ra chuyện gì, chúng ta không biết mình và người bên cạnh sẽ rời xa ai trước khi những người mình quan tâm hay những người quan tâm đến mình chỉ là duyên số trong cuộc đời này đã qua và không chắc rằng chúng ta sẽ lại gặp nhau, vậy nên nghĩ nhiều có ích gì ? Nếu quá mệt mỏi thì hãy nghỉ ngơi và cảm thấy mệt mỏi, sau đó hãy thư giãn. Những điều không như ý luôn hiện hữu trong cuộc sống. Những người nhìn bạn không thiện cảm và cũng rất vui vẻ. Đừng để ý đến những lời đồn đại, hãy nhẹ nhàng nhìn vào những trở nên e dè, biến lời đồn thành hành động, coi như thất bại trong việc học, rồi tiếp tục con đường của mình và làm công việc của mình. Ai mà biết được, không chỉ riêng bạn. Ai cũng phải lành, phải kiên cường, phải trải nghiệm và trưởng thành. Dù cuộc sống có mệt mỏi, chúng ta vẫn phải đối mặt với từng ngày, dù có khó khăn, chúng ta vẫn phải trải qua, vì vậy mỗi người trên thế giới này đều có những khó khăn riêng, vì vậy hãy bình tĩnh. Nhưng hãy cố gắng nói rằng cuộc sống không quá dài, không quá ngắn, không quá ngắn, được sống một ngày là một phước lành. Hãy trân trọng từng khoảnh khắc được khắc phục khi thời gian trôi qua, bạn sẽ không bao giờ trở lại thành một người không cần thiết nữa. Hãy nghĩ rằng bạn đúng khi ở trên đất. Một khi bạn di chuyển, mọi người đều phải di chuyển theo. Từ xưa, những người hành động như Đỉnh Lĩnh sẽ không có sự kết nối địa phương tốt đẹp, vì vậy ngay cả khi bạn có năng lực, bạn phải duy trì sự khiêm tốn thích hợp khi làm như vậy. Hãy làm tốt công việc của mình. Nếu nó là vàng thì nó sẽ lấp lánh ánh sáng. đừng quênCúi đầu cười khẩn thiết, cũng chú ý đến giọng điệu của bạn, đừng quên kiên trì, kiên nhẫn và đừng mệt mỏi. Nếu bạn quên, bạn phải yêu bản thân mình. Mộtcuộc sống đơn giản là cuộc sống hạnh phúc nhất. Là một người biết đủ luôn hạnh phúc vàgenerous. You can forgive everything. You can't think too complicated. If your mind is burdened with many things, it will be tiring for your mind. Remember to periodically erase all the people and things that are uncomfortable in your heart. If you can live one day, you are blessed. A day you need to cherish. Life is short, only a few decades, don't let yourself be. I have to regret and regret The sun rises in the east and is quiet in the west. It's sad to spend a day, but happiness also ends a day. Not paying attention to trivial things, mind and body are not comfortable. There are some things that if you know, Gently Let Go We will feel comfortable. There are some people who remember deeply. Remembering deeply is not necessarily happiness. Some suffering takes them lightly. In the end, it only helps us train ourselves for the undulating path of life, training ourselves to be a little more gentle with wind and rain. Life helps you keep a bright smile. Life is sympathy and understanding. The joy placed in your heart quietly dissolves and slowly spreads. Life does not exist but only results in the past that cannot be found again. But if I could go back, I would definitely no longer have Perfection. You don't need to admire the things that belong to others because as long as you try, you will achieve what you have. You don't need to brag because other people strive for those things. Effort can also achieve a little more happiness and a little less sadness, regardless of whether you are rich or poor, high or low status, shallow or deep knowledge. Just be happy every day, smile and feel tired as if nothing is living your life. The saint is as leisurely and free as the clouds in the sky. Emotions come and go, you are not an emotion. Why is Lam's heart broken when sad? Like a drop of sunshine. Fragile Falling afternoon sun. Sadness comes and goes so quickly. Why do I bring a lonely soul? I choose sincerity. and speak frankly because we understand that lying words that go against one's conscience are only used to temporarily deal with situations; only sincere treatment and sincere words can truly solve the root of the problem and Without leaving behind any disaster, we cherish love not because we are submissive, but because we do not have to throw away the good times between us. Choosing to be an honest person does not mean we are weak, but because we understand that honesty Goodness is the primordial nature of humans, the first element of nature. Goodness as a person should not choose the path of becoming evil. Evil people will definitely have retribution. We choose to be foolish not because we are truly foolish, but because we understand that when In the face of unjust misunderstandings and unfairness, you shouldn't compare. You're too calculating and just keep smiling. Quietly seeing that psychopaths sometimes pretend to be stupid, they're not really stupid. They just want to give the other person another chance. Choosing to yield does not mean that we retreat, but because we understand that One patience is nine good