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Next Hollywood star?

By KING IFEOLUWA🖤Published 11 months ago 3 min read
Dream industry?🖤🌸

Growing up we all had that ONE celebrity we crushed on🌚. Or we at least pretended we were celebrities in front of a camera you know avoiding the paparazzi right?

Those 3am ‘pretend’ edits were you act like you are one of them…am I correct?

As lovely as it is to fantasize, there’s just too much attached. You feel? Or am I wrong?

Oh I wanna be a movie star! I wanna be a popstar! I want to be like KYLIE JENNER!! yeah yeah it’s all very lovely to imagine isn’t it? But it’s priceyness is nothing talked about enough.

Probably after this article, you would see from my lens or I would see from your lens. Shall we?🧚🏼💞💵

Okay let’s talk about: Journey of an Underrated Soul:Struggles of a Young Aspiring Celebrity✨✨✨💕💕💕✨


In the modern world, the allure of fame and recognition is stronger than ever. Countless young individuals aspire to make their mark in the spotlight, dreaming of becoming a household name and leaving a lasting legacy. However, not everyone is born into the limelight, and for the young and underrated, the path to fame is paved with numerous obstacles, challenges, and heartaches. This article sheds light on the struggles faced by these aspiring stars as they navigate their way through a cutthroat industry, striving to be noticed and appreciated for their talents.

The Battle for Recognition:

One of the most significant challenges faced by young underrated individuals is the constant struggle for recognition. In a world where the spotlight is often reserved for established stars, breaking into the industry can feel like an uphill battle. They must constantly prove their worth, facing countless rejections and disappointments along the way. This continuous cycle of self-doubt and resilience can take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being.

Financial Struggles:

Behind every aspiring celebrity's pursuit of fame is the financial burden that often comes with it. Pursuing a career in the entertainment industry may require significant investments in training, equipment, and self-promotion. The lack of financial stability can lead to anxiety and stress, as they strive to balance their dreams with practical necessities.

The Trap of Social Media:

In the digital age, social media has become a double-edged sword for the young underrated individual. While these platforms offer a chance to showcase their talents and build a fan base, they can also be a source of comparison and self-doubt. The pressure to curate a flawless online persona can be overwhelming, and the fear of not amassing enough followers or likes can negatively impact their self-esteem.

Navigating the Industry Politics:

The entertainment industry is notorious for its politics and favoritism, making it difficult for young and underrated talents to secure opportunities. Without powerful connections or a strong network, they may find themselves overlooked in favor of more privileged individuals, no matter how skilled or dedicated they are.

Handling Criticism:

The path to fame is paved with critics who often harshly judge every move a young aspiring celebrity makes. Dealing with criticism can be particularly challenging for the underrated, as they lack the protective shield of established fame. Negative feedback can shatter their confidence and make them question their chosen path.

Balancing Artistic Integrity and Commercial Success:

Striking a balance between artistic integrity and commercial success is a constant struggle for the young underrated individual. The pressure to conform to industry norms or cater to popular trends can lead to compromising their unique talents and visions, ultimately hindering their growth as artists.

Mental Health Impact:

The cumulative effect of these struggles can take a significant toll on the mental health of young aspiring celebrities. Anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy are not uncommon in this cutthroat environment. It is essential for them to find support systems and coping mechanisms to navigate the emotional rollercoaster that fame's pursuit can be.


The journey of a young underrated person trying to be famous is fraught with challenges and complexities. From battling for recognition to handling criticism and maintaining their artistic integrity, these aspiring stars face an uphill climb towards their dreams. However, their determination, resilience, and unwavering passion for their craft serve as a testament to their strength. As we witness the struggles and triumphs of these unsung heroes, let us remember that fame is not the sole measure of talent, and true success lies in the pursuit of one's passion, regardless of the spotlight's glow.

If you’re so determined you could overlook it right? Hopefully it doesn’t drown you. You ever since some big celebrities just go “I don’t wanna be famous no more” or “I just want to live a normal life”… I’ve always had a problem with those celebrities because I mean YOU ARE LIVING THE DREAM LIFE AND YOU ARE COMPLAINING!!??

But then we are not living it with them are we? I mean look at the Kpop stars and reality tv stars… what do you think of them?

Still wanna be a celebrity like them?

HumanityPop Culture

About the Creator


Twisted between words but never stuck. A magical being born to breathe life into blank spaces 🎀

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    KIWritten by KING IFEOLUWA🖤

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