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Never move to the SF bay aera

Why the SF Bay Area especially the south bay is not a great place to be

By Christina EpperlyPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

I'm 33 years old and I have lived in the same place my whole eniter life so far. I live about an half hour from San Jose and the area I lived in has changed a lot over the years and not for the better. It has become over populated ridiculously expensive and fast paced. I know I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself so I will slow down and explain things a little better. Before the bay area tech companies really took off things seemed pretty normal here from what I can sremember. When I was gowing up the stores and the roads were not near as crowded and there were a lot less apartments and town homes around. Things seemed to move at an average pace. It was not like I lived in an empty town there were people around but it was not overwhelming like it is now. Obviously I did not have to worry about paying rent and buying food back whe n I was kid but I would be willing to bet that even when inflation is taken into account the cost of living back then was a lot lower. This area has become almost unlivable to the middle class. If you make an average amount of money the SF bay Area will make you run yourself ragged trying to cover all the basic expenses. However for some reason people keep on moving here to this area that is busting at the seams with people. Apartments are being build on ever spare piece of land that can be found. I honestly don't know what makes this area so attractive to people. Usually it is those that work in tech that want to move here but the thing is not everyone in this area can work in tech because people still need to buy food and fill up their cars with gas. However the people who work those jobs are getting driven out due to the high costs. Apartments are anything but affordable and most people have to have a roommate or five in order to be able to pay rent and eat. Many people are in love with the weather here but that would be an easy thing to give up in exchange for an affordable place to live that is not over populated but also not in the middle of nowhere. That use to be how this area was decades ago but now it seems comparable to New York City. The Bay Area is extremely fast paced. Everyone seems to be in a rush. No one seems to knows how to slow down and enjoy life anymore. It is all about getting ahead. The higher income people may be able to around to live here but they don't seem to be all that happy to me. In my experience even the high income people are stressed and can have a very short temper. The overall atmosphere of the area that I live in seems to be one entitlement. With the way things are overall in the San Francisco Bay area I do not understand why any one would want to move here. This area has nothing to offer other than beyond high rents and head ache causing traffic. Overrated does not even begin to describe how things are here. I have traveled a fair amount and there are many other areas that I rather be. If your thinking about moving here I would highly recommend that you come to visit and drive during high traffic times. Oh and I could do a whole post on this but just because our local schools have good test does not mean that they are good schools. Honestly, do not move here you will probably regret it unless you love traffic.

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About the Creator

Christina Epperly

Hello There ! I'm a blogger, writer and bucket lister! My bucket list has over 300 items on it. I am big believer in enjoying the little things in life. I also love collecting toys.

John 3:16

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