things. A little patience will lead to a peaceful life. If we step back a little, we will see the vast ocean and high sky. Choosing to forgive is not because we are weak, but because we understand. that Forgiveness is one of the best virtues in the world. It is never wrong. We choose to forgive. There is another reason, not because we do not stand firm, but because we understand that things should not be done. For the ultimate life inherently has many things. Whether we like it or not, they still exist. However, when facing life, our attitude towards life is the most important thing. Do n't let your heart get stuck in the midst of impermanence, sit awake with a smile that stretches to infinity in your behavior, you should also learn how to change your position and practice thinking for others. Normally, if you want to achieve something, you must first know how to give your wishes away. Sympathetic people need to have tolerance, want someone to care, so learn to respect, want others to respect, need to have self-esteem, work, so have sympathy. You think about having someone else's history, people will also care. When it comes to your friend's problem, if you are willing to help when the person needs it, there will definitely be a commensurate response. People who don't have the same body type can never fully understand each other. There are things that you feel are simple, but the other person I feel a lot of pressure, there are many things that people think are not worth mentioning, but my heart is careful not to forget that we are not them, so the perspective on the problem is not the same, the way of thinking is also many different, so when When interacting with others, the most difficult and most valuable thing is to know how to stand on the other person's stance and consider from there that you can take seriously the issues that they care about and then find the most gentle way possible for the two of you to communicate. The best situation for each other is for you to understand my enthusiasm, no matter how difficult it is, still want to help you fulfill your wishes. I know what you intend to express, but quietly and respectfully keep that feeling in your heart, no one can deny it. All over America, work is not always smooth sailing, so everyone has times when going back and forth for a long time can lead to misunderstandings. If you know how to change positions and think about it, troubles will be reduced honestly. Treating each other with love will deepen every day. We have to face so many unsatisfactory things, frustrations and situations that are beyond our control. If close friends can change those things, that would be great. But it's not always possible, so we need to learn how to get used to these things and accept them happily. Learn how to have more patience, tolerance, and generosity. Try to look at life. Your life and that of others will be more friendly and gentle, don't worry too much if you fail, let the past pass, focus on the present moment, there is no need to evoke unhappy and buried memories. yourself, learn how to meditate. Just meditating for a few minutes a day can change your life. Peace within will lead to peace outside. Usually people have goals. People who have goals worry about striving, people without direction just like to have fun because they don't know where to go. People with goals are always grateful. People without direction only complain because they feel the whole world is not good to them. If you have a goal, you can live alertly. If you have no direction, you just like to sleep because even if you wake up, you don't know what to do. Give life a dream, give a dream, give a path, give a direction, even if you fall, find it. If you get injured, find a way to heal. In life, only actions bring results. There is no sitting around, which Huy Hoang Tu criticized, it is a form of weakness. Trying is the attitude you should have in life. Life is a sure expression of strength. Do you want to be a weak person or a person with this strength? Your life teaches us that if we fail a lot, we will know the value of success. When we experience success, we will know the truth. The value of courage is that only when there are conflicts in the heart do we know the value of tolerance. Only when we have many ears and eyes, we know the value of generosity. Having met many different types of people, we can know the value of friendship and the Dharma. The preciousness of Humility and deceit is much, so we know the preciousness of sincerity, fame and fortune, and the preciousness of taking society lightly, only then we know the preciousness of Purity, and the value of many constraints, is the preciousness of freedom and suffering. It takes a lot of pain to know the preciousness of An Hand of Liberation. Every day we should learn to forget the things that make us unhappy, learn to leave the temptations that make us humble. As long as there is tomorrow, everything will still be fine. No matter how long a human life lasts, we should be grateful that we are alive and that we can feel the sweet flowers and fruits of this life, no matter how strong we are, there are times when we are weak and a gentle word is given to each other to revive us. Miraculous belief that there will be times when the soul is absent even though sitting at the top of success, happiness is love and understanding, so we need to share and sympathize. The ego often feels hurt when waiting for criticism and insults. Let it be sad. Don't run away. clinging When people praise me, I'm happy, I raise my head, I know that joy is enough, I still have many villages living in deep hurt or thinking about happiness, each wave of the sea of strawberries comes, Go in the middle of the Consciousness and then luckily follow the Water to Cross the Bridge. Let's return life to the sad sea. For the joy of silently watching the still river in the face of Love. Flowers, floating garbage, there is no self. Liberation. Liberation is separation from self. Look deeply into the heart of birth and death, find eternal peace, be angry. It's the instinct to control your emotions is your bravery. If you don't control your emotions, you will become a slave to your emotions. Saying everything out loud is not straightforward, but never blunt. Now learn how to consider before speaking. Our biggest mistake is to save all our bad habits and most negative emotions for our closest loved ones, don't let negative emotions show on our faces because It's a kind of demonstration that makes others hate you. If you can't even control your own emotions, even if you have the whole world, sooner or later you will destroy it all. You may never be able to control it. Now know that when you can't control your emotions, you say words that hurt others a lot. A good word can warm the winter. A bad word can cool the cold. In a month of your life, you will never know how much a forced word when you're angry can hurt someone else, even those closest to you. The more you grow up, the more you have to learn how to be tolerant and learn how to control your emotions. Don't let temporary emotions make you lose the person you love the most. The person who can fix your personality is the person you love. The person who can tolerate your personality is the person who loves you. Peace. Where are you? Is there a reasonable place far away from noise? Be quiet and be quiet in life's chaos and troubles if your mind is calm. Peaceful It is undeniable that everyone has times when they encounter troubles that make their mood worse, some because the pressure of life is too heavy, others because When things go unsatisfactory at work, some people use their own methods to neutralize negative emotions because they don't feel well. There are also some people who get mad and scream, even scold and hit people to vent their frustrations. Good and bad are mostly due to circumstances. People who get angry easily are because they are used to being pampered and only care about themselves without caring about not putting themselves in other people's situations to consider, which is frankly selfish. Normally, we easily getting angry with those close to us and treating them more rudely than with strangers, sometimes relying on the feelings they have for us and letting ourselves be mean to touch them a little makes us angry and demanding without thinking about the consequences it will cause. Hurting loved ones, one side enjoys their love and the other side constantly gets angry, not selfish, what do you call it? We need to look at our attitude and see if we should continue like that or not. Reality shows that only people who lack the ability to control themselves can easily get angry. We all understand that anger cannot solve the problem, we need to face the unsatisfactory situation, then calmly consider it and then try to find a solution. Temperament causes us to lose so many feelings, hurt so many people, and affect so many things. Once anger arises, there is no way to keep a calm mind to interact with people, nor can we work normally, even breathe. I also see that difficulties have no benefits at all, so don't think that the habit of getting angry easily is normal. A person who can't even control their own emotions only shows their selfishness and helplessness. Therefore, let's prove our bravery from the simplest characteristics. Every day, each person inherently contains pure goodness inside, which is also the morality of being human, the thing that makes us happiest, especially when we see them. Seeing others happy, eternal wealth is wealth in the soul. If you want to receive, you must know how to give. Perhaps if each person can set aside some quiet time for themselves to look back at their own hearts, then they will understand what life is. Only then will we know what to cherish, what is reality, only then will we know who we are and what we are looking for in this human world. The difference does not mean going up strongly but letting down slightly. Respect is not for above but for the truth. Beauty is not what attracts people, but those who stay live not by the face but by the way of life. Sadness is not due to the outside but is hidden inside. Happiness is not due to having too much but due to letting go. Being smart is not about creating big things but doing small things or not about being surprised but about being interesting. The measure of human life is not the length of life but the awareness and contribution to society. Sometimes it is not like the biological mother. or the afternoon of worrying and taking care of friends that Strictly teachers like. The challenge of forcing us to train until we are exhausted with all the social punishments sometimes teaches us that crying is not effective in warming up anger nor is it helpful. No matter what, Complaining is not a way to show pity. No one is hungry all the time. Society sometimes doesn't respect friendship. If you don't try, don't think about success. So when you're miserable, you have to try to swallow your tears and have to hide them. go Tired and hard, endure it because you don't believe that through the hot and cold situations of life, you can't throw away the bitter and the sweet. If you don't experience life, how can you fully understand life's love and silver? If you don't encounter sad and happy things, how can you see through the truth and falsehood of someone else? Who doesn't like this simple life? Who does n't want to be honest? Who doesn't want full happiness, but social reality makes us wake up and we can't help but change our skin so that society will not lack serious moments. harsh and cruel, so sometimes we don't have time to progress and are classified as backward, we are a little weak and are immediately pushed and knocked down. Suffering all the sufferings you have experienced will create a very different person for yourself, so if you have the courage, don't be afraid to have enough faith, just step out into society where there is a training environment to help us grow. So when you're angry, don't talk because you can't predict whether the words you say will hurt the other person or not. When you're not balanced, it's best to stay silent because every statement at this time will be contaminated. The heat of anger doesn't say anything nice. Being angry with the person you care about, the more you think about it. The more angry you are, the more you care, the more you despise, so make a clear distinction. If you can argue, it's best not to reason about your anger with unrelated people. Looking for trouble, taking the fault of others, torturing yourself, hurting yourself, only you, why do you get angry when you hear baseless rumors, being stabbed in the back, causing misunderstandings, being treated unfairly, not accepting To get the necessary respect, there are times when it is impossible not to be angry because happiness, anger, love, sadness are emotions that not everyone can control in life. If you are angry, you should stop the conversation to calm down and practice. Forget the pain, shoulder the responsibility, step over the mistakes and eliminate the pain, new jobs will expand more and more. Life will also become more open and gentle, remember the advantages of friends, then there will be more and more people around. When needed, always have powerful assistants who remember the strengths of their loved ones, reducing many arguments. The more passionate they are, remembering the advantages of their superiors, which reduces resentment. Knowing that when you give birth more, the future will naturally be brighter. Remembering the strengths of colleagues will reduce many work conflicts. Combining the golden rhythm will make your work more professional. Remember the strengths of others. Live with gratitude and good deeds will increase. Natural worries will also be less. Remember Quyet. Determining people's bad habits only makes you uncomfortable, makes you feel frustrated, makes life more tiring, but most people don't focus on other people's good points. Whenever you notice a little bad thing, remember it. Who are you? It's not much use. Self-centeredness has never made mistakes because of yourself. Just need a little sympathy and tolerance and you will see that they are nothing. Remember the advantages of others. In fact, the person with the greatest benefit is yourself. Remembering the good things of others will limit conflicts and not cause sadness. You remember the advantages o

Historicalrecoveryhow todepression

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